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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Bauer Supreme One100, Bauer Supreme One

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There were some pics on here that got taken down i think, but they will look kind of like the one95 with gold accents instead of blue.

Also they are called "TotalOne".

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Are theses a big secret like the x60? If there are not going to be any pics is there any info on them? Relase date? What there replacing? Anything? Or is that a secret to?

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I've heard that the TotalOnes are kind of a limited edition skate and will only like 5000 pairs are being made. The One 100s are the skates that will be replacing the One95s

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Why can't certain pics be posted on new gear? I'd figure if a player is using it at a public rink, open practice, etc that the manufacturer would be aware of pics taken.

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Why can't certain pics be posted on new gear? I'd figure if a player is using it at a public rink, open practice, etc that the manufacturer would be aware of pics taken.

Last year the skates were swiped out of the reps bag. I have yet to hear what their complaint is this year.

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Why can't certain pics be posted on new gear? I'd figure if a player is using it at a public rink, open practice, etc that the manufacturer would be aware of pics taken.

Last year the skates were swiped out of the reps bag. I have yet to hear what their complaint is this year.

If the skates were not to be seen by the public, why carry them around? Asking for it to happen.

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Well, because sales reps have to market their companies products and it helps to have the product in hand. They obviously aren't expecting people to swipe them out of their bags.

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Well, because sales reps have to market their companies products and it helps to have the product in hand. They obviously aren't expecting people to swipe them out of their bags.

Not to be rude but it's bauer they dont really need to have a sample skate to show the buyer of the store they are selling it too they just need to say it's the new bauer supreme skate this is the cost and this is when you will get it, here's the order sheet. Just like Easton sticks some companies dont really need a sample of there new product just saying it's new is good enough

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buddy, I'm a sales rep, granted not in the hockey industry, but still sporting goods, and let me tell you something... people want to see the new shit. if you don't have it in your hand or in your bag, they don't want to hear you talk about it. yeah it's bauer and it will probably be good, but no one orders shit sight unseen. the store owners and managers are just as passionate about the gear as we are. when a sales rep walks thru the door, staff want two things: 1. free stuff 2. to see new stuff

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buddy, I'm a sales rep, granted not in the hockey industry, but still sporting goods, and let me tell you something... people want to see the new shit. if you don't have it in your hand or in your bag, they don't want to hear you talk about it. yeah it's bauer and it will probably be good, but no one orders shit sight unseen. the store owners and managers are just as passionate about the gear as we are. when a sales rep walks thru the door, staff want two things: 1. free stuff 2. to see new stuff

If you are showing off new stuff, be prepared for it to get leaked. Especially if you're not watching your bag with the top secret skates in it.

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buddy, I'm a sales rep, granted not in the hockey industry, but still sporting goods, and let me tell you something... people want to see the new shit. if you don't have it in your hand or in your bag, they don't want to hear you talk about it. yeah it's bauer and it will probably be good, but no one orders shit sight unseen. the store owners and managers are just as passionate about the gear as we are. when a sales rep walks thru the door, staff want two things: 1. free stuff 2. to see new stuff

If you are showing off new stuff, be prepared for it to get leaked. Especially if you're not watching your bag with the top secret skates in it.

obviously. typically, the company won't allow the product out of their hands until they're ready for it to be leaked. example: sending out rep samples.

it's not exactly top secret if a rep is showing it to a store full of staff. by the time companies send samples out, they WANT reps to show it off. that's the whole idea behind samples.

prototypes are a whole other story.

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The difference in this case this time is that NO sales rep had the skate. The sales reps won't see it for another month or so. This was a totally different type of leak.

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...which is why chadd made the comment about wondering what excuse they'll have this time...gotcha. i was speaking generally, in response to a post about bauer having enough cred to not need samples.

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The difference in this case this time is that NO sales rep had the skate. The sales reps won't see it for another month or so. This was a totally different type of leak.

what do you mean? are you able to clarify?

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Well, because sales reps have to market their companies products and it helps to have the product in hand. They obviously aren't expecting people to swipe them out of their bags.

