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Helmet camera

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How is it a potential hazard in any way? The camera is lighter and smaller then a puck, and wouldnt get throw around. I play in a rec adult D league the guys arent dicks at all. I think it would be a good training tool and allow my friends to see whats its like on the bench as well as the ice. Also we could actually have some footage of our games. I see no downside other then its distracting, and it cost 200 dollars.

The puck is part of the game, the camera is not. If you can't see how having a foreign object mounted to your head could be potentially dangerous, there is nothing I can do to help you.

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I think it would be ok in a semi controlled environment such as shooting and skating drills, or even say a penalty shot competition, but I don't think it'd be safe or wise to wear it as a player during a game, both due to potential damage to other players, and also the camera.

If you really want game footage maybe ask the referee to wear it...?

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As great an idea it is to have a helmet camera, you'd just look like a tool with a camera poking out the top of your helmet or having an iPhone in your face cage. Kinda like Homer with his huge hat video camera....

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The camera will stay attached to my helmet unless something very rare and unusual happens (or someone kills it on purpose). There is nothing in my league's rule book that deems it illegal. And if it does come flying off my helmet at incredible speeds people are wearing full protection for a puck doing the exact same thing. The camera is also smaller and weighs less than a puck.

Hockey is a dangerous sport and i see many more potentially dangerous things involving pucks and sticks happen every game and refs seem to allow it. I am willing to take the risk with the camera, as it is my investment. So yes it is potentially dangerous for both the camera and players but not nearly as dangerous as the game of hockey.

I am willing to take the abuse and look like a moron with this thing on my head, and by god do i look like one, haha.

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Hockey is a dangerous sport and i see many more potentially dangerous things involving pucks and sticks happen every game and refs seem to allow it. I am willing to take the risk with the camera, as it is my investment. So yes it is potentially dangerous for both the camera and players but not nearly as dangerous as the game of hockey.

Sticks and pucks are part of the game, a camera sticking out the top of your helmet is not. Nice to know that you are concerned with the well-being and safety of the other players though.

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While I don't see this as safe (nor a part of the game, a definite distraction) I can say that I will much rather watch the games on tv for now, your public skate video almost gave me motion sickness.

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as an aside, i'd definitely put a hard shoulder into anyone wearing a helmet cam on the opposing team.

And when they get pissed just say you were trying to give them some quality footage to show a true first person hockey perspective.

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As great an idea it is to have a helmet camera, you'd just look like a tool with a camera poking out the top of your helmet or having an iPhone in your face cage. Kinda like Homer with his huge hat video camera....

you know that hat was only days away from retirement!

anyways the video made me feel like I was flying lol.

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After seeing the video... man, if I were to watch something like that, I'd rather be either skating or playing hockey. Having a video of skating sorta takes the fun away from actually doing what you're filming.

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Ok guys I played one shift with the camera last night, luckily we scored on that shift! The sound was terrible quality, i need to work on that. Here is the

After the shift was over and the ref came over to double check my number for the assist tally he told me to take off the camera. I said that it was really light, and there was no rule against it according to the league rules. He said that it voided the HECC certification on the helmet which is fair enough and i can respect that. I just dont think it is dangerous in any shape or form. The pictures make it look bigger then it actually is. Im debating whether to email the league and ask for permission or just to keep the footage and return the camera.

Once again sorry for the crap quality.

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Ok guys I played one shift with the camera last night, luckily we scored on that shift! The sound was terrible quality, i need to work on that. Here is the

After the shift was over and the ref came over to double check my number for the assist tally he told me to take off the camera. I said that it was really light, and there was no rule against it according to the league rules. He said that it voided the HECC certification on the helmet which is fair enough and i can respect that. I just dont think it is dangerous in any shape or form. The pictures make it look bigger then it actually is. Im debating whether to email the league and ask for permission or just to keep the footage and return the camera.

Once again sorry for the crap quality.

Sweet video, and as for the league, mI say email them. The worst they can do is say you cannot wear it, and your back to where youd be if you didnt ask, just do it

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Bringing back my old thread from the dead.

I played in an overnight 3v3 tourney. Shenanigans were bound to happen so I strapped on some cameras to me and my goalie. We had a good time, and no Chadd, nobody got hurt from either camera. First two videos I edited are below.

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