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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Samurai Hockey

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But is it 12KKKKKK????

Their lowest model is! 10% carbon with "12K Glass Woven Blade". 12k means quality, performance, NHL READY!

I kinda feel sorry for this page.

http://www.samuraihockey.ca/En/Distributors.html :(

I don't think they're worse than Warrior, but I don't know how many people will latch onto Samurai marketing, much like Joe with his religious undertones.

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What you have to consider is "Samurai Hockey" might not have been their first choice, but nowadays it takes more than determining if a name is available. It's also important whether the website is available, so it's possible they came up with nine other names before realizing that Samurai was the best of what was left.

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The company hasnt been officially launched.

I have received their gloves and sticks, pretty interesting product.

The name is weird, but the products are of good quality.

ill post some pictures when I have time :)

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The company hasnt been officially launched.

I have received their gloves and sticks, pretty interesting product.

The name is weird, but the products are of good quality.

ill post some pictures when I have time :)

Just by looking at the specs and designs I have a pretty good idea where they're coming from. Looks like they very slightly tweaked some stock factory offerings.

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The company hasnt been officially launched.

I have received their gloves and sticks, pretty interesting product.

The name is weird, but the products are of good quality.

ill post some pictures when I have time :)

Just by looking at the specs and designs I have a pretty good idea where they're coming from. Looks like they very slightly tweaked some stock factory offerings.

Does this mean they will perform low? Break easy? Or are they just cheap knock offs?

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Hopefully the tweaked factory settings will make them better, more resilient to breaking. But jeez who knows until they come out. Anyone know specifically what they changed in their line of sticks?

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All I keep thinking of is, I don't remember where I saw it, if it was an actual QVC show, or a skit on SNL or Mad TV, but the salesman was selling swords, and just kept repeatin, 'There's a DRAGON On the BLADE'! But I also came across this

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