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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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In a personal way or athletically? For me, I was lucky enough to know some pretty remarkable people who are doing well for themselves. Unlike most pro athletes, they also are great people off the ice, and have made a huge impact on my life.

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Lidstrom. I wish I could keep my composure on the ice like he does.

I second that, the guy is a god of playing defense. In my opinion, hes one of the most effective two way defense of all time. An amazing defensive game with flawless positioning and composure combined with elite skills in all categories, very effective without having to throw massive hits. A joy to watch.

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A couple of folks who I look up to are my father and one of my college professors. Nobody should be idolized because they have great backhand sauce.

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Sean Avery, Marty McSorley, Todd Bertuzzi, Claude Lemuiex, Steve Downie, and G.G. Allin

HAHA. I think you forgot Adolf Hitler.

I would have to say mine would be Ilya Kovalchuk, Sergei Fedorov, Pavel Bure, Alexander Semin in terms of i like the style of play, for idols off the ice I would have to say Riley Cote who is just a great guy with the fans and out of hockey all together i would have to say my dad who grew up with nothing and worked hard his entire life to have what we have today.

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