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Cheap F'ing players in beer/rec leagues....

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had a guy spear my goalie, two hand him over the mask, and get back on the ice. got 50 PIM for his crap, two majors and 4 game misconducts. Should have been a match, in all likelyhood. eitherway, commish kicked him out for the remainder of the season (~6 games).

guy wouldnt leave the property either, kept waiting by the door for nearly an HOUR, but he waited by the wrong one and was tapping on the glass. lol. commish told him before that he'd escort us out, and if he came within 20 feet he'd toss him from the league for good.

total nut case.

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Some people, both young and old, just get way to caught up in it. Leave the personal issues at home and just play hockey.

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Your constant "Every old man hockey player sucks, and I'm much faster than them" mentality will get you in a bunch of trouble, both on and off the ice.

Wow you just don't read a damn thing do you.

Go back and read where I said I'm more skilled than everyone else. Go on, check out where I said I was faster than everyone, that I whine and complain about every finger that gets laid on me. Oh yeah, I didn't say that. I get beat if I get beat, I don't throw out my knee or two hand someone's shin to prevent someone from moving past me. End of story.

However we can go back and dig up a huge supply of "that stupid young kid" who don't get that "some people have to work for a living" posts across plenty of threads here and honestly I'm a little tired of it; I am irritated by massive logs of posts that point out the cheap 20 year old disrespecting the guy with kids and mortgage. . Old men are just as much a bunch of dickbags as young ones are and you still don't seem to be able to acquiesce that most basic of point - which is all I'm trying to say. I get hooks and elbows and I don't mind but excuse me for implying on an internet forum that cheap assholes exist over the age of 25.

One more time so you don't get confused: I'm not complaining about my league. I'm complaining about people like you. I dont like posts where its "some little young asshole crosschecked me" instead of "some asshole crosschecked me" Assholes are assholes, hacks are hacks, it's not an age thing, period. I'm not hack trying to ruin someone's livelihood every time I go into a corner but the way a lot of people post around here they'd just as soon "teach me a lesson" than get beat to a puck.

AMEN brother

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Your constant "Every old man hockey player sucks, and I'm much faster than them" mentality will get you in a bunch of trouble, both on and off the ice.

Wow you just don't read a damn thing do you.

Go back and read where I said I'm more skilled than everyone else. Go on, check out where I said I was faster than everyone, that I whine and complain about every finger that gets laid on me. Oh yeah, I didn't say that. I get beat if I get beat, I don't throw out my knee or two hand someone's shin to prevent someone from moving past me. End of story.

However we can go back and dig up a huge supply of "that stupid young kid" who don't get that "some people have to work for a living" posts across plenty of threads here and honestly I'm a little tired of it; I am irritated by massive logs of posts that point out the cheap 20 year old disrespecting the guy with kids and mortgage. . Old men are just as much a bunch of dickbags as young ones are and you still don't seem to be able to acquiesce that most basic of point - which is all I'm trying to say. I get hooks and elbows and I don't mind but excuse me for implying on an internet forum that cheap assholes exist over the age of 25.

One more time so you don't get confused: I'm not complaining about my league. I'm complaining about people like you. I dont like posts where its "some little young asshole crosschecked me" instead of "some asshole crosschecked me" Assholes are assholes, hacks are hacks, it's not an age thing, period. I'm not hack trying to ruin someone's livelihood every time I go into a corner but the way a lot of people post around here they'd just as soon "teach me a lesson" than get beat to a puck.

Maybe you just expressed yourself badly, before. For example, when you said, "If you have a problem with a young guy saying that old men can be just as big of assholes to the under 30 crowd in a thread about cheap players no less, maybe you need a break from the internet" maybe you should have said "If you have a problem with a young guy saying that old men can be just as big of assholes as the under 30 crowd in a thread about cheap players no less, maybe you need a break from the internet".

In other words, if you're saying that old guys can be as dirty as young guys, I totally agree. But if you're saying that old guys are dirtier than young guys, then you're totally full of it. Because, to be quite honest, your earlier posts sounded more like the latter. This most recent post sounds a bit more like the former.

Instead of trying to balance a thread bashing young guys with a thread bashing old guys, you could have been more reasonable and point out that neither of these two extreme views makes sense.

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I think we should all just leave it at "some guys play dirty and some don't regardless of age". I'm sure if you took the older guys who play dirty, played dirty when they were younger as well. Just depends on the person.

