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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Best and Worst bang for your buck

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  hehatemefrisbee said:
interesting that you think compostick is garbage. I have heard nothing but good things since we made the switch from howies.
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I haven't used the compostick, didn't know you guys switched. I just buy my Howies at MC because the other stuff I've gotten in the past, Andover, Renfrew, and a couple others all suck. Next time I need tape I'll check out the compostick.

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Best: CCM Externo E60's - Worked great for me and still look good after 8 years.

X:60 prostock Lombardi - Barely used for $60.

Worst: One90 shins - honeycomb absorb thing in knee cap killed my knees when landing hard.

TBLfan - Try the Warrior Hustler shins, 09' model I think (Black w/yellow padding) Pain free and comfortable.

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  dayroc said:

- Graf Custom footbeds, Were originally $100 but got them for a bit cheaper due to me knowing the guys there and they making me wait for a while. Makes my skates feel more solid with everything molded to my feet.

- One 95 stick, this stick just does not break. It's like a tank and has lasted me for 1/5 seasons now.

- Easton 1500cc Skates, bought them new at the time and costed $400 (on discount). My first "high" end pair, and they have held up well (played in 3.5 seasons, about 3-4 games a week buy practices).


Buying tape from Costco, friggin stuff sucked.

- easton s17 wheeled hockey bag, this bag is heavy, and using the wheels seems more of a hassle to me than anything.

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I thought it was great actually, but whatever you do, don't buy old tape from Duke's :P

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- ShockDoctor Power Dry Bag/Blower - at least me me anyways, I love it. Yes there is a timer function, but I find it to be great. The bag is only used when I use the Power Blower, or else it sits in storage closet until I need it again.

- Reebok 10K retail - loved it, felt amazing, but it broke after a while :( - actually only due to an unforseen collision on the ice


- RBK 9k o-stick retail - broke way too quickly and easily - twice!

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  starsfan71 said:
Yea Blocking shots can be a pain the ass with them, luckily the knee caps on mine haven't cracked. I know they are probably unsafe but I just can't shake the suckers.
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If you get tired of it, try the pro lightspeeds(I think they're just called the pro now) out. They don't hug the calf as well but they're still super comfy and they're bulletproof. It took buying 5 pairs of shin guards and trying on numerous others but pro lightspeeds are just money.

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  TBLfan said:
If you get tired of it, try the pro lightspeeds(I think they're just called the pro now) out. They don't hug the calf as well but they're still super comfy and they're bulletproof. It took buying 5 pairs of shin guards and trying on numerous others but pro lightspeeds are just money.
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Yeah, Pro Series.


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Best: Easton ST (blue one) just a hoss of a stick killer shot and they last forever. i just got a one95 to replace my st of 2 years, we will see how it compares.

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My Easton stealth stick was gonna be the worst (I hated the stick and I broke after three games) but with the warranty it ended up being the best. I got my money back and I bought a TPS R6 which was a tank, I absolutely LOVED it. I was pretty sad when it broke it . Anyway, thanks Easton :D

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  TBLfan said:
If you get tired of it, try the pro lightspeeds(I think they're just called the pro now) out. They don't hug the calf as well but they're still super comfy and they're bulletproof. It took buying 5 pairs of shin guards and trying on numerous others but pro lightspeeds are just money.
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Thank TBL I think I might give them a whirl.

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Best: CCM U+ Reloadeds, CCM Vector Pros (skates). CCM U+ CL, Bauer XXX lite (sticks). Farrell PRO HG300 (gloves).


Worst: CCM U+ Pro 2008 model (skates).

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Best - Vapor X60 skates, Custom Vapor X60s, Bauer One95, Pro stock 10k, Bauer 4500, Vapor XXX skates, Vapor XX skates, Vapor XX stick, Warrior Dolomite, Cooper SBD95 Shoulder pads, RBK 4k/7k Elbow pads, RBK 6k(White Orange), superfeet footbeds

Worst - CCM U+ skates, Eagle X5 gloves, NBH Pro defenders, Reebok 8k K.F.S., Graf custom footbeds they never worked for me superfeet was way better.

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  legiahockey said:
best- 150$ u+ reloads. mission l-2 shaft and all my one95 blades

worst. innovative tapered blades. broke 4 in under 10 icetimes. aweful

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Ended up paying $200 for my reloads. All thanks to RBK/CCM for great costumer service. I bought rbk 7k pumps for $200 and when they broke, they sent me the reloads

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Best: -Original Warrior Dolomite. I've never had a harder clapper, plus the stick lasted me about 8 good months, then the blade started to crack.

