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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Warrior KGB stick

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I can't imagine the demand warranting this pattern becoming anything more than this. Maybe on MyBauer, but nothing like a full retail version.

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Miseaujeu - any plans on making the curve on the dolomite dd tapered blade?

Nah. This pattern is pretty crazy but there is certainly a demand for it. I used it for a while, it was really hard to shoot with...let alone pass or receive one with any accuracy.

CCM and Ovechkin have a very good partnership they market him very well on many products. No threats from Warrior against that, just offering a clone blade (which is not a tm) on a special Warrior graphic, that's all.

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I ordered mine a couple days ago. I've been waiting for this stick ever since the rumours of an ovi warrior stick came out, and i wasn't going to miss out on it, even if i need to pay a rediculous fee for it being shipped over the border.

I gotta say i love the graphics on it, looks really cool, a long with the name KGB which is the old Russian Commitee for State Security.

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Given the choices of some mid-ish level Warrior and a CCM stick I'd just hunt down that pattern in its Bauer forms.

According to ccm on facebook, in spring 2011 they will be releasing the new u+cl stick in "the crazy ovi" curve.

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So does that mean all the kids at stick and puck in the next few months are going to be shooting them head high even more?

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Any idea what the lie for this curve is?

According to the drop-down box for the stick on HockeyMonkey's site, it is a Warrior L5. For the sake of not getting attacked and considering the blade likely has a huge rocker, I won't even try to say what the lie is compared to in another brand.... :)

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According to the drop-down box for the stick on HockeyMonkey's site, it is a Warrior L5. For the sake of not getting attacked and considering the blade likely has a huge rocker, I won't even try to say what the lie is compared to in another brand.... :)

doesn't look any more rocker-ish than a drury curve.

i'm sure the only reason this curve works for ovi is cause he uses such a whippy stick that it cups the puck on every shot.

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I've been curving my own wood blades in what i think is the same as the prostock curve and this stick and i actually shoot better and with a lot more accuracy with the curve as compared to my old kovalev i used to get on my dolomites. I ordered the KGB with the Kremlin pattern so i'll let you guys know what the stick is like when i get it. I'll put a review in the review board.

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For those interested, here's some pics of my ovi pro next the kremlin curve. IMO it's more mid and opens up a tad later.



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Well here in montreal the hockey life carry the u+ 07 with the ovi curve and they are selling like hot cake.So i am not sure about that Mack.And its not hard to get used to honestly.

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I agree it's not hard to get used to but as for it staying around, have it talk to the Smyth, Shanahan and Bure/Gagne patterns.

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I would venture to say they will be plenty of kids who want Ovechkin's pattern so they can shoot just like him.

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I would venture to say they will be plenty of kids who want Ovechkin's pattern so they can shoot just like him.

I would agree with this. Where I agree with Mack is that I doubt many will stick with it because:

1. It's an adjustment period and suddenly little Johnny shoots over the net, has no backhand, misses passes, has a poor saucer pass, etc..

2. It limits their ability to choose whatever brand they'd like, they're "stuck" with CCM.

3. It will loose it's "cool appeal" eventually.

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I'd agree with number two definitely as I use the Lecavalier curve. With nothing quite like it I'm currently experimenting and not really enjoying it.

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I would say the Smyth could't keep up because its more of a banana curve rather than a toe, if it was a kovy pro it would of been more popular to the general public.

I would agree with this. Where I agree with Mack is that I doubt many will stick with it because:

1. It's an adjustment period and suddenly little Johnny shoots over the net, has no backhand, misses passes, has a poor saucer pass, etc..

2. It limits their ability to choose whatever brand they'd like, they're "stuck" with CCM.

3. It will loose it's "cool appeal" eventually.

I agree with most points, it hard to say though. They also have the Warrior option though to with the KGB, and they will also have the blades allowing them to pair it with their favorite shaft.

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