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MLX Skates Now Available

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You contradict yourself. You can't have an ankle "locked in" and retain any lateral flexibility.

actually you can, forward an backward pivot, your ankle or heel should remain in the same place, providing that the skate does what it is supposed to do. if you go to youtube it actually shows you an xray video of the flex that occurs in a typical skate an the mlx skate. in your natural skating position your knees should be just about lined up with your toes(ah, unless you have abnormally large feet), resulting in the forward pivot(flex) of your foot, and hopefully your heel an ankle are locked. i know mine are when i skate. just my opinion.

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actually you can, forward an backward pivot, your ankle or heel should remain in the same place, providing that the skate does what it is supposed to do. if you go to youtube it actually shows you an xray video of the flex that occurs in a typical skate an the mlx skate. in your natural skating position your knees should be just about lined up with your toes(ah, unless you have abnormally large feet), resulting in the forward pivot(flex) of your foot, and hopefully your heel an ankle are locked. i know mine are when i skate. just my opinion.

That's not the lateral flex. Lateral flex is going side to side.

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Best analogy (for me) is to think of a gamer joystick. Solid base and about 270 degrees of movement - forward and side to side.

The limit or stops to that movement come from where the support force is applied.

More support - clamping pressure (lace or in my case buckles + boot) is up higher, less support more agility that clamping pressure zone goes lower.

I like a stiffer overall chassis to start with for stability & power.

A lot of clamp force in what I call the ankle apex zone. So I use two buckles I can adjust during the game and how I feel.

I like that force to progressively flare off going up the lower leg to afford not only the agility I need, but that soft support as well (like an ankle brace effect).

Unfortunately due to 2x severe ankle injuries back in '99 it's a dicey situation for me. I still have a hard time running.

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OK, I figured I'd voice my experience (thus far) with the skates. I went by their sizing chart online and they said not to worry about width because they mold to the shape of your foot. Considering how my current pair of CCM Vectors aren't even wide, I didn't think too much of that. Well I got them and baked them. Sat in them for about 15-20 minutes when my foot just before the toes started to get really sore. I tried baking them a couple hours later and trying again but got the same results.

I e-mailed them back and they told me to trace my feet and write down the measurements and send it to them. I scanned the images and sent it to them on Wednesday night. I didn't hear back from them Thursday but did get an e-mail from them first thing this morning. They said they're in the process of making a custom boot to accommodate for my wide foot and send them out by mid-late next week. They're also going to send me a return label to send FedEx which is cool. Some great customer service if you ask me!

Will definitely post my impressions once I finally get in them.

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OK, I figured I'd voice my experience (thus far) with the skates. I went by their sizing chart online and they said not to worry about width because they mold to the shape of your foot. Considering how my current pair of CCM Vectors aren't even wide, I didn't think too much of that. Well I got them and baked them. Sat in them for about 15-20 minutes when my foot just before the toes started to get really sore. I tried baking them a couple hours later and trying again but got the same results.

I e-mailed them back and they told me to trace my feet and write down the measurements and send it to them. I scanned the images and sent it to them on Wednesday night. I didn't hear back from them Thursday but did get an e-mail from them first thing this morning. They said they're in the process of making a custom boot to accommodate for my wide foot and send them out by mid-late next week. They're also going to send me a return label to send FedEx which is cool. Some great customer service if you ask me!

Will definitely post my impressions once I finally get in them.

What was the width on your feet?

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sid did you use teh 50% off code? if not i would make it ahppen some how. i just got mine last week an used teh code for october an it worked.. oct1250 is the code

yeah I used the hfboards50 code though, it still worked. I figured why not, thats a pretty good deal to get a top quality skate for $400, can go too far wrong.

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experimentation with holder alignment should clear up issues with pronation or supination. the nice part of these holders is that you can do it "trial by error" for lack of a better term, with out redrilling constantly. there will be a video on the (MLX)site shortly with general pointers for rectifying pronation/supination in terms of alignment

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Are the holders fixed correctly in a neutral position out of the box, or is it another "trial by error" to set them up?

BTW they don't sell runners, is it planed to sell the steel, the website only offers holder + runner...?

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Are the holders fixed correctly in a neutral position out of the box, or is it another "trial by error" to set them up?

BTW they don't sell runners, is it planed to sell the steel, the website only offers holder + runner...?

