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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Movie Jerseys?

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that Adam Banks Hawks jersey has definately been at the top of my list for a loooonggg time. I cant believe they are actually selling it. I am copying the pictures so that when I randomly decide to get some made, they can be as accurate as possible. Thanks for that link.

Warrior's.... Warrior's. ;)

There's a Hawks one up now, the seller just put it up a day or two ago.

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TBLfan, you might want to get in touch with this guy. He had a custom jersey done that looks pretty exactly the same. If you plan on ordering some, let me know. Maybe we could get a group order going.

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that Adam Banks Hawks jersey has definately been at the top of my list for a loooonggg time. I cant believe they are actually selling it. I am copying the pictures so that when I randomly decide to get some made, they can be as accurate as possible. Thanks for that link.

Warrior's.... Warrior's. ;)

There's a Hawks one up now, the seller just put it up a day or two ago.

I'm aware. Just stating the Warrior jersey's superiority.

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that Adam Banks Hawks jersey has definately been at the top of my list for a loooonggg time. I cant believe they are actually selling it. I am copying the pictures so that when I randomly decide to get some made, they can be as accurate as possible. Thanks for that link.

Warrior's.... Warrior's. ;)

There's a Hawks one up now, the seller just put it up a day or two ago.

I'm aware. Just stating the Warrior jersey's superiority.

I see, well in that case I'll have to agree, I like the Warrior's one better too.

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you are correct.. considering they are the actual jerseys from the movie set, figured he probably wouldn't be selling. Just thought it was cool

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