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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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2009 VMA's

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Already - Kanye West disses Taylor Swift AS SHE GIVES HER acceptance speech...wow.

Lady Gaga's performance...uhhhh........

anyone else watching?

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What a dick. But, the entire interwebs are abuzz...hell...this is a hockey site and we're talking about him...so he wins...and tomorrow when every AC/CHR and probably Country morning show is talking about him...he wins again.

He obviously lives by the "There is no such thing as bad press" motto.

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Kanye... crap

Feel real sorry for Taylor... you can see it in her face that she doesnt know what to do after that.

To be totally disrespected in front of so many people and fans, you would be speechless... Kanye shouldnt be allowed back next time. He can buy his own friggin awards to give to himself

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It's no wonder MTV doesn't show music videos anymore. What talentless crap. Hopefully you'll see Tera Melos on there one day soon to bring talent and ability back to music.

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  Drewhunz said:
It's no wonder MTV doesn't show music videos anymore. What talentless crap. Hopefully you'll see Tera Melos on there one day soon to bring talent and ability back to music.
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You hatin' on Taylor Swift specifically or the current state of music in general?

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  Drewhunz said:
Music in general, but I'll take real country over the likes of Taylor Swift btw.
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Generally speaking, so do I...but Taylor is so damn cute. Saw her live with Paisley a few years ago...she actually can sing.

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I hate country music, but I will listen to Taylor Swift. I actually have some of her songs on my iPod...it was a classy move however for Beyonce to bring her out at the end of the show to give her acceptance speech, rather than Beyonce give her own.

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Everyone knows she's damn cute. She was shattered but by Kanye, standing there on stage like a deer in the head lights. I really felt for her, she's only 19 and thats tough to bounce back from.

Beyonce is the real hero here, like what was said before very classy stuff from someone who knows the real value of a helping hand.

Karma is gonna get you Kanye.

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  mack said:
Somehow the real talent like Biggie and Tupac are dead and that would-be Brat Packer is still around.
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Biggie and Tupac were real talents?

I personally got the impression they were wanna-be thugs that liked to sample other peoples music

I guess the old adage of One Mans Trash is Another Mans Treasure is true.

Tupac and Biggie being talented, just like Kanye being a genius, is surely subjective.

One thing that isnt subjective is that Kanye is a douchebag.

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