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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Warrior Discontinuing Dolomite Next Year

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Typical, Warrior now have a track record of discontinuing sticks that I use - first the MacDaddy then the Dolomite. Such a shame!

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On the Warrior facebook page, someone brought up the video like here and Warrior (whoever runs the page) commented that the Dolomite would stop after 2011. I do not know if that makes it official or not.

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Why discontinue something that worked so well?? Will the diablo be just a different graphic/name on the stick?

So it's not competing with the rest of their product line... like one that has a $200+ price point.

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So it's not competing with the rest of their product line... like one that has a $200+ price point.


I think thats it right there... The Dolo has been such a popular choice for so long that many people overlook their higher-end sticks like the Kronik and Mac Daddy (and perhaps the Blackwidow in the future).

I hope the shades of the "new Dolo" will take from the '11 version. I really like that stick. The shaft seems to have gotten more square than the '10 DD version and blade feel is improved quite a bit as well... I am slowly buying as many '11 DD's as I can get within financial reasoning just in case the '12 version is not to my liking.

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Why discontinue something that worked so well?? Will the diablo be just a different graphic/name on the stick?


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so what are the new lines that are going to be out there? the kronik was a big bust.. the whole spyne blade technology was a bust, imo. the dd and hd blades are better.. the macdaddy was great, and they got rid of that soon after.... i probably will never buy another warrior stick again... but i guess i shouldn't say never.

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What`s the dolomite with the green & yellow dragons on it called? Which year did it come out? Is it like a DD or HD Or whatever?


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What`s the dolomite with the green & yellow dragons on it called? Which year did it come out? Is it like a DD or HD Or whatever?


that's your 2010 dolo DD

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On the Warrior facebook page, someone brought up the video like here and Warrior (whoever runs the page) commented that the Dolomite would stop after 2011. I do not know if that makes it official or not.

yea that was me. just wanted to get some insight as to whether or not it was true because i've been using the different variations of the dolomite for years now. It's been my go to stick since it came out as the dolomite right when i turned 12 and started buying OPS.

The Diablo has the new Dagger taper so it's not going to have the same shaft make-up of the dolo, but i'm strongly hoping they do come out with a new name or something for it because i can honestly see myself using this stick for the rest of my life due to how much i love it.

I'm looking forward to seeing the catalogue so i can hopefully see a new name for the dolo. Don't really want to have to stock up haha

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yea that was me. just wanted to get some insight as to whether or not it was true because i've been using the different variations of the dolomite for years now. It's been my go to stick since it came out as the dolomite right when i turned 12 and started buying OPS.

The Diablo has the new Dagger taper so it's not going to have the same shaft make-up of the dolo, but i'm strongly hoping they do come out with a new name or something for it because i can honestly see myself using this stick for the rest of my life due to how much i love it.

I'm looking forward to seeing the catalogue so i can hopefully see a new name for the dolo. Don't really want to have to stock up haha

The catalog is posted online (not msh obviously). Google is your friend.

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