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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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2009-2010 Gear Sightings

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Just returned home from the Penguin's black and gold game on Wilkes-Barre, gpt some close ups of Gino's and Gonch's skates, they kind of look a little like they could be the same, then again they look different. Also Gino no longer in Warrior pants. New Bauers. If some one can help me through posting the pics I'd be happy to post them. Mods, please dont attack me if they come out sized wrong cause I' ve never posted pics before. Also once I learn how to post the pics I can prove what an equiptment lunatic I am.

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Just returned home from the Penguin's black and gold game on Wilkes-Barre, gpt some close ups of Gino's and Gonch's skates, they kind of look a little like they could be the same, then again they look different. Also Gino no longer in Warrior pants. New Bauers. If some one can help me through posting the pics I'd be happy to post them. Mods, please dont attack me if they come out sized wrong cause I' ve never posted pics before. Also once I learn how to post the pics I can prove what an equiptment lunatic I am.

The skates are made by the same people. As for the pics, check the size by using the "preview" button before "adding" the reply.

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those same bauer gloves in that red wing pic. guarenteed they arent xxxx's. they dont loook anything like them. i'll put money on modded x:60's.

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Check the Preds/Thrashers gallery on nhl.com... Picture #5 has Nathan Oystrick giving us a good first look at the new Synergy ST graphics package.

Simple enough design. Good lookin' stick.

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