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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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2009-2010 Gear Sightings

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That's definitely not the olympic-sized bauer wordmark so I'm sure you're right about them being his caps gloves. Wonder if they'll get fined or whatever.

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looks like most of the russian players are wearing them - ovechkin is wearing one as well

must be used to protect themselves from hurting their backs from over-embelished dives :P

Looks like the new Easton S19 helmet is being marketed/pushed hard at the olympics. I didn't like'em at first but after reading up on them and seeing that it's more than a rebadged s17 hemet, I'm surely tempted B)

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must be used to protect themselves from hurting their backs from over-embelished dives :P

Looks like the new Easton S19 helmet is being marketed/pushed hard at the olympics. I didn't like'em at first but after reading up on them and seeing that it's more than a rebadged s17 hemet, I'm surely tempted B)

They seem to sit very low on everyone, almost covers the eyes on a lot of guys.

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Looks like he got some custom air brushing done on those holders. Very strange choice of flames/goat head but to each his own...

i believe its because his name means sheep or little lamb in russian. So i'd assume it has something to do w/ that.

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In order to chirp him for that you better be on your A-game!! I wonder what Crosby will do next... up the Crosby vs Ovie battle.

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why wasn't USA in blue helmets... the white looked strange

Pretty sure they were blue helmets when wearing their white jerseys.

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In order to chirp him for that you better be on your A-game!! I wonder what Crosby will do next... up the Crosby vs Ovie battle.

Ovechkin could come out for warm-ups in assless chaps and a Lisa Leslie jersey and I wouldn't chirp him.

It'll just mean that 20 min later I'd be schooled by a guy wearing assless chaps and a Lisa Leslie jersey.

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