I can only speak of mine which were set up pretty neutral out of the box. Regarding steel replacement, I've never understood why folks replace just steel unless to change types. I personally tear up holders so by the time my blades need to be replaced I want the holders changed as well.

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What was the width on your feet?

Sorry it took so long to response, been busy.

The way I measured my foot was to trace it out on a sheet of paper. I put a ruler up against the wall and lined up my foot so the inside of my foot will be perfectly vertical. Both feet were slightly over 10cm wide. Oddly enough, my left foot came out to 10.3cm and my right foot came out to 10.1cm. I think it was more of a tracing issue than anything else. I did just get my new pair of skates and they fit perfectly.

Only downside is that when I sent the old pair back, I sent everything that came with it (extra screws, screwdriver, inserts, etc, even the letter) and the new pair they sent back was only the skates. They did apologize for the mix up and are sending everything to me again separately.

I ended up having an extra torx head screw driver that fits so I tightened up all the screws. I'm going to leave it at my local hockey store to have them put a radius on them and hopefully pick them up by the end of the night. I'm skating tomorrow morning and would love to have them for the game.

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Down to $599 for this weekend. Seems like any chance they get, they have a sale. I wonder how actual sales are looking.

It's down to $599, but the 50% off codes don't seem to work with that price (tried hfboards50, facebook50 and youtube50). I wonder if they'll be active again after the weekend sale. I'm not in the market for new skates at the moment, but a couple team mates on my Tuesday team mentioned they were planning to pick up new skates soon so I provided them with a code and a link to this thread. If they tried it today and the code didn't work I'll probably hear about it tonight.

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I pulled the trigger a few weeks ago at $419 shipped with the coupon. I big on doing things differently, so I am excited to try these out. My wheels don't ship until the 15th in my size. So far the customer service has been pretty sound. I had a concern about runner length (MLX stock sizing for a size 7 is 272), and that I am used to Tuuk 263's as I have been using them for almost 15 years and they said I could put a tuuk on them if I wanted, but that the stock runner is the optimal runner for the boot. I then said that I wanted to used what came with the skate and they responded that they would be happy to throw on an MLX size 263 set for my boots. Thats pretty cool.

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I finally got a chance to use these and holy crap, I can't believe how good they are. A million times better than my old CCM Vectors. I was expecting a small improvement in performance but I just fly with these, and the acceleration is great. I was skating so fast I found myself overskating the puck just because I wasn't used to skating so fast before. :P

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Now that's pretty cool. I wonder if by this time next year we'll be seeing more and more players using these skates.

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Now that's pretty cool. I wonder if by this time next year we'll be seeing more and more players using these skates.

The question is why are NHLers waiting now after reading so much positive feedback from users here? I don't mean NHLers are reading MSH but with all the positive info here, what is holding back the pros? They didn't get a coupon or what?

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The question is why are NHLers waiting now after reading so much positive feedback from users here? I don't mean NHLers are reading MSH but with all the positive info here, what is holding back the pros? They didn't get a coupon or what?

Must be something in their water that tells them coupons are evil.

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Lack of reps and exposure? NHL guys are notorious for being picky about their gear, so unless they get to try them first hand, I'd bet most won't try them out. Hell, I'm sure 98% of them don't even know what MLX is.

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The sport we deal with, pros test off-season, typically run through the season on what they started with unless something is going horribly wrong. Other players will have supply, parts, backups, equipment guys all in line so that would be work to re-configure as well.

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What of those pros that have used MLX and consistently switch back out of them? There must be something not only intriguing enough for them to try, but also not amazing enough for them to keep 'em.

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From the chat in February:

<@JR_Boucicaut> Is the tendon guard removable?

<+MLX_Dave> Yes, it is, as well as the tongue. They just screw off.

<+MLX_Dave> We are working on different models of the tendon guard and tongue that will be available, hopefully soon after initial launch.

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From the chat in February:

<@JR_Boucicaut> Is the tendon guard removable?

<+MLX_Dave> Yes, it is, as well as the tongue. They just screw off.

<+MLX_Dave> We are working on different models of the tendon guard and tongue that will be available, hopefully soon after initial launch.

Oh yeah I saw that, I guess the more accurate question is when will they be offering these options, as the launch was quite some time ago.

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