I totally agree. What it boils down to is that some guys who play are clowns. Stupidity, arrogance, and genernal douche baggery seem to be not bound by age. I just don't get the mentality of some beer league guys (young or old) who intentionally attempt to injure opposing players.

Case in point of my last game. We were down 9-3 with about 4 minutes to go in the third period. At this point we're not going to win, but were attempting to finsh strong. My teammates were cycling the puck down low in the offensive zone and I was positioned to the side of the net waiting for a pass. As the play shifted across the ice and I turned to face the puck, I felt a sharp pain between my legs and then crumpled to the ice.

It turned out that one of the defensemen (or goalie) had intentionally given me a chop from behind in the junk. Now mind you I wasn't in the crease, and wasn't making any contact with any opposing players - I was just standing near the far side of the net. Of course when I confronted the players after the play had been whistled dead, not one would own up to the classless act.

I can take incidental contact and jossling back and forth with no issue (even though league is designated non checking). What I can't believe is that someone could even think about slashing someone below the belt in such a manner.

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Your constant "Every old man hockey player sucks, and I'm much faster than them" mentality will get you in a bunch of trouble, both on and off the ice.

Wow you just don't read a damn thing do you.

Go back and read where I said I'm more skilled than everyone else. Go on, check out where I said I was faster than everyone, that I whine and complain about every finger that gets laid on me. Oh yeah, I didn't say that. I get beat if I get beat, I don't throw out my knee or two hand someone's shin to prevent someone from moving past me. End of story.

However we can go back and dig up a huge supply of "that stupid young kid" who don't get that "some people have to work for a living" posts across plenty of threads here and honestly I'm a little tired of it; I am irritated by massive logs of posts that point out the cheap 20 year old disrespecting the guy with kids and mortgage. . Old men are just as much a bunch of dickbags as young ones are and you still don't seem to be able to acquiesce that most basic of point - which is all I'm trying to say. I get hooks and elbows and I don't mind but excuse me for implying on an internet forum that cheap assholes exist over the age of 25.

One more time so you don't get confused: I'm not complaining about my league. I'm complaining about people like you. I dont like posts where its "some little young asshole crosschecked me" instead of "some asshole crosschecked me" Assholes are assholes, hacks are hacks, it's not an age thing, period. I'm not hack trying to ruin someone's livelihood every time I go into a corner but the way a lot of people post around here they'd just as soon "teach me a lesson" than get beat to a puck.

Come down off the cross anytime you like.

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I'm mister game 7 in the flesh, you never know when a pro scout will be in the crowd so you have to give it your all with each shift.

All you pussies with your crying about sticks in the face and sticks in the balls, stop being such Nancys and get over it, it's a mans game.


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I'm mister game 7 in the flesh, you never know when a pro scout will be in the crowd so you have to give it your all with each shift.

All you pussies with your crying about sticks in the face and sticks in the balls, stop being such Nancys and get over it, it's a mans game.


All joking aside, I am starting to believe that some guys actually have this mind set when they step out on the ice....What is it about strapping on a pair of skates that causes people to lose all composure? There are some guys in my league that have compiled nearly 100 penalty minutes and its only a 32 game season.....

The other night was the first time since joining men's league that I though about taking a break from hockey. Now I likely won't step away from the game because we have a great group of guys on our team. Its just that it can be a little much when you have go to work the next day.

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Being 27, I'm kind of in the middle of this whole age debate and being a former NCAA player I'm also somewhat of a target for some beer league guys, particularly the guys that didn't play in college but want to prove they could have. Personally, I go out there, have a good time and go home, if someone wants to prove something in a men's league game, thats their deal. The sentiment of some guys are just morons and some guys aren't, regardless of age is pretty accurate. The whole, "Young guys don't have to go to work in the morning so they take it more seriously" argument is fairly bogus, those guys that take it that seriously are going to take it that seriously regardless of how old they are. There are plenty of young guys that have to go to work in the morning too. Heck, I worked on Wall St. right out of college at the ripe old age of 23 and there were nights where I left the office, went to my game, and had to go back to the office after the game. At the end of the day, if a guy is an asshole he's going to be an asshole on and off the ice, regardless of age. Might his assholeness mellow a bit as he gets older? It might, but only to an extent in most cases.

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At the end of the day, if a guy is an asshole he's going to be an asshole on and off the ice, regardless of age. Might his assholeness mellow a bit as he gets older? It might, but only to an extent in most cases.

