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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Should I Go Shallower?

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The last few times I've had my skates sharpened, they feel "too sharp" and feel like I'm grabbing way too much ice. It takes a couple skates to get them feeling comfortable where I can glide and turn without catching some ice and falling.

Should I be going to a shallower hollow or should I dull them slightly after sharpening? I ask because I always seem to get ruts or nicks in the blade after a couple skates (I have Miraclestones on order).

The weird thing is I'm only 165 pounds and at a 5/8" hollow now, and I thought 3/4" hollows and up were strange for skaters that aren't very heavy...

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Nothing wrong with trying it out. Go up to 11/16's first then hit 3/4's if you're worried about making that big of a jump. I say go for it.

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I'm about 150 and on 5/8", I really don't think there's a distinct weight:hollow ratio. As has been said here before, go up by small increments, maybe go to 11/16" first and then if you feel it necessary try 3/4".

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Should I be going to a shallower hollow or should I dull them slightly after sharpening? I ask because I always seem to get ruts or nicks in the blade after a couple skates (I have Miraclestones on order).

The weird thing is I'm only 165 pounds and at a 5/8" hollow now, and I thought 3/4" hollows and up were strange for skaters that aren't very heavy...

What's right is right. Don't worry about what seems odd if it works for you.

I would definitely suggest trying a shallower hollow. At worst, you wasted $5 to eliminate a potential fix.

I can't imagine dulling them ever being the best way to go about preparing your skates.

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Don't forget the impact of ice conditions. If you're switching rinks between each sharpening you might have a different feel that has more to do with the ice temp. than the ROH. Also, rinks will often raise the ice temperature to around 28F for figure skating sessions/tournaments but lower it for hockey games/adult league/tournaments sometimes to as low as 19F. So you might be changing ice temps. even on the same ice sheet. Check with your rink staff to see their procedures and take note of who is on the ice before you are. Hope this helps and doesn't complicate!

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That's what I figured, just wanted a bit of confirmation. Thanks!

I did work my way up from 3/8" to 1/2" to 5/8" last year, so it's weird, but my skating keeps improving, so I'll keep at it.

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I'm 155lb. and I'm at 5/8" right now. I did the same as you and went from 3/8" to 7/16" to 1/2" to 5/8". My skating has improved and am alot faster. I don't dig into the ice as much as before but have enough traction to make tight turns and crossovers without losing grip. I'm thinking about going to 3/4" next for kicks.

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I'm 155lb. and I'm at 5/8" right now. I did the same as you and went from 3/8" to 7/16" to 1/2" to 5/8". My skating has improved and am alot faster. I don't dig into the ice as much as before but have enough traction to make tight turns and crossovers without losing grip. I'm thinking about going to 3/4" next for kicks.

from experience I'd not jump from 5/8 right into 3/4 - I'd progress using 1/16 intervals, so from 5/8 I'd go to 11/16 & then to 3/4

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I've got a kid coming into the shop who can't be more than 150lbs, and a 7/8" hollow is working out really nicely for him. Always PP, I say... but definitely give the 11/16 and 3/4 hollows a shot.

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I had a 16th hollow done a couple times and the kids messed them up...I don't know why but I feel like they'd not screw up a 3/4" as much. I had it done last night so we'll see how it goes tonight. It's only a scrimmage so I won't be pushing it too hard. When I went from 3/8" to 1/2", from 1/2" to 5/8", and from 8D/272 skates to 7.5EE/263 skates, it only took me a session or two to adjust.

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Okay, skated with 3/4" last night. Found it difficult to dig in and take tight turns. The rest of the skating was fine. Glide didn't seem any different. The ice was really soft too, so that makes me concerned if I skate on normal ice. I didn't really feel comfortable pushing it though.

So is there a difference between dulled edges with a deeper hollow compared to sharp edges with a shallower hollow? Should I stick with this for a couple skates or see if I can drop to 11/16"?

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during the summer i was down to 7/8ths and im around 145. Just try it out. im working my way back down though. Ice is getting harder around here.

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Okay, skated with 3/4" last night. Found it difficult to dig in and take tight turns. The rest of the skating was fine. Glide didn't seem any different. The ice was really soft too, so that makes me concerned if I skate on normal ice. I didn't really feel comfortable pushing it though.

