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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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MLX Skates Now Available

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So Krev, did you get your MLX's? You've been patiently waiting for a while now.


Expecting them today. UPS rerouted them yesterday from Seattle to Spokane for whatever reason.

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Bam. Factory mounted LS2's. I'll put up some better pics when I find the regular camera. Skates fit like a glove. No complaints at all. Perfect. I'll be skating on them all weekend. Working four games tomorrow, two on Sunday and then playing Sunday and Monday night.


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So seems like everyone's happy with their skates. Kind of makes me wonder if I should've gotten these instead of my Supremes...

I'm debating between these and a pair of TOs. I really wish I could try these on before, I already know the TOs fit like a dream. But at $200+ less... These are extremely tempting.

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I'm debating between these and a pair of TOs. I really wish I could try these on before, I already know the TOs fit like a dream. But at $200+ less... These are extremely tempting.

Well I got the one100s, ended up paying ~$450 for them so if I jumped on the 50% off wagon for the MLX's, I would've paid a similar price.

I'm more than happy with the weight of the one100s and how good they look (compared to the MLX's looks...FWIW).

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I asked Rob about having the LS2 holders/runners mounted, and he told me they do not offer this service. I was surprised, as I have been in close contact with MLX. He then replied that i can do it at a pro shop and the holders can be mounted even with the holes drilled from the MLX holders present.

In term's of the MLX holder, I have lost one bolt that connects the steel to the holder. Rob was kind enough to send a couple my way at no cost.

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I know several people, including me, wouldn't wear these because of the asthetic factor. Anybody here try to paint black over that hideous white stripe?

:facepalm: You really care more about how a skate looks than how it performs?

As for my skates, did three out of the four games today on them. After the first game my arches, particularly my left foot, were quite sore. I figured that was just the break in period. Didn't do much skating, was a linesman in a three man system. The next two games I'd be the ref in the three man system with a lot more skating. Second game, same thing, but a little less intense. Third game, the arch on my left foot was in a good amount of pain towards the end of it. Right foot, less so. Went back to my S15's for the fourth game and the pain in my arches went away.

Looking at the boots, MLX and Easton, the arch is slightly more flat on the Eastons, so I'm going to try the Easton footbeds and see if that helps. If not, I may have to invest in some superfeet. Everything about the skates was great. Balance, acceleration, and comfortable everywhere in the boot except for my arches, moreso my left than my right.

I'll be firing off an email to Rob tomorrow either way after my games to get his opinion on things.

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a small amount of boot stretching or reheating should massage out those pressure areas, nothing overly concerning

On the bottom of the boot? It wasn't the sides that was hurting, in which case I would be reheating them for sure. Though I may do that anyway just for good measure. Pretty sure I just need a different footbed.

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On the bottom of the boot? It wasn't the sides that was hurting, in which case I would be reheating them for sure. Though I may do that anyway just for good measure. Pretty sure I just need a different footbed.

I think I have a spare set of superfeet and a set of graf footbeds, I'll bring out what i have on sunday.

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:facepalm: You really care more about how a skate looks than how it performs?

When you get get skates that preform just as well, or better in some cases, aesthetics can be a driving factor... yes.

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I think I have a spare set of superfeet and a set of graf footbeds, I'll bring out what i have on sunday.

Thanks Matt, I appreciate it.

When you get get skates that preform just as well, or better in some cases, aesthetics can be a driving factor... yes.

I'll never understand that.

EDIT: I mean, I do understand, it just baffles me sometimes.

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Thanks Matt, I appreciate it.

I'll never understand that.

EDIT: I mean, I do understand, it just baffles me sometimes.


Skate A and B both preform similarly. No advantage either way with performance.... but Skate A looks better than Skate B. I'm going with Skate A personally.

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:facepalm: You really care more about how a skate looks than how it performs?

As for my skates, did three out of the four games today on them. After the first game my arches, particularly my left foot, were quite sore. I figured that was just the break in period. Didn't do much skating, was a linesman in a three man system. The next two games I'd be the ref in the three man system with a lot more skating. Second game, same thing, but a little less intense. Third game, the arch on my left foot was in a good amount of pain towards the end of it. Right foot, less so. Went back to my S15's for the fourth game and the pain in my arches went away.

