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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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What i'm wondering is if you'll be able to fit a tapered blade in there after the blade breaks since it flairs out at the hosel. It would be a shame to have a $350 shaft that's like 43 inches.

I cut mine yesterday and it was a little loose but one piece of tape fixed it. 4 points so it worked okay :D

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I cut mine yesterday and it was a little loose but one piece of tape fixed it. 4 points so it worked okay :D

How long is the shaft?

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I cut mine yesterday and it was a little loose but one piece of tape fixed it.  4 points so it worked okay :D

How long is the shaft?

I did not break it, it was a kid on the Junior team that skates here. It is the same length as my Synthesis. I will throw some pictiures up later today.

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Also the modanos now say P9 and all the other curves just have the name. Is this because they want to get people familer with P9 because next year it will be Gaborick.

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Nobody is forcing us to buy these sticks.  Is the Stealth better silver Synergy?  Lighter, maybe.  Better, well, maybe there too, the thing is, will we ever be able to truly see and feel the difference?

There is definitely a difference in weight. My wallet is about $50 lighter.

haha lollll that a nice one lol :lol: joke of the day!

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I personally don't see the big fuss about these sticks. With what Easton calls a "hotter" blade face it will just make stick handleing, recieving, and touch passes hard to control and preform. I have problems with composite blades as it is, this will just make it worse. I would put money on it I can shoot harder with my Tri-Core than I could with a Stealth.

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Easton still seems to market it. All I was saying was that I don't see the big fuss about it, it won't make you shoot harder, and the other points I was making were more PP, but I was just saying that I don't get the point.

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Well of course their marketing will sell the sizzle but to me it's just a more active blade and doesn't really help velocity. I can definitely tell a difference with the action on it, but in terms of velocity any increase is purely coincidental or accredited to me getting totally ripped from doing nothing.

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Also the modanos now say P9 and all the other curves just have the name. Is this because they want to get people familer with P9 because next year it will be Gaborick.

I saw a Modano Stealth yesterday.

How about Si-stealth

I think we should go with Stealthesis, this way there's a little common ground on and its the name of the shaft and not a stealth/si-core synthesis blade.

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