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Jason Harris

"Comic Book" Movies: Info & Rumors

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The suit is going to really bother me. Seeing him breath and abs contract in CG just seemed a bit off. Other than that it looked good.

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The only decent character DC has is Batman... end of story....

Just you wait until they come out with a Blue Beetle movie.

That trailer is awful.

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The only decent character DC has is Batman... end of story....

When I read my comics it's always in ascending order, from lesser characters to the best. Batman is always read second-to-last. because I'll take Supes over anyone else.

lampliter, you're right, that trailer looks excellent.

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Cowboys looks good, GL is my most anticipated movie (huge GL fan) can't wait, I think the trailer was trying to appeal to a broader audience and also to the women fans of Ryan Reynolds and Blake Lively. I don't think it's really indicative of the movie. Kilowog is awesome. That is all ;)

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Thor trailer

Looks decent. It's hard to tell about the special effects. It seems that sometimes the special effects look better on a large screen, almost as though the eyes aren't able to take every thing in at once, so they gloss over inconsistencies.

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Thor trailer

Looks decent. It's hard to tell about the special effects. It seems that sometimes the special effects look better on a large screen, almost as though the eyes aren't able to take every thing in at once, so they gloss over inconsistencies.

Anything with Natalie Portman is a-okay with me

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Jason, the rumours are rampant that they will be going with the storyline from Prey for The Dark Knight Rises. I like it other than the fact we've seen Batman impostors already.

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Nolan will put his spin on it. I like that he's not going too over the top with villains for his last Bat-Flick

Tali Al Ghul will be awesome. Hopefully they don't hint at Damien at the end...

And I think Thor is going to be huge. Gotta get me a Mjlonir and Cap shield when they get released in the summer ;)

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Jason, the rumours are rampant that they will be going with the storyline from Prey for The Dark Knight Rises. I like it other than the fact we've seen Batman impostors already.

I'm reminding myself of my wife, Mack, who always asks me, "Did I like, I mean, sleep through this movie before??"

I can't remember if I ever read the Prey storyline, so I'll have to look it up on Wiki to see if it sounds familiar.

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Essentially a task force headed by Gordon is assigned to hunt down Batman and it ends up with Hugo Strange figuring out Batman's identity and screwing with him. Good creative team on that story.

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How into comics are you guys? What are your fav. reads?

Pretty much just have time to read the stuff I work on these days. That's a decent chunk of the Marvel characters with movies in the pipeline. Really not too familiar with anything DC post-90's in the comics. I still catch most of the comic movies, regardless of who puts them out, though.

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Sweet, I've got some issues of that. Do you work out of the bullpen? I've always wanted to see the inside of Marvel. I've met a few some of the talent there, a friend of mine reps Essad Ribic and Alex Maleev and when they make it out to SDCC they hang out at our booth. I've also met Joe Q a couple of times. As a side note I'd like to be a penciler someday.

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