So is there a difference between dulled edges with a deeper hollow compared to sharp edges with a shallower hollow? Should I stick with this for a couple skates or see if I can drop to 11/16"?

Personally, I don't think you should ever be on dulled edges, shallow OR deep...

I'd drop to an 11/16" if you have confidence in your sharpener. It surprises me how many skate techs are out there who didn't realize you could sharpen anything other than 1/2"

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I'm 5'11", 225 and using 9/16. I was getting too much bite with 1/2 and not enough at 5/8. 9/16 was the magic number for me. I did skate with 5/8 for most of the summer and it wasn't too bad because the ice was a little softer. I have graf skates so I purchased a 2nd set of blades which also made it easier to try different hollows. The key is make sure you have a good sharpener.

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I'm about 170 lbs and I've made my way up to 5/8's. I've only been skating for about 8 months so I'm not very advanced yet. The normal hollow that most shops do around here is 3/8's. When I first started that was WAY too sharp. I couldn't stop for shit, because if I tried, it would just grab and throw me onto the ice. I had to skate for a few weeks before they got dull enough to where I was comfortable. As I got better I changed to 1/2" which was a lot better, but it was still a little too grabby sometimes. I think it depended on ice, and also on who was sharpening it, but it's hard to be a confident skater when you're not confident in your skates. I still felt more comfortable when they'd get dulled up a bit. When I bought my One75's I changed to 5/8's and I'm really digging it. I'm way more confident with my stops and transitions now. I don't ever feel like I'm not getting enough bite, but I'm still not that great of a skater yet. Someone who's more advanced might need more of an edge for really tight turns, but I can't do them very well yet so it works fine for me.

I'd say try a shallower hollow and see if it works. The problem with getting them sharpened too sharp and trying to dull them up is trying to find that sweet spot. Like someone said, you're only out $5 if it doesn't work out for you. If it helps improve your skating, or at the least, your confidence, then it's definitely money well spent.

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I used a stone to try and give a hair more edge on the outside (just a couple light swipes along the outside at the very slightest angle), and my skating was fine for the next skate. I still can't turn tightly, but then again I never could, and I didn't feel like I was "riding the rails" so much. Unfortunately, I decided to block a slapper with the inside of my foot and had to leave 1/3 of the way into the skate.

I just picked up the Laura Stamm book (borrowed it for a while), so hopefully between that and the hollow, I can get a little more speed for this season.

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I am 6' 1" and 150lbs (yes...the very light side) and 5/8 works for me. It took some time to get used to on turns, but glide was worth the upgrade immediately. Plan on trying 11/16 soon. Going from 5/8 to 3/4 is quite a jump.

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I recently made the jump to 5/8 from years of 1/2. I'm 5'8 165 and I found that I was digging in too much on 1/2 for the first couple skates. When I bought my new skates I asked for a 5/8 to try out and I don't think I'll go back. I get enough bite but the glide was significantly different compared to 1/2. I'm not Pavel Bure but it was a nice improvement in glide speed.

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I've been gradually shallowing my blades and am down to 3/4" now and contemplating even less. My favorite LHS here recommends going as shallow as you can until the skates feel dull after your second or third skate on the new hollow, then decrease the hollow by 1/16" (the first time after a change will always feel strange, and my experiences collaborate this). The shallower blades have definitely helped my footwork quite a bit.

I'm 6'0" and 180lbs btw, but I don't think height/weight make as much difference as skating technique such as knee bend, which portion of your blade you weight when executing, etc. People frequently confuse me for Sidney Crosby when I skate :lol: .



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"LHS here recommends going as shallow as you can until the skates feel dull after your second or third skate on the new hollow, then decrease the hollow by 1/16"

Definitely the way to do it. I was at 7/8" just a little loose esp after a couple of skates. But the ice in August is pretty soft. Few weeks ago stopped into Reaction in Nanaimo and asked for 1/16" less and man that was it... they are awesome. I didn't expect such a transformation with just a 1/16".

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Last Friday I had a lot of trouble digging into the ice, so I went back and asked for an 11/16". The guy said "I've never heard of that one before" (made me nervous), but they seemed to do a fine job. It's pretty much perfect. Edges don't catch when I'm turning or crossing over (like the 5/8" did) but I can dig in and make quick turns without my skate sliding out from under me (like the 3/4" did).

So I suppose the advice to keep going shallower and then go 1/16" up from when it's "too shallow" was spot on.

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