-Nike/Bauer One90 wood blade. Feels and performs alot like a composite blade, and it's been great durability-wise so far. Plus, unlike say Easton and SherWood, the wood pattern (P92) was almost identical to the composite pattern, which was kinda nice after looking for a wood Sakic blade that was more like the composite pattern for the longest time q:

Worst: I know alot will disagree with me, but it's gotta be the S17. I really didn't care for the feel of it, and after about 6 (gentle) ice-times, she snapped right in half. Kinda disappointing.

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Best - CCM "traditional" shins and shoulders. Cheap and has lasted forever.

Worst - Graf skates. Terrible quality and ever worse customer service.

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Best - Pro Stock Bauer one95. Best feel of any stick I've had in my 25 years of playing hockey. Helped my shot, and had a great feel.

Worst - RBK Wheel Bag. Falling apart after half a season.

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Was just giving my gear a good summer clean and have to say that my Tackla pants (have had 2 pairs over a period of 20 years) are the best money I've spent on hockey gear. Nothing else is really even close. I believe they have gone through some ownership changes, so I'm not sure they are still as good. My first pair of pants was made in Finland, the second in Canada, and I've now seen pants made in Thailand. Does anybody know if manufacturing has stayed the same while ownership has shifted?

Until recently, I would also have said Bauer skates (maybe up until the 8090 era). I'm not sure that I like the shift toward the ultra light super stiff boot. It seems to have made skates a disposable product, rather than a durable one. I understand the move for elite, professional level players, but for we adult league guys with no hope of being paid for playing the game, I don't like the direction Bauer and other skate manufacturers are going.

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Best bang for buck: $50 for a pair of Warrior franchise 15inch narrow gloves. They feel like a 14inch glove to me. Dude said he had 2 pairs and didnt have use for the 2nd pair. He asked me if 50 was good...not knowing he meant 50 shipped to my door. I in eastern Canada and this dude is in the US. made the payment and 8 days later i get a package with a pair of blk/white striped carbon franchise in it. Amazing conidition, small scuff i rubbed off on the mia/warrior thumb symbol. palms were mint no tape residue.

Worst band for buck: Easton 1200c skates. Bought and wore them for 5 games and the skates were falling apart on me from game 1. Paid 200 for them at a lhs in the city. Wasnt a skate i would normally buy but i wanted to try them. Went back to my vapor xxx's and sold them to a friend who wanted them. didnt get much money back and sore feet to show for it.

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You really need to have the right foot type to use a lot of Eastons skate line otherwise it can be a painful experience with them.

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Best : Jofa 3500 Elbows, Easton Air Shouldies, each going on 11 years. Easton Synergy ST the original silver one, lasted me about 6 months of every day use. Mission Titanium tapered shaft J.Sheppard pro stock, Mission L7 gloves, F.Kaberle pro stock, paid 30 for the stick and 50 for the gloves at the warehouse when mission was bought out. Both are still going strong after a year and a half. TPS R8 shafts, Vapor XXX Skates. Warrior AK-27 original shaft blade combo. Lasted me a full year of consistent use. NBH 4 roll gloves, got them in 07, used them for a full season and they're still in great shape.

Worst : T-blades, gave them a shot in 2004, got rid of them in the same year. Easton S17 stick, blade became so brital after a dozen use times and only a hand full of slappers. Warrior Kronik stick, CCM U+, Synergy SL, all had major blade problems rather quickly as well. RBK 6k stick, felt terrible. Warrior Dolomite nipple grip, the blade cracked after 1 week.

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Skates - Easton Se16 - I absolutely love these skates. A lot of people told me to go different routes etc with skates and to stay away from the Eastons but these skates are perfect for me. My last pair of skates really gave me some problems with my ankles, so it's a huge relief to skate pain free.

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Best: Bauer Pro 4-Roll gloves. Can't be beat for the price. From someone who has used pro-stock Easton 4-rolls forever, I love 'em. I rotate between the Eastons and Bauers, and can't say that I prefer the Eastons by much. However, the Bauers are considerably less costly.

Can't say that I have a "worst." Most of the stuff that I've tried, I've heavily researched. If something ended up not working out, it's almost always my fault for buying something that I didn't like.

While I'm tempted to list several one-piece sticks, I try not to label them as lousy "bang-for-the-buck." I feel that high-end composite one-pieces are built for performance, not durability. Stings when the wallet lightens as they break just outside of the warranty period, but I know that going into the relationship.

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