Not to be rude but it's bauer they dont really need to have a sample skate to show the buyer of the store they are selling it too they just need to say it's the new bauer supreme skate this is the cost and this is when you will get it, here's the order sheet. Just like Easton sticks some companies dont really need a sample of there new product just saying it's new is good enough

I know the rep who got screwed last year and I know what pro shop he was at, how it happened, the guy who lost his job for doing it, and the repercussions that pro shop got in dealing with Bauer. I don't know any rep in this business that ever wants to walk into an account without having the product sample in hand to show the buyer. As a buyer in this business for 30 years, I have seen enough dogs in the lines to know that I will never buy a product in this business sight unseen. After 30 years, these companies still manage a few bombs every year, even the ones they say are going to be home runs. Can you say Rocket Runner?

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The TotalOne will be a limited edition skate, One100 will replace the one95. TotalOne will be available for select dealers only, and in limited quantities.

As for how the whole business works.. don't think alot of you really know how it works.

For instance, for Q4 release products, reps get the stuff in April-June. Reps show off that new stuff for the Q4 release for dealers. Than dealers will talk about the products for people to get hyped up about.

In late August-Early October reps get new stuff for the next season and go around to dealers and show it. We get the books at this time, and by around January or early February have to put in our booking order. We typically are good boys and don't talk about the new stuff for a while. We'll talk about it, but wont show pics of it (typically). If someone asks to see the new Warrior helmets for 2010 we wouldn't show them (whoops, did I say that? :o If not 2010 for sure 2011....).

Anyways we'll put our booking orders in and pretty much forget about everything until April-May and than we start advertising the new products as its a big deal to get the new stuff and yeah.

We are really allowed to talk about the new stuff and post the books on the net (someone posts them here though :P ). The reps I feel the sorriest for, as they have so much stuff that is new and they can't afford to have the stuff get leaked. When the x60s were shown to us, we had to lock the doors and put all of our phones (which had cameras) in a box that he had locked. He than unlocked skate, showed us, than after we were done fucking with it he put it back in a lockbox. Our Easton rep did the same (in a way) with the S19 that we saw late June.

Reps have fierce competition for their area, and especially if they are a big company sponsor, could get totally fucked over if some asshat steals skates or takes pics of them and leaks them. Like the guys that leaked pics of the new warrior gloves inside their store, i heard they got fired from their shop and that shop is on warrior probation for 2 years because of that. stuff is serious.

edit: realized i said shit 9 times, changed it to stuff. lol.

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don't think alot of you really know how it works.

that's pretty much SOP for any performance related sporting goods company. I worked for a brand that spent almost $2m (big money in ski world) developing a new binding system. the prez of the company made all the reps sign confidentiality contracts before seeing the binding in person and even when the news was leaked (no pics, just news) the rep who leaked it got fired and we were told to ignore and deny that a new binding was in the works. I had other manufacturer's reps calling fishing around for info.

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The TotalOne will be a limited edition skate, One100 will replace the one95. TotalOne will be available for select dealers only, and in limited quantities.

As for how the whole business works.. don't think alot of you really know how it works.

For instance, for Q4 release products, reps get the shit in April-June. Reps show off that new shit for the Q4 release for dealers. Than dealers will talk about the products for people to get hyped up about.

In late August-Early October reps get new shit for the next season and go around to dealers and show it. We get the books at this time, and by around January or early February have to put in our booking order. We typically are good boys and don't talk about the new shit for a while. We'll talk about it, but wont show pics of it (typically). If someone asks to see the new Warrior helmets for 2010 we wouldn't show them (whoops, did I say that? :o If not 2010 for sure 2011....).

Anyways we'll put our booking orders in and pretty much forget about everything until April-May and than we start advertising the new products as its a big deal to get the new shit and yeah.

We are really allowed to talk about the new shit and post the books on the net (someone posts them here though :P ). The reps I feel the sorriest for, as they have so much shit that is new and they can't afford to have the shit get leaked. When the x60s were shown to us, we had to lock the doors and put all of our phones (which had cameras) in a box that he had locked. He than unlocked skate, showed us, than after we were done fucking with it he put it back in a lockbox. Our Easton rep did the same (in a way) with the S19 that we saw late June.

Reps have fierce competition for their area, and especially if they are a big company sponsor, could get totally fucked over if some asshat steals skates or takes pics of them and leaks them. Like the guys that leaked pics of the new warrior gloves inside their store, i heard they got fired from their shop and that shop is on warrior probation for 2 years because of that. Shits serious.

You're right on most points (Bauer/CCM/Easton is asking for bookings in November now) but trust me when I tell you that the Bauer sales reps did not have the skate yet. They normally see the new skate for the first time during their sales meeting in October and then are shipped samples when they get back from the meeting.

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