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***OFFICIAL*** Bauer purchasing Mission-Itech

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Speaking of the inline side of this deal, I am curious to see the impact this will have with the roller crowd. There are tons of Mission 'sponsored' teams, I wonder if Bauer will continue this support going forward. I know 'sponsored' usually means discounts on buying of bulk equipment for youth teams, but there are a few Narch Pro teams who are Mission teams, be interesting to see what happens to them next summer.

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I know this isn't the number one concern for board members or Bauer but it would be nice if this consolidation could free up a little cash for youth programs in non-traditional markets or maybe some kind of entry level gear price drop.

Personally I think you can do hockey for kinda cheap but i know not everyone would agree, what hockey needs in my opinion, is new players from new markets.

You want to grow the game, do it via inline. Ice is going to be expensive until rinks can find a way to lower their utility bills.

I've been saying that for a long time now, for both growing the game domestically and into emering markets. The grassroots level needs support from both involved individuals and manufacturers. Mission and Tour are the two companies that ALWAYS show up for the tournament series, so this acquisition could put Bauer in a very good spot to affect that type of change

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Is inline really the best way to grow the game? I understand that there are significantly lower costs involved, but it seems to me like a lot of inline players have a dislike/distaste for the ice game and vice versa. I'm not sure how growing just one side of the game would create crossover appeal.

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I understand all that. I'm not really talking about producing quality players, more about producing people who take a deep interest in the game and follow it at many levels on both the inline and ice sides. I just wonder what the best way to do that is?

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Is inline really the best way to grow the game? I understand that there are significantly lower costs involved, but it seems to me like a lot of inline players have a dislike/distaste for the ice game and vice versa. I'm not sure how growing just one side of the game would create crossover appeal.

More people playing hockey is a good thing, regardless of the surface. You will always have attitudes and egos, just like you do between travel and house programs or school and travel programs on the ice side of things.

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It's be funny as hell if the first product released with just Bauer name is actually a re-branded Mission or Itech product. :lol:

I'm pretty sure you won't see any changes to equipment until about this time next year so I doubt that would happen. Bauer and Mission/Itech are just about done putting the final touches on their respective equipment lines for next season. There isn't time to rebrand and when it does happen, I believe it will be a gradual process. It won't just be hack and whack with mission.

The question is if they will at least allow their dealers to sell through before dumping the product on the online warehouses.

I can see next years Bauer offerings(new vapor skate, new supreme protective) having the usual two year life cycle. When in comes to Mission/Itech, they never let dealers sell through to begin with so thats doubtful. It is gonna be a guarenteed horrorshow for some. Luckily the shop I work at doesn't stock mission sticks, skates or protective. It might have its niche markets where it is popular but up here in New England, Missions market penitration is non-existant.

From a shop standpoint, I see the merger as very beneficial. Bauer improves some of their weakpoints(facial protection, goalie protective, thats about it) and some mission technology will be brought to a wider market.

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It's be funny as hell if the first product released with just Bauer name is actually a re-branded Mission or Itech product. :lol:

I'm pretty sure you won't see any changes to equipment until about this time next year so I doubt that would happen. Bauer and Mission/Itech are just about done putting the final touches on their respective equipment lines for next season. There isn't time to rebrand and when it does happen, I believe it will be a gradual process. It won't just be hack and whack with mission.

The question is if they will at least allow their dealers to sell through before dumping the product on the online warehouses.

I can see next years Bauer offerings(new vapor skate, new supreme protective) having the usual two year life cycle. When in comes to Mission/Itech, they never let dealers sell through to begin with so thats doubtful. It is gonna be a guarenteed horrorshow for some. Luckily the shop I work at doesn't stock mission sticks, skates or protective. It might have its niche markets where it is popular but up here in New England, Missions market penitration is non-existant.

From a shop standpoint, I see the merger as very beneficial. Bauer improves some of their weakpoints(facial protection, goalie protective, thats about it) and some mission technology will be brought to a wider market.

Now where have I heard that before? :unsure:

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Are we really back here again? The whole reason Nike bought Bauer was speculation on the inline market, and it didn't happen (at least not within Nike's timeframe). Until someone can more closely approximate the steel-ice dynamic without involving water or freezing temperatures, it just won't happen on a big scale. I'm sure Justin Williams has a general skillset that he can move between both, but the same could be said for Grant Fuhr as a catcher.

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Are we really back here again? The whole reason Nike bought Bauer was speculation on the inline market, and it didn't happen (at least not within Nike's timeframe). Until someone can more closely approximate the steel-ice dynamic without involving water or freezing temperatures, it just won't happen on a big scale. I'm sure Justin Williams has a general skillset that he can move between both, but the same could be said for Grant Fuhr as a catcher.

There's a difference between expecting exponential sales increases in a market you believe will develop and purchasing a segment leader. Mission inline is the biggest player in the market, just like Itech is the biggest player in facial and very good in goal.

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Are we really back here again? The whole reason Nike bought Bauer was speculation on the inline market, and it didn't happen (at least not within Nike's timeframe). Until someone can more closely approximate the steel-ice dynamic without involving water or freezing temperatures, it just won't happen on a big scale. I'm sure Justin Williams has a general skillset that he can move between both, but the same could be said for Grant Fuhr as a catcher.

Unlike when Nike bought Bauer, Mission HAS inline market dominance, more and more young pros grew up playing the inline game before becoming crossover players, and the market is not in any type of boom as it was in the early and mid 90's to speculate over. In order to grow in a declining economy, the entry cost has to be low and ice CANNOT provide this. Add to this that Bauer's largest rival is number 2 in the inline market, so clearly there's something to it.

