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NHL Player's Stick Length

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I was watching a couple Ottawa games, and realized how short Kovalev's stick is. This made me wonder what NHL players use fairly long-ish sticks. Iv'e hear Datsyuk uses a longer stick for take-aways. I personal like my stick to my eye brow on skates, but thats just me. Does anyone else know any NHLers who use longer stick? Do you guys use longer sticks?

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I was watching a couple Ottawa games, and realized how short Kovalev's stick is. This made me wonder what NHL players use fairly long-ish sticks. Iv'e hear Datsyuk uses a longer stick for take-aways. I personal like my stick to my eye brow on skates, but thats just me. Does anyone else know any NHLers who use longer stick? Do you guys use longer sticks?

Many defensemen use longer sticks for obvious reasons. Most forwards use shorter sticks. I think Brad Boyes and Bobby Ryan, for example, use long sticks. I'm guessing that is because they rely so heavily on their shots --- longer sticks = more whip = hard shot.

Datsyuk is an interesting case. You may have read my posts on here about how much longer his sticks are now compared to his earlier sticks. Interestly, the other night I saw him stand staight-up and his stick came up to his nose (while on his skates). So it seems like he shortern his sticks this year, but they are still longer than average. Just a guess, but maybe he is trying to get back some of his offensive output and he is willing to sacrifice potential takeaways.

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I've seen forwards use longer sticks on PKs, again for obvious reasons. Everyone has their stick at that length b/c that's what they find most comfortable and natural.

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Spezza I believe uses a very long stick. It's overall a preference thing.... I have increased the length of my stick lately as my lower back has always been bad and starts hurting towards the end of ice time, a longer stick helps me bend over less.

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Like stated above, it's all preference. Some forwards have a longer stick which can be beneficial in many situations such as loading it up more on slap and snap shots. However, you also have players like Erat who uses a very short stick, which has its own perks too.

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Learn to photoshop.

If I remember right, that is a real stick and it was a joke to piss somebody off who had made the statement that he was using a stick that was too long so he skated warmups with the stick.

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Learn to photoshop.

That's not a photoshop, Mitchell was accused of using a stick longer than allowed by Mike Keenan, so he came out with this in warm up for a joke.

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Haha dang, someone beat me to the Mitchell pic. That was my profile pic a while back for fb, I was so amused. I'm a little surprised that Chara wasn't mentioned yet, I'd think he uses one of the, if not the longest in the NHL.

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If I remember right, that is a real stick and it was a joke to piss somebody off who had made the statement that he was using a stick that was too long so he skated warmups with the stick.

Nice, now I feel like a jerk. Apologies where needed. Odd they jammed a one95 into a warrior stick though. Probably whatever broke first.

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Haha dang, someone beat me to the Mitchell pic. That was my profile pic a while back for fb, I was so amused. I'm a little surprised that Chara wasn't mentioned yet, I'd think he uses one of the, if not the longest in the NHL.

Chara's stick is longer than the legal limit allowed in the NHL. He is allowed to have it because he is 6'9" off skates.

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Chara's stick is longer than the legal limit allowed in the NHL. He is allowed to have it because he is 6'9" off skates.

That's pretty interesting, I didn't know that. So would the same thing happen if we put Yao Ming in skates? :blink:

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It is determined by your height now. I believe it Used to be 63 inches was the cutoff and now it is dependent on the Player.

The issue for the taller players imo is that You need a much flatter lie if you want to really have your hands in a comfrtable position with a long stick. But then again when the puck gets in between your feet you are screwed! I am 6'7 barefoot and only use a 3 or 4 inch plug depending on the lie and that is good for me.

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I personally use a shorter stick. It defniitely helps for puckhandling, but, considering my height, it's terrible for takeaways. As for guys who use longer sticks, defensemen normally like them longer, expecially for the pokecheck, etc.

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Don't listen to the whole "longer sticks are for defensemen and shorter sticks for fast forwards" stuff. Does it hold a bit of truth? Yes, a longer stick will be better for poke checks for the guys on D. Shorter sticks do aid in stickhandling, which would help a forward.

But it's all about preference. There are D-men with short sticks and forwards that prefer much longer sticks. I'd say that if you use a stick that's in between your collar bone and lips, you're pretty much normal.

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Don't listen to the whole "longer sticks are for defensemen and shorter sticks for fast forwards" stuff. Does it hold a bit of truth? Yes, a longer stick will be better for poke checks for the guys on D. Shorter sticks do aid in stickhandling, which would help a forward.

But it's all about preference. There are D-men with short sticks and forwards that prefer much longer sticks. I'd say that if you use a stick that's in between your collar bone and lips, you're pretty much normal.

+1. More and more forwards at the NHL level are using longer sticks and lower lies. It's no coincidence, with less fear of huge hits, it makes all the sense in the world. There's no reason for rec leaguers to be using shoulder level sticks. 

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it's personal preference. there's a defenseman on my team who's a solid foot taller than me uses a shorter stick than me. my stick is cut to my chin on skates. he has a canon of a shot and has no issues taking the puck away.

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I got a free AK from a friend of mine, and the stick comes to my nose on skates. I decided what the hell, it's a free stick. So I'll the stick out on my next game and see if I like my sticks a bit shorter.

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Only amazing players play with short sticks. Rookies use long stick here's a rookie with his long stick :

You can use long/short as soon as your lie is correct, usually if you are very low while skating you want a short stick. ovechkin, heatley are the 2 that come to my mind using short sticks for their height, below the chin for both.. knee on the ice when taking one timers

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