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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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2010-2011 Gear Sightings

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PLEASE tell me that the new CCM/Reebok line of gloves don't fit crappy this line. Something to the extent of the X60 Pro would be ideal. :huh:

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Rep brought the new rbk ccm line by today and a lot of nice looking and feeling stuff. The cl stick is a new stick added some weight to the break point from what the rep told us. its now at 425 grams. Gloves were nice liked the rbk 4roll 9000 and the cl's. Was very impressed with the 11k helmet, felt pretty nice. Rbk protective was top notch as always. Didnt get to see the crazy ovi curve rep didn't have any yet so was kinda bummed about that.

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Anyone else notice the top two CCM Twigs having "CS" on the blade and the bottom two having "CL" for which we all know what that is. What's the CS?

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Have you checked the MSH Photos lately?

(Note, there are four pictures there starting with the word "you" and the last one being "MSH Photos")

Thanks to Brian for the great pictures of all the gear.

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I'm surprised the gear photos were not watermarked MSH.

Those EQ50 seemed pretty nice boot. I am not even close to being in the market for skates, if I were and they fit I would seriously consider them.

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I looked at the EQ50 skate quite a bit since I shared my table with the Easton rep. The skate is not even close to being in the same class as the new CCM skate, let alone Bauer. From what I saw on Saturday, I was disappointed across the board with Easton.

I like my s19 gloves, not really sold on the palms on them though. other than that, i'm in agreement.

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Anyone know if the NHL players using eq50 sticks are really using eq50s? I saw Pavelski and some other players using a eq50 but with no window on the blade. I wasn't sure if they paint over it or if it was a repaint of something. I would understand them repainting sticks for Heatley and other sponsored players, but all players?

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Anyone know if the NHL players using eq50 sticks are really using eq50s? I saw Pavelski and some other players using a eq50 but with no window on the blade. I wasn't sure if they paint over it or if it was a repaint of something. I would understand them repainting sticks for Heatley and other sponsored players, but all players?

I know Alex Goligoski's EQ50 had the window on the blade or atleast he had one that did. Haven't looked lately on if it has changed.

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Pretty interesting video on the new Shoulder pad rules.

So given the new rules, are players still able to use Farrell pads? You can see a pair of them in the video and the caps and biceps guard on them is clearly just the hard plastic with no soft padding on top so I'm wondering how that is working out. Are players just that want to wear them forced to wear them without the caps/biceps guard? Or do they attempt to cover those plastic plates with the 1/2" padding?

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So given the new rules, are players still able to use Farrell pads? You can see a pair of them in the video and the caps and biceps guard on them is clearly just the hard plastic with no soft padding on top so I'm wondering how that is working out. Are players just that want to wear them forced to wear them without the caps/biceps guard? Or do they attempt to cover those plastic plates with the 1/2" padding?

It seems to me that they are just covering the pads with the half inch of padding.

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