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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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2008-09 Gear Sightings

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I'm more interested in the new Flexlites anyway. I assume they're quite a few months away from being released to us peons?

April 10th

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If he's wearing the X:60s, what does it matter? Guys have used mules in the NHL for years - there's really no point in speculating.

No I know, I saw them already I just thought with this guy hanging out at the bottom of your post :ph34r: and the guy upside down thats all. You're right. My bad.

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If he's wearing the X:60s, what does it matter? Guys have used mules in the NHL for years - there's really no point in speculating.

No I know, I saw them already I just thought with this guy hanging out at the bottom of your post :ph34r: and the guy upside down thats all. You're right. My bad.

Who said I was talking about the skates? :ph34r:

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hmm :ph34r:

the McDonalds ad maybe? :ph34r:

My guess is Ovechkin's blacked out stick.

or him wearing V08 pants

Ovechkin using a Warrior stick maybe? New Balance must have deep pockets with the boys at Warrior reaching in by the handful to win over all these top names (even if Ovechkin isn't in Warrior it still holds true).

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If he's wearing the X:60s, what does it matter? Guys have used mules in the NHL for years - there's really no point in speculating.

No I know, I saw them already I just thought with this guy hanging out at the bottom of your post :ph34r: and the guy upside down thats all. You're right. My bad.

Who said I was talking about the skates? :ph34r:

No thats what I thought. I thought wrong lol.

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