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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Vapor X:60

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Caught sight of the stick last night, can't say where or who because I don't think they were supposed to have it out for public viewing. The color scheme appears to be following the XXXX, white top half and dark bottom. The new Bauer logo was prominent on both the top and bottom half on forehand and backhand sides of the shaft. That is about all I know. I didn't get a chance to hold it so I can't answer anything on feel, weight, or balance.

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I tried on a pair of 60's at a local shop last night. I think they are definitely deeper than the xxxx's. Too deep for me, but a very nice skate.

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  aal said:
I tried on a pair of 60's at a local shop last night. I think they are definitely deeper than the xxxx's. Too deep for me, but a very nice skate.
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Went back and tried on a half size smaller, and they were much better fitting, and I got a pair. Best heel lock I've experienced in just trying a skate on. Hope to skate in them today or tomorrow. Might have gotten a 50 if they'd had them, due to price though.

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Tried on a pair yesterday at Totalhockey and really liked them, the 8EE seemed to fit well and the depth was fine for me, but seemed to lock my heel better than my One95s which I think is too wide in the heel. I've been considering selling my One95s to get some customs, but may try some X:60s to see how they'd work out for me. I was also pleased to see Totalhockey offers FBV sharpening.

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  chippa13 said:
Caught sight of the stick last night, can't say where or who because I don't think they were supposed to have it out for public viewing. The color scheme appears to be following the XXXX, white top half and dark bottom. The new Bauer logo was prominent on both the top and bottom half on forehand and backhand sides of the shaft. That is about all I know. I didn't get a chance to hold it so I can't answer anything on feel, weight, or balance.
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Yeah, it's made the dealer rounds for the past few wks. Looks good.

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  aal said:
  aal said:
I tried on a pair of 60's at a local shop last night. I think they are definitely deeper than the xxxx's. Too deep for me, but a very nice skate.
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Went back and tried on a half size smaller, and they were much better fitting, and I got a pair. Best heel lock I've experienced in just trying a skate on. Hope to skate in them today or tomorrow. Might have gotten a 50 if they'd had them, due to price though.

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Skated on them today. Best skates I've ever had on, no question. Heel locks like no other skate I've ever had. They're stiff but comfortable at the same time. Beautiful lining, light, and look good also.

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  shawn o said:
Picked up my pair locally today. Have several pairs of Vapor XXXs and thats what I've been skating in up until yesterday actually. Tried the 6.5 and 7D X-60 and the 7D felt best.

LHS had em listed for $549 (Dave's Sport Shop in Maple Grove, MN) so I grabbed em. Said they've sold about a dozen pairs already....


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i was wondering what nike shoe size you wear?

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I had lacebite problems with my XXXs but it went away as soon as I started skating in the X-60s. Tongue feels very stiff on the outside yet padded inside.

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hey guys, I skated in my X:60's tonight for the first time, and I have to be honest, it was a difficult skate. I'm coming from one95's size 7d and these also are a 7d, but at times I felt like I was swimming in the skate. I'm sure its just going to take some time to get used to, but I couldn't believe how different these skates feel from the one95's. On a bright note, these skate are unbelievably comfortable. I think that the next time I skate in them I'm just going to try to tie them tighter, and hopefully that will fix it. if anyone had a similar problem, I'd like to hear it, at least I'll know I'm not crazy.

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  GBX2006 said:
hey guys, I skated in my X:60's tonight for the first time, and I have to be honest, it was a difficult skate. I'm coming from one95's size 7d and these also are a 7d, but at times I felt like I was swimming in the skate. I'm sure its just going to take some time to get used to, but I couldn't believe how different these skates feel from the one95's. On a bright note, these skate are unbelievably comfortable. I think that the next time I skate in them I'm just going to try to tie them tighter, and hopefully that will fix it. if anyone had a similar problem, I'd like to hear it, at least I'll know I'm not crazy.
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uhhh, well, they werent designed to be the same fit.

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One95 is the first skate that I just love, and I tried for extended periods of time all top of the line Eastons & Bauers before

so considering how awesome One95s are this personally bugs me - why would someone who already fits well in One95 EVER switch to X60?!

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if u love ONE95, then dont ever switch to vapor. really...the boot construction is totally diff. but i think lacing technique might do... just make sure u laced it right.

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  SynysterGates said:
Vapors seem loose for me too, but if I get a size smaller, their too small.

Mabye Supremes will be perfect then

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I always had this exact same problem with bauers. For some reason though, with the vapor 60, the "size smaller" skate fits me right. I wish they were still a little more snug, but I've got somewhat low volume feet, and the vapors are still, I think, one of the best fitting skates for people with low - medium volume feet. They're still the best fitting skates I've had, and I've tried a lot of different skates.

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Does anyone here have feedback on issues with the ridge betwen the two different materials lining the inside of the boot. Sometimes that ridge can cause problems with tender parts of the foot, especially if the ankle bone is a bit forward.

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  monoclub said:
Does anyone here have feedback on issues with the ridge betwen the two different materials lining the inside of the boot. Sometimes that ridge can cause problems with tender parts of the foot, especially if the ankle bone is a bit forward.
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No problem for me.

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hi all, I tried the x:60 skates and they felt more snug that the xxxx.

Especially in the front part of the skate.

Has anyone here experienced this?


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