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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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2008-09 Gear Sightings

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I don't think those are his tongues. I think it's the padding that many D-men are wearing to protect them from shots off the laces. Seems to be lots of people confusing those two around here lately.

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I'm not sure how Hunter plays but if that picture is an indicator of where he stands (infront of the net) then it definetly wouldn't hurt to have a bit of padding when you're standing head on infront of shots from the point.

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Nice skates on the first pic, guy to the left.

That's Gleason....I noticed them in person the other night when the played the Kings. They're bulletproof :)

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No one in the NHL will have the X60's this season. Definitly not before Bauer makes an announcement that their coming out. NHLers will prob start rocking them next summer.


Richard xxxx's look like vapor xxx's boot to me look closely around toe area

Doesn't mean anything. If they are wearing it, they will be wearing the internals of the 60 in a XXXX boot. You're simply not going to be able to tell, so I might as well end this little game before it starts.

i am not trying to start theories about the x-60 or aything like that. what i am trying to say is that those are 20's or 30's dressed up tp look like 40's you clearly see where the boot lingings meet the toe it not at an agngle but staright line like the older vapors. Malkin, Eric Staal, Rob Blake,Comrie,Richards have dressed up to look like the newer model.

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hky_guy, regardless of what they are doing, realize that they are wearing custom skates anyway. If a player wanted something similar to his XX, it can be done. You know how you see those 8000/8090s still out there with Supreme graphics?

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Nice skates on the first pic, guy to the left.

That's Gleason....I noticed them in person the other night when the played the Kings. They're bulletproof :)

Been wearing em for over a year and a half now.

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hky_guy, regardless of what they are doing, realize that they are wearing custom skates anyway. If a player wanted something similar to his XX, it can be done. You know how you see those 8000/8090s still out there with Supreme graphics?

I wish I saw them over here more often

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I remember his white Tacks and Blue Tuuk C+'s when he was playing with the Habs....I loves me those blue Tuuk C+'s!

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I remember his white Tacks and Blue Tuuk C+'s when he was playing with the Habs....I loves me those blue Tuuk C+'s!

Pretty flashy set up for a very unflashy player. I was looking for some old pics...but couldn't find any with decent shots of his skates...some from Dallas, but no Habs.

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I remember his white Tacks and Blue Tuuk C+'s when he was playing with the Habs....I loves me those blue Tuuk C+'s!

Pretty flashy set up for a very unflashy player. I was looking for some old pics...but couldn't find any with decent shots of his skates...some from Dallas, but no Habs.

Here you go


Beat me to it.

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I would kill for a pair of Penner's Easton 4 rolls or Moreau's NBH Pro 4 rolls in the classic Edmonton colors that they are wearing tonight against the B's.



Both pics from the Avalanche game but they are wearing the same gear tonight.

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