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Un-Written Rules of Hockey

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  BlackIce said:
I've realized that if you bring a sports drink (e.g. gatorade, powerade, etc) people are less likely to help themselves
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Really? Every time I bring something like that I get maybe one sip of it and before I get to take another drink someone else decides its theirs for the drinking if they so choose.

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I solved the problem by shelling out $35 for a bottle rack and six bottles. Now, I don't have to worry about complaining about someone drinking my water. There's always enough to go around. The guys that like their own bottles appreciate it because no one is bogarding their water. Plus, it guarantees me a roster spot. ;)

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Another unwritten rule from the east I found making life for all of us easier: do not take the seat closest to the door in a locker-room if you are not the man carrying the goalie bag

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  stefanmoscow said:
Another unwritten rule from the east I found making life for all of us easier: do not take the seat closest to the door in a locker-room if you are not the man carrying the goalie bag
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Not to hijack the thread but.....Is this a general rule with goalies? That they prefer the seats closest to the door? Our goalies dwell in the deepest darkest corners of the locker room, so they get in everyones way, take up as much space as possible and stumble all over your equipment while they're trying to awkwardly get out of their space. Also they refuse to sit anywhere else.

Is all this normal?

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  rebel96 said:
  stefanmoscow said:
Another unwritten rule from the east I found making life for all of us easier: do not take the seat closest to the door in a locker-room if you are not the man carrying the goalie bag
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Not to hijack the thread but.....Is this a general rule with goalies? That they prefer the seats closest to the door? Our goalies dwell in the deepest darkest corners of the locker room, so they get in everyones way, take up as much space as possible and stumble all over your equipment while they're trying to awkwardly get out of their space. Also they refuse to sit anywhere else.

Is all this normal?

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They are not normal. They are goalies. :P

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  rebel96 said:
  stefanmoscow said:
Another unwritten rule from the east I found making life for all of us easier: do not take the seat closest to the door in a locker-room if you are not the man carrying the goalie bag
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Not to hijack the thread but.....Is this a general rule with goalies? That they prefer the seats closest to the door? Our goalies dwell in the deepest darkest corners of the locker room, so they get in everyones way, take up as much space as possible and stumble all over your equipment while they're trying to awkwardly get out of their space. Also they refuse to sit anywhere else.

Is all this normal?

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All of our goalies take the seats closest to the door.

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how do people generally feel about screening goalees @ drop-ins? While certainly very effective purely from the ease of scoring point of view (plus it makes the game real :)) it probably takes a lot of fun from the goalees, and after all drop-ins are supposed to be mostly if not all about fun, so what would you say - is screening in or out?

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Good question. We have a great group of regulars at this one drop-in game. We all are out there to have fun & get a good skate in. We had a new goalie one time, and I wasn't screening him, but I was off to the right for a tip-in chance. He two-hands me in the back and clears me out of the way. I gave it a chuckle, but the next time back I did screen him. Typically, we don't screen the goalie, but there is usually a guy off to the side for garbage.

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Here we screen the goalies etc and for the last few weeks have been including checking in the scrim sessions. Some guys don't like the checking but others will go full tilt. Everyone knows who is to be hit, so its a great environment atm.

I have a great camaraderie with one of the goalies and we will have sessions where we try and push each other around, trip each other and screens. He loves it as it adds an extra element to his skill set which definately comes up in games.

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Your scrimmages sound like a lot of fun Joe. It's cool that you can play check and no-checking at the same time.

As far as screening goalies go, most of the pick-ups I do are basically scrimmages set-up by one person. Since it's closer to an actual game than just a shinny or pick-up session, I don't see any problem with screening the goalies. In a game of shinny/pick-up I probably would do it to mess around with the goalie, since I normally joke around with anybody I play with. If he/she didn't like it, I wouldn't do it. It's just a game for fun anyways.

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Lately, I've been playing goalie about 10% of the time, when the real goalies don't show. I don't have a problem with someone trying to screen me -- it's part of the game.

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I once went to a pro inline try out here and half tripped the goalie with my stick blade. He was majorly pissed at the time. I didn't know him then, but we laugh and joke about it now.

