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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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removing footbeds after skating

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I've been told to do this by more than a few people, and have read it a bunch of places.... but what purpose does removing the footbeds really do? I don;t really sweat on the footbed, it's always around the boot and not really that low to the footbed...


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I've been told to do this by more than a few people, and have read it a bunch of places.... but what purpose does removing the footbeds really do? I don;t really sweat on the footbed, it's always around the boot and not really that low to the footbed...


It allows the air to flow underneath and help everything dry out. You run less of a risk of rusting out rivets, and it slows the decomposition of the boot itself.

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I don;t really sweat on the footbed, it's always around the boot and not really that low to the footbed...


did you try taking them out? After every game when I take my superfeet out there's tons of moisture at the bottom, so it'd not even dry by the next game if I were to leave footbeds in

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I have started taking them out recently, but have not really noticed a lot of sweat on them or under them... guess I am not skating hard enough :)

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Take them out so the entire skate dries thoroughly and so the rivets will last longer. Older and cheaper skates have cardboard under the foot bed so they tend to be pretty moist as well.

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as rank as some guy's gear is; sweat under the foot beds is the list of their problem. I used to take mine out. Im too lazy now.

Your skate sharpener would probably appreciate it you weren't so lazy now. :lol:

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I always remove mine after skating. It requires so little effort, and besides preventing rusting rivets it also helps prevent fungus growth.

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I took my superfeet out at first, but eventually I got too lazy. I usually skate twice a week and I hang the skates up by the toe of the holder to dry. How much damage can you actually do to the rivets? Are we talking about them lasting 3.75 years instead of 4, or is it a significant degradation?

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as rank as some guy's gear is; sweat under the foot beds is the list of their problem. I used to take mine out. Im too lazy now.

Your skate sharpener would probably appreciate it you weren't so lazy now. :lol:

I never minded stink much. But the dudes who brought me wet skates.... I want to choke them with their own damp laces. Your freshly fertilized boots - do not bring them to me.

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:lol: I'm surprised some of you can wake up in the morning and roll out of bed. It literally takes 2 seconds to slide footbeds out :lol:

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Superfeet come out of mine after each skate also. Hit them lightly with Febreze and throw the fan on everything.

+1 to that! Febreeze plus evening Upstate NY air = 1 year old gear that smells brand new

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I've taken my Superfeet out of my skates after a game religiously since I got my skates. Every few usages they get a few squirts of Frebreeze. Still smell good after a year and a half.

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I just bought new skates back in February. I did read that taking the footbeds out was a good idea but I was too lazy. However, after a game of pick up I saw a former NCAA player take the footbeds out right after we played. This guys an awesome skater. I now take my footbeds out religiously. Who knows maybe it will improve my skating. :D

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After I skate I lay everything out in front of a fan, skate footbeds out and skate facing fan so air goes right in. I have even resorted to taking the caps/plugs out of the soles ( Lightspeed2 holders) so some air can get in and dry out any moisture in the Tuuk itself. Overkill? Maybe but it takes 2 seconds.

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i live in nyc, an din the winter time bryant park opens up for free skating to those who have their own skates, what this means for us regulars is an buttload of free skating time. personally on my longest days i am there from 3pm till midnight, resting only during the ice resurfacing, other wise im always on the ice, skating around or standing around and hanging out with the other regulars, by the time they close up my skates are SOAKED, and i mean you can squeeze sweat off my socks. what i do is i bring an extra pair of socks with me to the rink, and before i leave the house i wash my feet, put on a pair of fresh socks, get to the rink and switch to another pair of fresh socks, my skating socks, skate in them all day and then put my other socks back on, i take out the foot bed so the fresh air form the outside can flow through it to air it out, sum of my friends put them into their back packs and sweet mercy............. i have never smelled a funk like theirs ever... but yeah i take out my insoles all the time, i use mission agx fuels, they also have 3 screened holes under the boot for added aeration too, i do all this to prevent my boot from stinking up...

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I skate bare footed so always remove the footbeds. Usually, the footbeds are stuck to my feet so when I take off my skates

the footbed comes halfway out. I also dry my skates upside down to prevent water from pooling on top of the runner bolts.

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My older skates had rusted rivets, so I take the footbeds on my new ones out every time, spray them with with a deodorizer, and hang my skates upside-down.

My skates usually dry by the next day, but if I have two games within the same day, I'll put the fan on them.

When I pay that much for a skate, I might as well take care of it.

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Just got in the habit of doing this...with my easton and superfeet insoles....help greatly to reduce rusting rivets!!

Also controls smell too!!

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Baffles me that this is even a question - with everything we go through to play this sport, the 5 seconds to take out the footbeds would actually be a problem for someone? How can anyone who exerts (and pays) so much to play be lazy when it comes to that tiny little thing?

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I used to do it all the time with my one95's then just turned to hanging them upside down. Ended up rusting out a rivet earlier this year so with my TO's I'm taking no chances and removing my footbeds every time.

Baffles me that this is even a question - with everything we go through to play this sport, the 5 seconds to take out the footbeds would actually be a problem for someone? How can anyone who exerts (and pays) so much to play be lazy when it comes to that tiny little thing?

Think of how many people don't even hang up their gear after they play. It's really not that surprising that I've never known anyone other than the people on MSH that take out their footbeds.

EDIT: Double posted everything....

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