Bauer buying Mission-Itech could prove fruitful on so many levels and this is one of them.


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Inline hockey is a global sport already well established after 10+ years. Mission owned the category. The people at Bauer will not be making the same mistakes twice. These guys have a damned good idea of what they are doing!!

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Guys, let's be honest here.

Inline is a very small market, and if you believe that this deal is because of inline then you are sadly mistaken.

There are more ice facilities in FL than inline, BY FAR.

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there's an even spread of inline and ice here, many people playing both. Granted I think Colorado is a hotbed for inline despite the nasty winters we can have, there's plenty of really nice days that the outdoor inline parks are full of all ages for hours on end with no fees to play.

There are pockets where it is important, and will continue to be so with declining economic conditions due to price and availability alone. I wouldn't discount it as part of the whole package, but I certainly wouldn't say it's the sole reason either

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Latest I was told was that the Itech name is going away, but not sure if they are going to do what RBK did and make the goal stuff Bauer by ITECH. Also was told that the mission name was going to stick at least for a little in the Roller market. Now all I need is for Bauer to open us up as Mission-Itech was our biggest account.

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Guys, let's be honest here.

Inline is a very small market, and if you believe that this deal is because of inline then you are sadly mistaken.

There are more ice facilities in FL than inline, BY FAR.

The inline side of the industry (not product) has been managed terribly. Turf wars don't help the industry.

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Latest I was told was that the Itech name is going away, but not sure if they are going to do what RBK did and make the goal stuff Bauer by ITECH. Also was told that the mission name was going to stick at least for a little in the Roller market. Now all I need is for Bauer to open us up as Mission-Itech was our biggest account.

Its going to be tough, with the Ice House not even a mile up the road. Heard any news about the possibility yet?

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Latest I was told was that the Itech name is going away, but not sure if they are going to do what RBK did and make the goal stuff Bauer by ITECH. Also was told that the mission name was going to stick at least for a little in the Roller market. Now all I need is for Bauer to open us up as Mission-Itech was our biggest account.

Its going to be tough, with the Ice House not even a mile up the road. Heard any news about the possibility yet?

May have to move a little farther away.

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If you're acting this way now, wait til you hear about what's happening with the brand in your avatar.

Eagle is gonna go bankrupt now or something?

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Here's the first set of questions between me and Steve Jones, who is the Director of Communication at Bauer -

How did the two parties meet/decide to talk about consolidation?

Unfortunately, I can not comment on specifics of how the deal came to fruition, but I can say that it was something that has been in the works for quite some time. Obviously the acquisition creates an exciting opportunity for Bauer Hockey and strengthens our overall position in the market by adding Mission-ITECH’s product leadership in key categories such as goal, facial protection, protective apparel and roller hockey. Clearly those are all categories that Bauer has not excelled at in the past and this acquisition will only help us provide a comprehensive – and proven – product line across all categories.

What was the price?

As Bauer and Mission-ITECH are two private companies, the purchase price is not disclosed.

Will any of MIH's executives will be employed by Bauer?

We are still working through the final integration plans including organizational structure.

Do you expect technologies to be shared? Is Bauer looking into bringing some of those key employees from MIH?

Again, we are finalizing the full integration plan as it relates to product assortment and the organizational structure. That said, Mission-ITECH has developed several technically-advanced products and we are excited to see how we can maximize the innovation of Mission-ITECH with Bauer Hockey’s unmatched commitment to Research, Design & Development.

Does the Mission name stay in inline, and do those employees in California stay a board?

While we finalize the go-forward product assortment for ice hockey, we do know that the Mission Roller Hockey brand will be carried forward. They are the leader in the category and the brand is extremely strong. We will leverage their experience with the roller hockey consumer and their in-depth product knowledge and fuel it with the Bauer product and marketing engine to amplify the brand’s position in the market. We will continue to operate Mission’s facility in Irvine, Calif.

Does the Mission name stay in ice?

We are still finalizing the overall product and branding strategy, but over time we anticipate re-branding Mission-ITECH ice hockey products that we carry forward as “Bauer”. We have also made the difficult decision to eventually cease the development and production of several Mission-ITECH ice hockey products including the majority of skates, sticks and protective. While there may still be dealer-specific opportunities with the Mission and ITECH brands, we will most likely not continue the full product offering in the future. Again, all of this will take time. We expect these product transitions to begin with the 2009 season.

Has there been a decision on the sales force in terms of who stays/goes?

There will be no changes to either Bauer or Mission-ITECH sales representation until further notice. We are evaluating all options to enhance our sales and service coverage capabilities. We expect to communicate our new account service model later this year.

Has a decision been made on what product stays/goes? Will brand names dissolve?

As I said, we have made the difficult decision to eventually rebrand the Mission-ITECH Ice Hockey products we carry forward as “Bauer.” As discussed, Mission Roller Hockey products will continue in the marketplace as planned.

MIH has developed new lines for 2009. Will those lines make it to retail in 2009?

We are currently examining how the two product lines can come together to produce the best possible product offering for our customers. That said, any ice hockey product delivered in spring of 2009 will be Bauer branded. Roller Hockey products will continue as planned.

Do endorsement deals with NHL players carry over?

Yes, for those athletes that are under an official contract with Mission-ITECH, the deals will carry over.

Is Bauer now responsible for whatever is in Mission-ITECH's warehouse and are we expecting to see some sort of closeout?

It’s important to point out that it is business as usual as it relates to current Bauer and Mission-ITECH products. Rebranded Bauer products will not hit retail until next spring. We will work with our retailers to ensure a smooth transition as we move select products from Mission-ITECH to Bauer.

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