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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Real pro stock gloves?

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  Cavs019 said:
You can tell simply based on the notion that those gloves aren't available in leather at retail.
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Yeah I was wondering about the leather. So they're actual pro stocks then? Do you happen to know what the palm is like? Just a single layer Nash or what?

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I would say they are real pro stock. I doubt someone would custom order a bunch of 4-rolls with single-piece fingers... tough to sell.

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You can see part of an overlay stiched on next to the thumb, so I would say they are at least a double palm (that is to say in the palm area, not the palm/thumb/fingers). I tend to like porto gloves more, but no split fingers are a turn off for me. I exchanged a few emails with fixitbymail, they don't even want to attempt to split already solid fingers.

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  Rustpot said:
You can see part of an overlay stiched on next to the thumb, so I would say they are at least a double palm (that is to say in the palm area, not the palm/thumb/fingers).
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That is just how they construct their palms, the palm and thumb are two pieces, but it is a single layer thickness most likely. Material wise, its pretty much the same as what in on the retails.

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  automorph said:
never understood how someone can sell hockey equipment and not sell to Canadians.......talk about bad business <_<
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It's because of the shipping hassles... If you ship via the US Post Office there is no delivery confirmation which is a big problem. If you ship via FedEx or UPS, 95% of the time the receiver of the goods refuses to pay the Canadian tariffs/duties/taxes, etc. When they refuse to pay that cost gets bounced back to the shipper. There goes your profits or even more depending on the crazy ass fees accessed. I'm sure it's easier to to resolve these issues if you have a big account with one of the shipping companies but for the little guy, it DOES make cents (pun intended).

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  TBLfan said:
I would say they are real pro stock. I doubt someone would custom order a bunch of 4-rolls with single-piece fingers... tough to sell.
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What's a 4-roll? Is that just the name of the model or a feature of the glove?

Maybe I'll get one of these. The 15's I got feel a bit too bulky for me.

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  TBLfan said:
I would say they are real pro stock. I doubt someone would custom order a bunch of 4-rolls with single-piece fingers... tough to sell.
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Whats the drawback to single piece fingers?

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The single fingers and the SDPPro on the thumb. Looks like an older Bauer SDP glove with a NBH cuff/back.

Regardless, it is a pro model - SDP didn't have a nash palm like that, I believe the retail version had Dura-Soft palms.

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  McDougalfaschnitzer said:
Pretty much every real pro glove I've seen says SDP instead of NBH.
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I've seen both, I think they were doing SDP at first then went to NBH.

The palm doesn't look like the typical single-layer either. It should have an extra strip of material at the base of the thumb.

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My 4-Roll are like these ones, i got them used on ebay. (Photo posted recently in gear sighting thread)

Mine say "SDPPRO" on the thumb.

They have solid fingers.

The palm is a single layer, the thumb area is just a separate piece stitched to the main palm.

Mine are nylon and look like leafs gloves before they went with the white cuffs (or another blue and white team). I don't know where they cam from or whom they were made for.

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