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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Easton Stealth RS Stick

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What shop is this? Maybe I can get them to ship me one.

There's a whole thread already discussing the RS, by the way.

I looked for an RS post on OPS forum and didn't see it..

Pretty sure it'll be a nationwide release.

No one expected them this early. I was told October.

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Because you looked in the reviews section, and posted there, which ISN'T the place to post.

My bad. Just wanted to spread the word.

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I'm pretty surprised that the sticks are already on the shelf. At SummerJam the Easton rep. said numerous times the sticks were just prototypes and mentioned they had to rush to get them there.

Well, they got nervous seeing how much we all loved those APX's.

Oh, wait, no, we were dying for the RS's.

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That's good news, but I find it odd. Last week, I talked at length with the Easton rep, Rob, who was with Taylor Hall at his Buffalo area visit. He said RS was not coming ot tll Fall. I would have bought one right then and there if they were available.

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I'm pretty surprised that the sticks are already on the shelf. At SummerJam the Easton rep. said numerous times the sticks were just prototypes and mentioned they had to rush to get them there.

Sorry, what the sales rep said was wrong.

That is the retail stick. Like what happened last year with the EQ50, they were made for us to use at SJ.

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I think Nick is just misremembering. The rep said not to judge too harshly due to any cracking sounds because they rushed them out to SJ and they hadn't had time to set.

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I think Nick is just misremembering. The rep said not to judge too harshly due to any cracking sounds because they rushed them out to SJ and they hadn't had time to set.

Huh? The Easton Rep told me those cracking sounds were because I shoot just like Ryan Getzlaf and Taylor Hall.

Either way, the wait for the RS continues...

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The Rep did say they were prototypes. When i asked him if the graphics package was the same for grip/non grip he said he wasn't sure and these are still prototypes so the graphics may change for the grip/non grip.

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The Rep did say they were prototypes. When i asked him if the graphics package was the same for grip/non grip he said he wasn't sure and these are still prototypes so the graphics may change for the grip/non grip.

He was wrong.

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I heard that they were hot of the press so to speak... but prototype was never a word I heard muttered by him.

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My LHS received their shipment of Easton Stealth RS sticks this morning (8-15-11). I was told it was an attempt on Easton's part to get a jump on Bauer's fall release. I picked up a Hall 85 Grip and will use for my ice game Thursday night and post my thoughts on it Friday.

We would like to know which store this stick was purchased at.

I heard that they were hot of the press so to speak... but prototype was never a word I heard muttered by him.

The stick that was at summer jam was the final RS and not a prototype

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Well good. The stick at summerjam was incredible and I can't wait to get one. Do the grip and non grip have different graphics packages? Can you tell them apart by looks?

Thanks. The sticks will look the same but the non grip stick will be matte and the girp finish will be glossy.

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Thanks. The sticks will look the same but the non grip stick will be matte and the girp finish will be glossy.

Glossy like a normal clear stick or clear as in smooth with a tacky/rubberized feel?

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Glossy like a normal clear stick or clear as in smooth with a tacky/rubberized feel?

Go look at a ST Grip and a ST non-grip or a EQ50 grip and non-grip and you'll see the "glossy" grip Easton and JR speak of.


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My LHS received their shipment of Easton Stealth RS sticks this morning (8-15-11). I was told it was an attempt on Easton's part to get a jump on Bauer's fall release. I picked up a Hall 85 Grip and will use for my ice game Thursday night and post my thoughts on it Friday.

What store was this stick purchased at?

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You're MUCH better off saying you lied at this point DINIS. It will be a far less bitter pill to swallow. :facepalm:

Easton...go easy on him fellas! :biggrin:

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