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How to clean your smelly gloves

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Anyone try this with NBH 4Rolls? any side effects?

Why would it be any different for the NBH 4Rolls? I use OxyClean, detergent & hot water on all my gloves (Easton UL, One95, and Franchise). They seem to work fine, except for the little discolouration on the inside of the Franchise which I don't care for..but it's that or the funky smell.

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I knew it might be a shot in the dark, but I just threw a REALLY dank pair of mitts into the wash with my jerseys and socks...

Turned out awesome. Still damp, but smell is completely gone.

BTW max, they're TPS R8 pro stocks, full nylon shell with nash palm, almost the same materials as the Bauer 4Roll.

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I was about to post a question asking if anybody had success throwin a pair of nylon/tufftek gloves in the washing machine.

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I had a really smelly pair of gloves and did everything that I could think of to get rid of the smell.

-Wrapped the gloves in plastic bags and put them in the freezer (to kill any bacteria)

-Thawed in direct sunlight

-Ran through the washing machine, stuffed them with newspaper and dried in direct sunlight.

-Poured boiling water through the gloves, stuffed them with newspaper and dried in direct sunlight.

They don't smell at all anymore. I probably did too much to really pinpoint what provides the best results.

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I just toss my gloves into the pool, and submerge them a couple of times. The chlorine kills the bacteria. Dry and you're good to go.

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All you guys using water, washing machines, pools, showers, etc. are a manufacturers wet dream.

I assume you mean because we're damaging the gloves in some way that will make us replace them sooner? Could you elaborate? I've thrown nylon R8 gloves in the washing machine several times with no apparent wear or damage, so I am curious why you say that?

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All you guys using water, washing machines, pools, showers, etc. are a manufacturers wet dream.

What's up with all the subliminal messages, without offering any advice?

How would you clean your gloves?

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Washing machines can be very abrasive against gloves. Not too mention completely soaking the foams will make them deteriorate faster than just spray them down with some sort of antibacterial spray and airing them out.

In my opinion the safest, most effective way to clean the gloves is to take them to a LHS that has one of those Oxidizing machines.

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I tried the washing machine once, and then threw it in the dryer too. Bad idea - some of the nylon tore (it was already worn down) and the foam fell right out of the index finger. I would not recommend using a washing machine/dryer for this reason. If you must do it, at least put it on the gentle cycle. And dry it in the sun or in front of a fan. Tumble dry can really kill your gloves.

I fixed the title. Thanks for the catch.

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For future reference:

Sublitwill's post

I'm the ORIGINAL Shaving Cream with Lanolin guy, although, it is shaving GEL with Lanolin. Give it a try...you just might be surprised.

BTW, the dryness and smell won't disappear after one use. Just like fat people trying to lose weight...you didn't get that amazing bod overnight. ;) (wow, I guess I just typed that!) LOL

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I tried the washing machine once, and then threw it in the dryer too. Bad idea - some of the nylon tore (it was already worn down) and the foam fell right out of the index finger. I would not recommend using a washing machine/dryer for this reason. If you must do it, at least put it on the gentle cycle. And dry it in the sun or in front of a fan. Tumble dry can really kill your gloves.

I fixed the title. Thanks for the catch.

Have done the washing machine thing multiple times. Then they were either hung out in the sun or thrown on my boot dryer (weather permitting...).

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Hi guys. I have some really smelly gloves. The same as those http://www.rebelsport.sklep.gratka.pl/product/Vapor-IX-Senior,103015613#

I think of getting rid of that smell with hot water. How you think ?? Can i use washing machine set on 90 degree Celsius without "spinning" but air dry after that or should i use some Pot with Boiling water and then put them in to it ?? Or start with cold water but with gloves already in the pot and then boil the water ?? I'm worried about those gloves because i wont get another if i break those.


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Hi guys. I have some really smelly gloves. The same as those http://www.rebelsport.sklep.gratka.pl/product/Vapor-IX-Senior,103015613#

I think of getting rid of that smell with hot water. How you think ?? Can i use washing machine set on 90 degree Celsius without "spinning" but air dry after that or should i use some Pot with Boiling water and then put them in to it ?? Or start with cold water but with gloves already in the pot and then boil the water ?? I'm worried about those gloves because i wont get another if i break those.


If you're not sure about throwing them in a machine, just get a bucket of the hottest tap water (same temp as your washing machine on hot) and keep dunking them in and out until the water turns green. You can at least gauge the condition of your gloves as you dunk them... I did these to my MIA's and turned out fine.

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I poured some near boiling tap water in my old gloves and the water turned brown :laugh:

Can't tell yet if the foul smell is gone

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Hey guys I was reading on how to clean smelly gloves. The best idea I read was to boil some water and hang your gloves over the steam. But does anyone know if this would work, of if it would damage the gloves.

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Hey guys I was reading on how to clean smelly gloves. The best idea I read was to boil some water and hang your gloves over the steam. But does anyone know if this would work, of if it would damage the gloves.

I did it to a pair of Pothier's gloves that I got off a kid on PHEW. it worked fairly well for how stinky the gloves were but you have to be very careful to make sure that you don't burn the fabric on the inside of the cuff. it got about half the smell out but re-palming them took all of the smell away.

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