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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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2010-2011 Gear Sightings

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Drury broke bones in his hand earlier in the season and then Callahan did the same last night. So the Rangers equipment manager made some adjustments...


I got home in time to watch the 3rd and I noticed that immediately. Did they talk about it earlier in the broadcast?

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Drury broke bones in his hand earlier in the season and then Callahan did the same last night. So the Rangers equipment manager made some adjustments...


I thought they always wore those gloves. None of them have change — or am I missing something? Newer Bauer gloves?

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they all have extra padding on the back rolls.

oh damn. Yeah, makes sense.

The Rangers have the worst luck with injuries...

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The flex profile is the "huge deal."

The stick is designed to be extremely flexy in that area...something that a few sticks have gone away from.

Ah, thanks for the clarification.,,

7 patterns, eh? Kovalev, Lidstrom, Vanek, Savard, Kovalchuk, Toews/whatever-they-calling-it-this-year, Gionta... That means no Kremlin unless they are eliminating a pattern...

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Sick shouldies.

Are more guys moving to warrior rather than jofa/rbk because of the caps?

I'd assume so, there was that vid a few pages back. And about Green, correct me if I'm wrong. Are those the Bauer pro defender pads for his torso? What would the black thing and grey add-ons be? Any clues?

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Ah, thanks for the clarification.,,

7 patterns, eh? Kovalev, Lidstrom, Vanek, Savard, Kovalchuk, Toews/whatever-they-calling-it-this-year, Gionta... That means no Kremlin unless they are eliminating a pattern...

Back to Draper

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oh damn. Yeah, makes sense.

The Rangers have the worst luck with injuries...

I don't pay close attention to the rangers,so I don't know about their injury history. But it seems like overkill to me, to add padding to all the gloves in what seems like the most protective area of the glove.

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I don't pay close attention to the rangers,so I don't know about their injury history. But it seems like overkill to me, to add padding to all the gloves in what seems like the most protective area of the glove.

They lead the league in blocked shots and have had 3 guys in 10 months go down with broken hands from blocking shots off that part of the glove

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