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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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1997 Busch Composite Info

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We were cleaning up some old files and I found this info from Busch of Switzerland. There is a lot in French that I did not scan. Check out the blade patterns. There are some off the wall patterns.







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That R 2071 Petit is a lot like the actual Al MacInnis curve. When the Blues practiced here at the Ice House, I checked out his curve. I'll swear it looked very similar, a total wedge job.

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I can't show anybody the R 2071 Petit without them bursting into laughter.

I have to say, I would never have bought a Petit blade if I never saw this. I would figt with the LHS owner that it was broken, and I'm serious

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That R 2071 Petit is a lot like the actual Al MacInnis curve. When the Blues practiced here at the Ice House, I checked out his curve. I'll swear it looked very similar, a total wedge job.



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Busch are still around. Mainly on the swiss market.

Busch are still around. Mainly on the swiss market.

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I remember finding a Busch Balance after we assumed the Solar Bears' inventory (second reiteration of the Busch stick, this one by Itech) and using it but hating the curve. I passed it on to someone else. That person passed it on to someone else. Then to someone else. The stick changed 5 hands in about 3-4 yrs, and nobody had broken the stick.

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Busch is now in North America with Graf. Two vanilla offerings. Adam is right, their more exotic stuff is in the Swiss market.

Robert Lang and I think Larionov also used Busch.

I had a Bure pro-stock once so he must have used it at one point too.

Great puck feel, great durability, no tapered offering (at least not at the time) so sort of a different kick than what folks have come to expect with those kind of offerings. Also, while at the time ground breaking weight wise, but now, 500 gram Graf Laser scares some folks off despite the fact that its only 3 oz more than the lightest sticks on the market.

I forgot to mention - who remembers the Sherwood Carbone that was first offered her? Sweet weave pattern on the blade.

I also believe that if you contact the swiss factory, you can get custom patterns...... (for a price and minimum order of course).

I know they wove platinum into their sticks to make stronger and lighter, but never tried the platinum series.

Checking out their website, at least judging by the name, they may be dabbling in Nano technology now.

Check the site out: http://www.busch-hockey.com/

Looks like you can order custom on-line much like the Bauer ID program. Note that the Euro exchange rate is not kind, tho.

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I had a friend get a set of customs with a curve similar to the smtyth with a higher lie. You pay 250 a stick with a minimum of 3 required.

There newer model, the ice labs and the diamond both contain platinum threading and both come in at under 500 grams.

The diamond also has a sort of taper if I'm not mistaken.

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