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Visor Question

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Anybody know a good place to get pro visors? I want to find one like spezza, brunette, niedermeyer, etc. used to wear. The flat, non-bubbled, short ITech visor. anyone know what i'm talking about?


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Not sure where you can buy them like that, but it's easy to make. I just used an old Itech RBE visor I had sitting around and went to town on it with a dremel. Most places sell the RBE visors for super cheap (~$20).

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don't know where to find a itech pro visor, but if you are willing to spend a little money

the Hejduk MHX visor is available from just about every european online hockey shop.

Hejduk MH-X

I have the mh-x with a light-blue tint.

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Here are some quick shots of the visor I did as a test awhile back. Again, I just took an old Itech RBE visor and cut it up (I tried to mimic the shape of an oakley visor). If you have free time you can pretty much "design" it however you want, plus, if you screw up the $20 you spent isn't a major loss.



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I found vision quality of low end Itech visors (the ones you get for $20) to be pretty crappy comparing with low end Oakley (but of course the price is at least double of Itech)

there's just way to much fogging, reflections etc

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I found vision quality of low end Itech visors (the ones you get for $20) to be pretty crappy comparing with low end Oakley (but of course the price is at least double of Itech)

there's just way to much fogging, reflections etc

There is no low-end Oakley - all of Oakley's visors are the same price and quality

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i have that straight cut oakley but i have to find the hardware for it. will that one kit from hm work or should i go with stacked spacers and longer screws?

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i have that straight cut oakley but i have to find the hardware for it. will that one kit from hm work or should i go with stacked spacers and longer screws?

The Oakley spacer kit is a lot nicer than spacers. The solid piece is a lot easier to get in, using spacers I kept dropping them, and the Oakley spacer fits the curves together a lot better so you can actually tighten the screws without having a weird contact angle. I don't know if it's worth the money, but it is a lot more convenient.

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I have 2 oakley visors and Love them, I don't use the oakley spacers thought, I could never get the visor tight, I just use some spacers from Homo depot

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I have 2 oakley visors and Love them, I don't use the oakley spacers thought, I could never get the visor tight, I just use some spacers from Homo depot

Do you shop there often?

Looking at the prices at Home Depot for plastic washers, it's almost cheaper just to get the Oakley set with hardware.

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i have that straight cut oakley but i have to find the hardware for it. will that one kit from hm work or should i go with stacked spacers and longer screws?

The Oakley spacer kit is a lot nicer than spacers. The solid piece is a lot easier to get in, using spacers I kept dropping them, and the Oakley spacer fits the curves together a lot better so you can actually tighten the screws without having a weird contact angle. I don't know if it's worth the money, but it is a lot more convenient.

thanks for the reply. im gonna look in my lhs for the kit.

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i have that straight cut oakley but i have to find the hardware for it. will that one kit from hm work or should i go with stacked spacers and longer screws?

The Oakley spacer kit is a lot nicer than spacers. The solid piece is a lot easier to get in, using spacers I kept dropping them, and the Oakley spacer fits the curves together a lot better so you can actually tighten the screws without having a weird contact angle. I don't know if it's worth the money, but it is a lot more convenient.

thanks for the reply. im gonna look in my lhs for the kit.

You may have a hard time finding loose kits at LHS. Every store I went into looking for them said they were waiting for loose kits to come in.

You can get them online: http://www.hockeymonkey.com/oakley-hockey-...t-namerica.html

I ended up contacting CCM (who distributes Oakley) and got some directly from them.

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i have that straight cut oakley but i have to find the hardware for it. will that one kit from hm work or should i go with stacked spacers and longer screws?

The Oakley spacer kit is a lot nicer than spacers. The solid piece is a lot easier to get in, using spacers I kept dropping them, and the Oakley spacer fits the curves together a lot better so you can actually tighten the screws without having a weird contact angle. I don't know if it's worth the money, but it is a lot more convenient.

thanks for the reply. im gonna look in my lhs for the kit.

You may have a hard time finding loose kits at LHS. Every store I went into looking for them said they were waiting for loose kits to come in.

You can get them online: http://www.hockeymonkey.com/oakley-hockey-...t-namerica.html

I ended up contacting CCM (who distributes Oakley) and got some directly from them.

thats the exact kit i was looking at but the lhs by me also has a website up and running (hockeyunderground) so im gonna run by that store wednesday and try and luck out

if not i'll order that kit

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don't know where to find a itech pro visor, but if you are willing to spend a little money

the Hejduk MHX visor is available from just about every european online hockey shop.

Hejduk MH-X

I have the mh-x with a light-blue tint.

that ccm half visor/cage cmbo on there blows my mind :lol:

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