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Nothing worse as a goalie during pick up is for the players to stop playing "hockey". I love it when I'm screened. On the other hand when everybody moves out of the way and lets the shooter waltz in another 20 feet closer (because he now has a clearer shooting lane), that's BS.

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As much as I hate that kind of pseudo-hockey, the thing that is driving me absolutely up the wall in every situation these days is the braindead stick-on-stick crap that happens as a result of it. If I have one more goal screened, baffled, or deflected past me by some reaching moron who decided that his stick-blade had a better chance of stopping the puck than my entire body, I'm going to start burning shit down.

There is a real art to positional defence in shinny: keeping your body between the player and a better shooting area, denying the pass with your stick, allowing the shot but cutting him off if he tries to walk in. You would think that most shinny defenders would at least be attempting to do this. Instead, 90% of my work in shinny is made more difficult by my defencemen, who are invariably far better as screening me and tipping in pucks than anybody on the other side of the game, and who work incredibly hard in order to do so.

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Law G, yes, that bugs the crap out of me as well. Unless I'm out of position and the net is empty, there is absolutely no reason for a defenseman to try to get the stick with his puck. If they don't tip it in themselves, they usually deflect it to the opposite side of my position on the original shot, where then another opposing player can just plink it in the open net.

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We have one goalie who will dive onto the puck onto his own rebound, I'm talking 7-9 feet dive. What really drives me nuts is that I'm generally the 1st guy to that puck and about to swing into a break out, but he has to smother it like he is saving a certain 2nd shot goal in OT of the Stanley Cup. He takes my stick with it and has this look of intense satisfaction, like a kid thats just got the last awesome Happy Meal toy in the store. I swear I thought I'd never roll my eyes like that on the ice but there you go.

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  Aussie Joe said:
We have one goalie who will dive onto the puck onto his own rebound, I'm talking 7-9 feet dive. What really drives me nuts is that I'm generally the 1st guy to that puck and about to swing into a break out, but he has to smother it like he is saving a certain 2nd shot goal in OT of the Stanley Cup. He takes my stick with it and has this look of intense satisfaction, like a kid thats just got the last awesome Happy Meal toy in the store. I swear I thought I'd never roll my eyes like that on the ice but there you go.
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Yeah, god forbid someone be passionate about the game... even at pick up.

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There's a difference between passion and not looking up to see your defence helping you out. It also shows how low his skill set is considering he doesn't have the ability to play the puck out with a good pass to the wings.

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One thing that is really annoying is when you have someone on the opposite team who decides tapping his stick when the other team has the puck is a good defensive play. The whole group knows each other fairly well but not well enough to be instantaneous with the first names or some other nickname. While obviously not against the rules, I think it's a bush-league play to try to do in a pick up game. It's not just once or twice either, it's every time he's on the ice. Drives me up the wall.

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That's bush no matter when you do it. I played against a guy in a tourny a couple of weeks ago who kept trying to call for passes from our team.

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There was one guy at a university skate who kept doing that CONSTANTLY. He was so clueless that he did the exact same thing try to call for passes from his own team AND to try to confuse the other team. Every two seconds he was on the ice, whether his team or the other team had the puck -- tap-tap-TAP. Nothing verbal, never in position -- tap-tap-TAP. Guys with the puck are looking straight at him -- tap-tap-TAP.

Finally, after redlining for an entire shift and tapping out mating calls to every woodpecker in the province, he got a breakaway. Guy puts his head down and starts chugging away like he's got Sami Pahlsson on his tail. Sensing the opportunity, I flip my stick into a shooting grip, skate off to the side of the net -- tap-tap-TAP.

His head shoots up, and for one precious second, he hesitates -- and both benches started guffawing just as he shoots. I never moved.

Possibly the best goal I ever conceded, apart from the time I setup a power-play one-timer against myself.

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I agree with yous 100% on the guy on the other team tapping his stick to call for a pass thing. When I was a kid and someone was doing it during pick up hockey with friends it was tolerable. But, when people do it now in my beer league games its so annoying and stupid, I mean I play beer league to have fun, so I like to have fun, but I like to have fun playing clean hockey and not some moron being really annoying and doing stupid stuff.

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