In the end, I still see young guys get hurt time to time and people say "meh, he's young, he'll be alright" but when old men get chopped its "fuck you, he has kids and a mortgage, have some respect" like the young guy doesnt have rent or a mortgage to pay, or a kid (or at least a pet) and a job (or two), to go to. And he probably has shit for insurance while the old guys probably have great coverage. But hey, obviously I'm not gonna change anyones mind here that age is not an indicator of how much of an asshole someone is on the ice.

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I think a lot of this has to do with knowing who you are out on the ice with and what the clock says. If you're blowing a team out and cycling the puck the other team is going to get frustrated. When people get frustrated the result is usually a cheap shot. If they could take the puck awaw from you they would have. Since they can't then you go to the next step which is sending a message for the next game. Now, if you're beating a team good and set up a screen in front of the goalie with your legs spread and you get a cup check don't be surprised. If you've scored 5 goals in a blowout don't be surprised when somebody tries to knock you out. If you're a kid and you're flashing your moves and weigh 160 lbs guess what's coming your way? Hockey is a tough sport. You get a penalty for something that you would get thrown in jail for on the street. What other sport can you get into a fight and only receive a 5 minute penalty? Bottom line is I'm always taking stock. Is the goalie a hot headed douche? Does the other team have anybody who can knock my teeth out? Should I be looking to get hit or can I play the game clean that night? Every shift know who is on the ice, know the situation. I know Vishi. I know if I played against him and I was skating up ice he would level me if I gave him that opportunity. Not because he's a dick but because he knows that's how hockey is supposed to be played. This is not a nice sport. You'll get hurt, you'll get bruises, you'll bleed. You'll get pissed. You'll think guys are jerk offs. All part of the game. If you can't protect yourself in this game then maybe more practice time should be used on that aspect of the game instead of your breakaways or the Michigan move? Lift some weights, learn how to throw a punch, wear better pads, etc..

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Being 27, I'm kind of in the middle of this whole age debate and being a former NCAA player I'm also somewhat of a target for some beer league guys, particularly the guys that didn't play in college but want to prove they could have. Personally, I go out there, have a good time and go home, if someone wants to prove something in a men's league game, thats their deal. The sentiment of some guys are just morons and some guys aren't, regardless of age is pretty accurate. The whole, "Young guys don't have to go to work in the morning so they take it more seriously" argument is fairly bogus, those guys that take it that seriously are going to take it that seriously regardless of how old they are. There are plenty of young guys that have to go to work in the morning too. Heck, I worked on Wall St. right out of college at the ripe old age of 23 and there were nights where I left the office, went to my game, and had to go back to the office after the game. At the end of the day, if a guy is an asshole he's going to be an asshole on and off the ice, regardless of age. Might his assholeness mellow a bit as he gets older? It might, but only to an extent in most cases.

So you're the guy that killed my 401k. <_<

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I think a lot of this has to do with knowing who you are out on the ice with and what the clock says. If you're blowing a team out and cycling the puck the other team is going to get frustrated. When people get frustrated the result is usually a cheap shot. If they could take the puck awaw from you they would have. Since they can't then you go to the next step which is sending a message for the next game. Now, if you're beating a team good and set up a screen in front of the goalie with your legs spread and you get a cup check don't be surprised. If you've scored 5 goals in a blowout don't be surprised when somebody tries to knock you out. If you're a kid and you're flashing your moves and weigh 160 lbs guess what's coming your way? Hockey is a tough sport. You get a penalty for something that you would get thrown in jail for on the street. What other sport can you get into a fight and only receive a 5 minute penalty? Bottom line is I'm always taking stock. Is the goalie a hot headed douche? Does the other team have anybody who can knock my teeth out? Should I be looking to get hit or can I play the game clean that night? Every shift know who is on the ice, know the situation. I know Vishi. I know if I played against him and I was skating up ice he would level me if I gave him that opportunity. Not because he's a dick but because he knows that's how hockey is supposed to be played. This is not a nice sport. You'll get hurt, you'll get bruises, you'll bleed. You'll get pissed. You'll think guys are jerk offs. All part of the game. If you can't protect yourself in this game then maybe more practice time should be used on that aspect of the game instead of your breakaways or the Michigan move? Lift some weights, learn how to throw a punch, wear better pads, etc..

I agree that hockey is a tough sport and have no issue with a hard fought and clean game. I also don't believe in showboating or running up the score.

