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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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DC/Metro Skate

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  JR Boucicaut said:
Has to coincide with a Yankees homestand for me. Gotta knock out two birds with one stone.
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Only weekend homestand against the Yanks is may 8-9 from what I see

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While it wouldn't be at a 1.5 billion dollar field, remember that Camden Yards is about 40 Mins away, too, for a divisional rivalry game (but I'm sure the allure to YS will trump that)

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  Allsmokenopancake said:
I would be interested, but not 100% yet. I play league on friday at kettler, sunday at fairfax, and I just signed up for the hardcore hockey clinic which is saturday mornings in Reston starting may 8th.

Kettler is also good because it's right above Rock Bottom Brewery, which has great beer, and will put on hockey on TV if it's not already on.

Also, if anyone is interested, there is space on my monthly charity game this weekend (saturday 6pm at kettler).

It's all skill levels, from suck (myself) to college/juniors level players. I think Tamtang (who is a regular at it) was asking some of you guys anyway.

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I'd definitely be interested. I live in Arlington right down the street from Kettler and I know Saba is in the area as well....DC's/Arlington has some great bars for post game ginger ales as well......In fact, Kettler is pretty much on top of a mall and there are three bars pretty much connected to each other and about 8 floors below the rink.....

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By the way, if I could just stray from the topic slightly again, last time.

Inter and Min, are you both definates for my charity game on saturday at Kettler, I'm trying to figure out numbers, so need to know for sure.

I know tamtang will be there again, just checking on you two.

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I'm definitely there. I'll actually be there for the stick n shoot from 4:00-5:30pm if anyone wants to join me. So you'll know where to look for me Smoke. Tall Asian (by tall I mean 6'1 which is pretty damn tall for a Korean.. respect).

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  Allsmokenopancake said:
By the way, if I could just stray from the topic slightly again, last time.

Inter and Min, are you both definates for my charity game on saturday at Kettler, I'm trying to figure out numbers, so need to know for sure.

I know tamtang will be there again, just checking on you two.

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Hey wait.. crap. am I too late?

I'm in for an MSH skate..Just let me know!

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The skate they are talking about is a charity game someone hosts. You're not late for an MSH skate / a group of people who use MSH skate. That skate is still looking to see if people are interested in one (which I take it you are?)

  Goonsquad said:
  Allsmokenopancake said:
By the way, if I could just stray from the topic slightly again, last time.

Inter and Min, are you both definates for my charity game on saturday at Kettler, I'm trying to figure out numbers, so need to know for sure.

I know tamtang will be there again, just checking on you two.

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Hey wait.. crap. am I too late?

I'm in for an MSH skate..Just let me know!

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  Goonsquad said:
  Allsmokenopancake said:
By the way, if I could just stray from the topic slightly again, last time.

Inter and Min, are you both definates for my charity game on saturday at Kettler, I'm trying to figure out numbers, so need to know for sure.

I know tamtang will be there again, just checking on you two.

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Hey wait.. crap. am I too late?

I'm in for an MSH skate..Just let me know!

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Yeah, what moose said. This is not an MSH skate, this is a charity game that I run. We've raised a little over $25,000 the last couple of years, not great, but decent enough

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Moose and Smoke

I want in on the MSH skate. Originally I was going to try to do both but it also coincides with me messing around in net on Saturday.

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Guys, I'm getting ready to duck out of work for the weekend. If you have signed up for the charity game tomorrow and can't make it, please PM me as soon as you know.

I have a late game at ballston tonight, so will check my messages when I get back.

Otherwise, I'll see you tomorrow.


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  Drewhunz said:
Gavin, would you recommend flying into Reagan National or BWI?

Gavin, would you recommend flying into Reagan National or BWI?

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Let me know where and when and I can pick you up on the way. Neither one is that far out of the way, though avoiding rush hours would be nice.

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I am in and looking forward to meeting not only the DC crew but other MSH members as well. IMHO best airport to fly in depends on what carrier your looking to fly with. Right now I am a Virgin whore and fly out of Dulles. I find it to be cheaper and more convenient to the other airports in the area.

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Mid July/July in general might be the only time that I won't be able to do.

I have the Dave Fay Memorial to organize, and it usually takes place around the anniversary of his death. So I've got too much on my plate. Have to sort out sponsors, media, auction items, jerseys, players, caps alumni that will be playing, announcers and such.

I might be able to swing it as a player, but I would have no problem actually organizing it if it was a different time of the summer/year. Just can't committ to helping set it up at this time

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Even though I posted the idea, I wouldn't mind just setting it up for other folks. I'll be leaving the area June 30 and wouldn't be able to play after that date. I'll get in touch with kettler and see what numbers I get. I already know the contact there so I can touch base with her.

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Moose and Smoke, let me know if I can help. I am up in Frederick MD but can lend a hand or two.

Also I remember reading that without JR, Chadd, or any of the other mods that we cannot have an "official" MSH event without them being there at the event. True? Either way a DC Metro skate official or unofficial will be cool.

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Yeah- depending on how it rolls out it'll be either a group of people who just so happen to use MSH skate or an MSH skate. Right now I'm just looking to see if there is enough interest to plan something out and checking into some logistics.

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