Looking at the boots, MLX and Easton, the arch is slightly more flat on the Eastons, so I'm going to try the Easton footbeds and see if that helps. If not, I may have to invest in some superfeet. Everything about the skates was great. Balance, acceleration, and comfortable everywhere in the boot except for my arches, moreso my left than my right.

I'll be firing off an email to Rob tomorrow either way after my games to get his opinion on things.

It took about 6 full games for my arches to quit hurting. I wear them a bit more loose through the middle than I'm used to which helped a lot but they fit tight enough that this hasn't impacted my skating.

How did they do with LS2's? The blade is really my only question on these skates thus far. Tuuks are the only blades/holders I've liked since they replaced my tubular steel blades back in the day.

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Skate A and B both preform similarly. No advantage either way with performance.... but Skate A looks better than Skate B. I'm going with Skate A personally.

Sorry, I misunderstood you the first time around. I thought you meant Skate A performs like crap but looks amazing, and Skate B performs amazingly but looks like crap. My bad.

It took about 6 full games for my arches to quit hurting. I wear them a bit more loose through the middle than I'm used to which helped a lot but they fit tight enough that this hasn't impacted my skating.

How did they do with LS2's? The blade is really my only question on these skates thus far. Tuuks are the only blades/holders I've liked since they replaced my tubular steel blades back in the day.

They're fine with the LS2's. Perfectly centered, no balance issues. Had zero problems transitioning from my old skates, save for my arches flaring up.

Put in the Easton footbeds today, and it helped a lot. More of a soreness then a pain compared to yesterday. I started to develop some lace bite on my left foot, and didn't figure out that I hadn't forgotten to take off the 3mm lifts I had under my Easton footbeds until after my games. So, for starters, oops. Two, definitely going to try some different footbeds with these skates. The MLX ones have a very low to high arch, and I'm more of a mid arch guy. Other than that, I've got zero issues. Broken nicely everywhere else. Just the arches that are going to need a little bit of tweaking.

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Skate A and B both preform similarly. No advantage either way with performance.... but Skate A looks better than Skate B. I'm going with Skate A personally.

I doubt skate A and skate B have identical price tags.

I agree in that I would choose one skate over another if one looked better to me. But even a 75 dollar difference would push me towards the slightly less flashy skate. Looks just don't make that much of a difference to me I guess.

Krev, I had arch pain for the first two skates then they subsided. In fact, it was nearly unbearable. I also baked my skates twice. I have been dealing with a little bit of lace bite. Nothing huge, just some serious chaffing but that too seems to have gone away.

I have skated on mine for about 6 weeks now and am very happy with them.

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Stupid question but: Where can I find a video where they talk about blade alignment. I know you can adjust the blade but there is nothing that talks about what you should be looking for when you are playing with alignment. For example how do I know when I should change the alignment?

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I doubt skate A and skate B have identical price tags.

Most major manufacture's top of the line skates have the exact same price point as the MLX now. While others (read: Easton S17) are cheaper. Nevermind getting a pair on closeout before the next line drops. Deep discounts (read: same price point as the %50 off MLX) on those skates as well.

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Has anybody received their back ordered skates recently? I ordered Oct. 27, at the time my size was scheduled to ship by 11/30, then it got pushed back to 12/15. I emailed them 12/16 asking for an update and they said I would receive them no later than 12/23. My order # is 569.

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How do the insoles compare to superfeet? Ill probably give theirs a try first before i give the superfeet a try.

Their insole is pretty nice as far as comfort is concerned. Unfortunately the insole they sent me was about 1/4" too short for the boot so my toes were over the edge. I just threw in a new pair of superfeets and fitted them with those in there and they still feel great. MLX offered to send me another pair of larger insoles but Im used to superfeets so Ill probly just keep them as backups or for my outdoor skates. The MLX skates are by far the easiest break-in skates I have ever had, no bullshit.

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Has anybody received their back ordered skates recently? I ordered Oct. 27, at the time my size was scheduled to ship by 11/30, then it got pushed back to 12/15. I emailed them 12/16 asking for an update and they said I would receive them no later than 12/23. My order # is 569.

My skates (size 6) will be here today or tomorrow.

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My skates (size 6) will be here today or tomorrow.

Mine were supposed to get here today but got re-routed to Memphis for whatever reason. I guess I'll get them tomorrow or Friday.

MLX sent me shipping confirmation with a tracking number, so you should have gotten one too applesauce.

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