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The 2010-2011 Suspension Thread

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Figured I would start this one up, being it's a new season and we already got our first possible suspension.

Anyone else think Cammalleri gets 3-5 games for this?

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The high stick is maybe suspendable and I wouldn't be surprised but that slash was bullshit. They showed it a few times and I probably get worse slashes in beer league. He went down like a bitch.

But that clip doesnt show how it started. Cammi was pissed because Niederreiter almost landed a head shot.

But yeah I'm pretty sure he'll get a game or 2 max for this.

I really don't understand what the Islanders were thinking here. They put out a team full of minor leaguers against the habs and then they get pissed that they get destroyed on the score sheet so they started acting like morons...obviously something's gonna happen. No one wants to be humiliated like that. Very dumb move in my opinion.

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Colby Armstrong had a textbook blindside shot at the head of a guy tonight and there wasn't even a penalty. It should be a multi-game suspension but the guy didn't leave on a stretcher so it will pass without notice.

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  On 10/3/2010 at 4:06 AM, Chadd said:

Colby Armstrong had a textbook blindside shot at the head of a guy tonight and there wasn't even a penalty. It should be a multi-game suspension but the guy didn't leave on a stretcher so it will pass without notice.

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Armstrong will eventually get suspended this year...at least once. They should just give him 10 games right off the bat every year.

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  On 10/3/2010 at 4:30 AM, Habs21 said:

Armstrong will eventually get suspended this year...at least once. They should just give him 10 games right off the bat every year.

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I'd be okay with that.

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I saw the guy on the ice holding his leg and saw Cammy being sent off. I just figured he slashed him in the leg....when I saw the whole clip, I was surprised. Didn't think Cammy would do that stick near the face kind of slash...but, yes it started with Nino throwing the high elbow (not excusing what Cammalerri did).

Mike should get 3....he probably won't. I'd say they give him a game. I didn't see the Armstrong hit.

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Should get at least 2 for the slash to the face. That was dirty. The back of the leg...most likely hit a slash guard anyway.

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I agree with Habs21 and MLSman - I think the high slash is worse than the chop and the ankle. Even if the Islanders rookie did try to go for the blindside headshot that isn't an excuse to swing your stick at his head. Going for a hit on him, dropping the gloves or letting an enforcer take care of him (OK, there are no true enforcers in the Habs lineup at the moment, but there are a few guys who will fight) are all acceptable options, but swinging your stick at his head should draw a suspension. I'd give 5 games for the swing at the head as that's a very dangerous play that shouldn't be tolerated. For the ankle shot, I'd say the 5 minute penalty and the ejection was enough. It was a hard slash, but I see hard slashes like that all the time. It just happened to catch the guy in a bad spot.

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  On 10/3/2010 at 10:12 PM, mug25 said:

Derek Boogaard has one coming up for his sack-tap on Chris Neil last night....LOL

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How the hell is he still in the NHL? Stuff like that and a goal every 222 games (literally).

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  On 10/4/2010 at 2:24 AM, 17D1998 said:

How the hell is he still in the NHL? Stuff like that and a goal every 222 games (literally).

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Yeah, I dunno why the Rangers just didnt re-sign Jody Shelley, or hell they have Brandon Prust to fight. They should've just let one of the younger players come up and take some 4th line ice time over Boogaard. Anyway, he's gonna def get some sort of suspension.

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  On 10/4/2010 at 3:30 AM, mug25 said:

Yeah, I dunno why the Rangers just didnt re-sign Jody Shelley, or hell they have Brandon Prust to fight. They should've just let one of the younger players come up and take some 4th line ice time over Boogaard. Anyway, he's gonna def get some sort of suspension.

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A goon nut jab on an agitator/goon? I don't even think that's a penalty. Seriously though, I doubt anything comes of it.

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Where is that Colin Campbell flow chart when you need it. He should have gotten more, 5-10 range.

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  On 10/3/2010 at 2:49 PM, althoma1 said:

I agree with Habs21 and MLSman - I think the high slash is worse than the chop and the ankle. Even if the Islanders rookie did try to go for the blindside headshot that isn't an excuse to swing your stick at his head. Going for a hit on him, dropping the gloves or letting an enforcer take care of him (OK, there are no true enforcers in the Habs lineup at the moment, but there are a few guys who will fight) are all acceptable options, but swinging your stick at his head should draw a suspension. I'd give 5 games for the swing at the head as that's a very dangerous play that shouldn't be tolerated. For the ankle shot, I'd say the 5 minute penalty and the ejection was enough. It was a hard slash, but I see hard slashes like that all the time. It just happened to catch the guy in a bad spot.

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Actually, Cammalleri wanted Niederreiter to drop the gloves but the kid wouldn't so Cammy kept hitting him so the kid would finally drop the gloves but he didn't. Instead he pulled a soccer player move or even a Ribeiro move. That doesn't excuse Cammalleri's gesture though but I can see why he was so pissed. You get a rookie probably not even making the team that blindsides you which could have resulated in a serious injury to a veteran player that happens to be one of the best players in Montreal.

He's only getting 1 game, I thought he would have gotten 2.

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It is situations like this where I miss the traditional welcome to the NHL where a rookie would accept the challenge after looking at a veteran the wrong way.

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