What I do take issue with beer league players whose game plan is put their opponents in the hospital. Too many times I've seen guys throw an elbow or stick out a knee when their team was up a few goals and had the win in the bag. I've also witnessed guys swinging their sticks like baseball bats and another who headbutted a player with his visor. Its just uncalled for and its not hockey.

The majority of guys play men's league do so because they enjoy the game and want to get some exercise every week. Its been my experience that ashats who skate around professing how "tough they are" gennerally aren't so. They tend to act tough when you're not looking, but back away when called on their diry play.

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I think a lot of this has to do with knowing who you are out on the ice with and what the clock says. If you're blowing a team out and cycling the puck the other team is going to get frustrated. When people get frustrated the result is usually a cheap shot. If they could take the puck awaw from you they would have. Since they can't then you go to the next step which is sending a message for the next game. Now, if you're beating a team good and set up a screen in front of the goalie with your legs spread and you get a cup check don't be surprised. If you've scored 5 goals in a blowout don't be surprised when somebody tries to knock you out. If you're a kid and you're flashing your moves and weigh 160 lbs guess what's coming your way? Hockey is a tough sport. You get a penalty for something that you would get thrown in jail for on the street. What other sport can you get into a fight and only receive a 5 minute penalty? Bottom line is I'm always taking stock. Is the goalie a hot headed douche? Does the other team have anybody who can knock my teeth out? Should I be looking to get hit or can I play the game clean that night? Every shift know who is on the ice, know the situation. I know Vishi. I know if I played against him and I was skating up ice he would level me if I gave him that opportunity. Not because he's a dick but because he knows that's how hockey is supposed to be played. This is not a nice sport. You'll get hurt, you'll get bruises, you'll bleed. You'll get pissed. You'll think guys are jerk offs. All part of the game. If you can't protect yourself in this game then maybe more practice time should be used on that aspect of the game instead of your breakaways or the Michigan move? Lift some weights, learn how to throw a punch, wear better pads, etc..

Hence the problem, you don't "send a message" in beer league.

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If you want to send a message in beer league, do it outside the rink. Its not worth losing rink/league privileges due on an on ice altercation with an immature moron.

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If you want to send a message in beer league, do it outside the rink. Its not worth losing rink/league privileges due on an on ice altercation with an immature moron.

That's even dumber.

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If you want to send a message in beer league, do it outside the rink. Its not worth losing rink/league privileges due on an on ice altercation with an immature moron.

It's not worth dealing with legal trouble by sending a message off the ice. What dumbass sort of idea is this?

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If you want to send a message in beer league, do it outside the rink. Its not worth losing rink/league privileges due on an on ice altercation with an immature moron.

It's not worth dealing with legal trouble by sending a message off the ice. What dumbass sort of idea is this?

Plus one on that. There should be no messages sent, PERIOD. They ONLY time I ever advocate fighting, is in self defense.

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It doesnt have to be a physical altercation..sheesh.. Sometimes two different teams or captains do need to sit down and talk about grievances and relay them back to the other players on team. if you let it build up too long, sometimes things happen. If you think a guy is being an ass or dangerous on the ice...why not communicate that in an adult fashion?

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Sometimes you can talk to the refs and they'll keep an eye on things as well. Then again around here we have pretty good refs, and they're pretty strict at not letting things get out of hand. I've heard stories of guys going nuts in the league, but I've never personally seen it, apart from a guy smashing his stick on the ice because he got a penalty.

The problem with the beer league "tough guys" is they have this mentality of "whatever, that's just hockey." Well OK, sure that's NHL HOCKEY, this is rec-league-for-fun hockey. But they have it burned in their heads that it's a part of the game, and if you don't like, go play tennis. There's no changing their minds.

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Sometimes you can talk to the refs and they'll keep an eye on things as well. Then again around here we have pretty good refs, and they're pretty strict at not letting things get out of hand. I've heard stories of guys going nuts in the league, but I've never personally seen it, apart from a guy smashing his stick on the ice because he got a penalty.

The problem with the beer league "tough guys" is they have this mentality of "whatever, that's just hockey." Well OK, sure that's NHL HOCKEY, this is rec-league-for-fun hockey. But they have it burned in their heads that it's a part of the game, and if you don't like, go play tennis. There's no changing their minds.

I love the guys that spear and cross check all game long and expect you to shake their hand after the game. You don't get a free pass from trying to put someone in a hospital just because you were supposed to be playing a game at the time.

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