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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Take shine off helmet

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I have a question regarding a new helmet that I just recently got, its a red 4500 and I have two other 4500s (black and navy) and they have both been used for a while and they are dull (flat color, no shine) is there any suggestions out there on how to dull a helmet down and make it flat red? Obviously you can just wear it and use it for a long time....just wondering if anybody knows anything about this. And im sure somebody will have some smart-ass comment but thats fine

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I'm with Vakar on this one. Any chemical you put to it could weaken the plastic and doing any physical scuffing would have the same result. Even taking some steel wool to it would just leave it scratched.

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yea to be honest i can go out and get another helmet if i think the integrity is questionable....just looking for a shortcut to get that dull look, i like it better than the shiny new look

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As stupid as I think it is, I wouldn't use anything other than a very fine grade steel wool. You don't want to use any chemicals and anything too abrasive will scratch the surface. You could probably get away with some 2000 grit sandpaper and wet sanding it as well. That said, any of those things would likely violate the warranty and really serves no purpose at all.

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yea to be honest i can go out and get another helmet if i think the integrity is questionable...
The integrity can be compromised at a level you can't see with your unassisted eye. You're going to take a chance with your head in order to look cool?

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The integrity can be compromised at a level you can't see with your unassisted eye. You're going to take a chance with your head in order to look cool?

You really have to ask that? I mean seriously - a sport full of people cutting off half of their already insufficient visor to look cool for stick and puck or not even wearing face protection at all and you think they're going to worry about micro-cracks forming at stress concentrations in the helmet? Of course they'll take the chance. Duh.

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I guess I have brain damage, but somehow I slipped through the cracks and miraculously made it to U. Minnesota Law School...I will try the 2000 grit sandpaper and see what happens, thanks for the help guys

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I think theres some major overreaction in this thread. I don't think he was going to dip the helmet in paint thinner or anything.

Anyway, the magic eraser sounds like a good idea.

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haha thanks IniNew...I'm just trying to give it a nice flat red look without the shine, I'm not trying to blow torch the shine off and then treat it with paint thinner...I'll try Magic Eraser and 2000 grit sandpaper and let you guys know what happens

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Why not just hit it with a coat of flat black spray paint? If this experiment doesn't work out good though I'm going to demand you go find one of those chrome helmets the Labeda guys used to wear for a year as punishment.

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Gee... and I want to find a way to KEEP that glossy shine......

Most refs I know use the shoe polishing sponges.

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Just noticed on the back of my S19 it says "Do not apply paint, solvents or like products." It doesn't say that on my 5500, but it's good advice.

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