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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Unless it's a huge goal, I really don't do anything in celebration. I usually just slide my top (left) hand down to the middle of the shaft and use my right hand to whack the other guys on the head/back in the group hug thing.

If it is a big goal, I am usually still pretty reserved. I've scored a few OT goals in tournaments and playoffs and stuff; after those ones I usually just throw both hands in the air and wait to get mauled. This past season I got the OT winner in the championship game of a tournament. After I scored I sprinted back up the middle of the ice (towards our own goalie). Before I reached the neutral zone I dropped to both knees and did a 360. Just as I was standing up I got nailed by a wave of guys coming off the bench. Later, in the celebration in the dressing room, I saw it on tape. It looked pretty awesome, especially the part when I got plastered by a bunch of my own guys and then disappeared underneath the pile.

Honestly, although I love to be hated by the other teams in our league, I try not to be an ass after I score. I do enough stuff during the course of the game (scoring goals included) to make the guys on the other team want to run me. You watch some of the soccer players score and you would think that nobody has ever done it before. Once you start going nuts after each goal you score, significant or not, people have to think that you are just an all-around asshole who always has to the the center of attention.

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The best is when you score, and you just laugh. It makes it seem like scoring goals is a joke to you and you do it all the time, and it also kinda makes the goalie feel like youre laughing at them. Sometimes i just burst out laughing when i score a goal, its the best lol

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usually i just take a silver pen out of my skate, sign the puck and give it to one of the ladies in the croud....on a serious note, nothing more than the stick in the air. Im a strong believer in acting like you've done it before. One of the reasons i like Larry Fitzgerald (not hockey related) is that he just hands the ball to the ref, as if he expected to score.

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Yeah, I agree with Cavs. I only did the water bottle manuever because I hated the opposing goalie. I usually just put my stick up with one hand, if I celebrate at all.

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a couple games ago when we were in try-outs, when we came off between 2nd and 3rd thes gurls were yellong u suck and stuff. Anyway at the end of the game i'm on the ice and i pass it off to a guy on my tean who snipes top corner to tie it up. he then skates rite off to glass and starts waving and blowing kisses it was gold.

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Question A) Who actually has periods during tryout scrimages?

Question B ) What kind of broad actually hangs out around a tryout? Likely one that you shouldnt be blowing kisses to.

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Once I'm allowed outside state lines, time for me to play at Kosy's rink giggity giggity.

Gonna pick me up on the way?

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Once I'm allowed outside state lines, time for me to play at Kosy's rink giggity giggity.

LMFAO! mack, I would say you are a terrible, horrible, disgusting pig of a person, but you and I appear to share the same sick sence of humor (well, I'm laughing, aren't I?), so I suppose if I were to say those things I would only succeed in rendering myself a hypocrite.

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...Incredible. Absolutely unbelievable. Well, I am not one to get between another man and his prospective pussy...Godspeed, mack. Just try to be careful; I don't think you will like the slammer too much - lots of big, horny grown men circling and chanting "Fish, fish, fish, fish..." doesn't seem like it would be your thing; I mean, they're ADULTS.

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My friend has been jumped som many times for doing celebrations in front of the other teams bench that it's not even funny anymore. He once skated around the net went up the boards and did a homebase slide in front of their bench. Another time he skated up to their bench stopped, grabbed his privates and gave them the finger. It was a good time though watching him get beat down after.

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Another time he skated up to their bench stopped, grabbed his privates and gave them the finger.  It was a good time though watching him get beat down after.

He's still alive? Jeez, anybody who pulled that kind of stuff against any team in my league would probably be either dead or seriously injured within the next three minutes. I doubt the ref would offer much help to the kid, either. I know I wouldn't. After doing something like that, the little bastard probably deserves whatever he gets.

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I'm pretty mild mannered when I coach, but I can promise you that I would have taken a swing at him for that.

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Another time he skated up to their bench stopped, grabbed his privates and gave them the finger.  It was a good time though watching him get beat down after.

He's still alive? Jeez, anybody who pulled that kind of stuff against any team in my league would probably be either dead or seriously injured within the next three minutes. I doubt the ref would offer much help to the kid, either. I know I wouldn't. After doing something like that, the little bastard probably deserves whatever he gets.

Actually, according the USA hockey rules, that is grounds for an immediate Game Misconduct.

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One time in 3 on 3 summer league two of my team mates did this awesome celebration

When skater A scored skater B propped his knee up, and skater A rested one of his skates there. Skater B proceeded to "shine" his skates. It was hilarious. :D

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go up to a goalie after you score, and whsiper "take a seat, son" to his ear

Or you could just skate by the net on your next shift and go...

"Hey, (insert Goalie's name here), your wifes a dyke...she told, she told me..."

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One time in 3 on 3 summer league two of my team mates did this awesome celebration

When skater A scored skater B propped his knee up, and skater A rested one of his skates there. Skater B proceeded to "shine" his skates. It was hilarious. :D

My Freind Tought me that one, adn hes a hardcore soccer guy. it jsut looks better in soccer unless u happen to kick it in :ph34r:

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one time...in in house hockey(we were horrible)...i blocked a shot from the d-man, and it went flying up the ice...the goalie came out to try and get it...but i got to it first and flipped it through his legs...and got the open net...scored...and held my arms up and shrugged...skated back to the faceoff circle and brushed the dirt off my shoulder :D soo amazing, the kids on my team were laughing their heads off

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I dont know if these have been talked about, havent read all 5 pages. I like the row boat (take a running start, sit down, with your feet extended, and row your boat). The other one I like is the shotgun, you need three people to play (can work with 1 though). Take your line mates, after you score, line them up, cock your gun, and shoot them. They fall after you shoot them.

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