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Michael Jackson

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TMZ reporting. No confirmation from CNN or any other news source. Mind you, TMZ has been pretty accurate historically with most celeb news.

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CNN reporting not dead yet. Supposedly he is in a coma now....I hope he doesn't pass the bucket...I love his music

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CNN is confirming this via LA Times while they wait for further confirmation.

  noodle3872 said:
Good riddance child molester!!! The world just because a safer place.


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Really? Somebody just died. It's not like he was Hitler.

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Wasn't he acquitted of all those charges? Not sayin' he wasn't a chester b/c he probably was, but I don't know if I'd go as far as "good riddance."

Chester or not, his music is the shit.

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He was acquitted of all charges. Good enough for me. Not a fan of him personally, but man his music was incredible.

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Look into Jackson's history; he's been to trial once and acquitted (victim's mother's testimony was shaky). He paid off another couple families to keep things from going to court.

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  Krev said:
He was acquitted of all charges. Good enough for me. Not a fan of him personally, but man his music was incredible.
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Ding ding. We have a winner.

Unbelievable. Thriller is one of the greatest albums ever created, and one of my favorite albums...

RIP. :(

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Wow, I kinda feel like I'll always remember where I was and what I was doing (flying haha) when I found out.

Fifty is so young, I can't imagine what his fans are feeling. Or those who pre-ordered his concert tickets??

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I thought he was a lot older than 50. I guess when you are in the public eye at 11 (or whatever he was when ABC came out)...you're young even when you are old...

His life is very sad...even through the 'good' stuff.

Farrah Fawcett....MJ and Ed McMahon. That's one hell of a death trifecta.

[EDIT]: CNN finally reports what TMZ had almost 2 hours ago: http://www.cnn.com/2009/SHOWBIZ/Music/06/2...kson/index.html

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