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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Zombies #77

Aluminum shaft

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I was in search of a new OPS today and came across a great deal($10)on an Easton Hybrid blade. The old blades in my aluminums are tore up from using them on concrete, so I don't play with them in my league, but with a new blade I think I'm gonna give it a try this Sunday. Does anyone still use their old aluminums regularly? I have yet to see anyone playing with one since I came back to the game 2 years ago.

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Do you mean anyone as in NHLers? Or anyone as in anyone that plays hockey? I will occasionally see a guy in an old man league using one sometimes, but that's it. I still have an 85 flex Cyclone Silver Tip aluminum shaft that I used for a couple games last year for giggles.

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I was in search of a new OPS today and came across a great deal($10)on an Easton Hybrid blade. The old blades in my aluminums are tore up from using them on concrete, so I don't play with them in my league, but with a new blade I think I'm gonna give it a try this Sunday. Does anyone still use their old aluminums regularly? I have yet to see anyone playing with one since I came back to the game 2 years ago.

i used mine for a couple games in high school hockey this year. i found an old Easton Aluminum V-Flex in a rink and threw a blade in. It actually wasn't that bad.

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A guy on my team has an old silver tip as his main stick. He get's a pretty decent shot off of it too.

Just goes to show you how little of shooting lies within the stick. A guy I used to play college hockey with had one of the better shots I've ever seen and used only beat up old Easton Classic Silver Tip shafts. Most of them were so beat up that they looked like plain aluminum shafts with some black, yellow, and red specks of paint leftover. He'd use them until he bent them, then flip the shaft over and use it until it bent back the other way.

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Do you mean anyone as in NHLers? Or anyone as in anyone that plays hockey? I will occasionally see a guy in an old man league using one sometimes, but that's it. I still have an 85 flex Cyclone Silver Tip aluminum shaft that I used for a couple games last year for giggles.

Sorry, I meant anyone on here. I'm pretty sure there are no NHLers using them, but I could be wrong. It's just weird that back in the day aluminum was "the stick" and now it's composite. I wonder what's next? I still love using a wood stick though, mine finally broke 2 weeks ago and I can't find one like it locally (Easton SY50) in my size or Right handed. I honestly don't think I'll feel much of a differance between my OPS and my aluminum.

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Aluminum has life and then it dies. Sounds weird but that is what would happen to aluminum baseball or softball bats. I talked to an Easton rep about this a long time ago. It does carry over to aluminum hockey shafts. So don't be surprised if one day your shot ain't what it used to be if you have an old aluminum shaft.

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One of the guys at our rink still uses his A/G 7100 from time to time. He only recently switched over to a 7k shaft.

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I have an A/G 7100 in 110 flex. It's like playing with a piece of rebar. Great shot, but a little on the heavy side for stick handling.

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Tom Potti used repainted aluminums for the longest time, not sure if he still does. I have a couple of easton shafts in the garage, used them for street hockey with my son, but that's about it.

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I have an ad on Kijij looking for a couple.....no luck! The only one I have found the guy wanted $50 for it? Good info from Darkstar though...I thought so! I figure if it worked back in the the 90's it might work today!! lol Still looking for one...they are hard to find?? I would love an old "pro gold"!!

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I still have 2 :)

I brought one to the rink the other day just to mess around. I handed it to one of the kid's coaches who's 21 years old and he laughed. I told him not to laugh at it as it is older than he is and he should respect his elders, he laughed harder. Can't imagine playing in a game with that stick. It weighs a ton and as someone above me postedm it feels like a piece of rebar.

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I still have 2 :)

I brought one to the rink the other day just to mess around. I handed it to one of the kid's coaches who's 21 years old and he laughed. I told him not to laugh at it as it is older than he is and he should respect his elders, he laughed harder. Can't imagine playing in a game with that stick. It weighs a ton and as someone above me postedm it feels like a piece of rebar.

I got some practice time in before my game on Sunday and played around with my aluminum and my new OPS. I can't believe the weight differance. I decided not to use the aluminum, it just felt too heavy. Funny thing is back in the 90's it felt perfectly fine.

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Can these shafts dent up and other wise become crooked after years of use?

Yes, but it never took years to happen. They generally took quite some time to break.

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I picked up some new old stock NIKE aluminums recently. Had a guy come in and drool over them, bought 2 on the spot. There still is a following.

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I always hated the aluminum sticks. Though, part of the reason is because a friend had one and for some reason they seemed to hurt a lot more than wood or composite sticks when they hit bare shins. That is when I learned to wear shin pads every time I played, even when using a hockey ball.

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I have an A/G 7100 in 110 flex. It's like playing with a piece of rebar. Great shot, but a little on the heavy side for stick handling.

I still use a A/G 7000 silver tip for the odd occassion I play inline. I dig it!

I also have an Easton Pro Gold Aluminium that I'll use on occasion too.

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