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2011-2012 Suspension thread

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the biggest question is what past history can they use? obviously they use past suspensions and fines - but could they use the hit on eaton since all he got was kicked out of the game?

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It looked as though Letang's head may have hit Pacioretty's left shoulder blade as Pacioretty turned a bit away, but it was too fast for me to really tell, from the angles shown. What penalty did he receive? Did Letang return?

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I dont understand how pacioretty got 3 games for hitting to the head. He didn't extend any parts of his body,keeping his elbows tight while Deveaux clearly went head hunting and only got 3 games. Shanahan even said Letang made the decision to take the hit to make a play. I am NOT a habs fan, just looking for some consistency. I just watched the Shanahan descriptive video and still think Max only deserved 1 or 2 games.

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I am NOT a habs fan, just looking for some consistency. I just watched the Shanahan descriptive video and still think Max only deserved 1 or 2 games.

So despite all of the extenuating circumstances, he still gets one of the heaviest regular season suspensions that Shanny has handed down? This is turning into Campbell's random wheel of justice again.

Max shifts his weight to the right before making the hit - No kidding, if he doesn't he drills him in the numbers and gets a penalty for that. It also didn't seem to matter when Neil shifted his weight to make head contact with a guy that didn't have the puck.

Letang's head doesn't move - Correct, he is leading with it and his shooting motion removes his shoulder from a position that would block initial contact to the head.

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Oldtrainerguy had it correct- Pacioretty gets 3 for Hit on Letang(per TSN)

Thank you.....

Not going to try and explain why.......that is the NHL's job. Just felt in IMOP there was intent....Pacth says he didnt mean for him to be injured in that way? or something to that effect....tells me he wasn't going to let up either hence my thought it would be 3 games.

its never going to be perfect.......but i think were what at a rate of 50% less concussions? I like it better this way!

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So despite all of the extenuating circumstances, he still gets one of the heaviest regular season suspensions that Shanny has handed down? This is turning into Campbell's random wheel of justice again.

Max shifts his weight to the right before making the hit - No kidding, if he doesn't he drills him in the numbers and gets a penalty for that. It also didn't seem to matter when Neil shifted his weight to make head contact with a guy that didn't have the puck.

Letang's head doesn't move - Correct, he is leading with it and his shooting motion removes his shoulder from a position that would block initial contact to the head.

I think Shanny is going with the fact that Pacioretty had time to abort the contact seeing that Letang was shooting and would be in a vulnerable position (head exposed). Since he continued thru Letang from the blindside, Shanny nailed him. He is basically sending a message that guy's had better start thinking twice when coming from the blindside.

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Listening to the audio on the Miller hit, some commentary on NHL Network radio, and reading some of Ruff's comments, it makes me wonder if they just couldn't see the Buffalo skater. Tootoo leaned very hard to his right to make the turn, making it very hard (or dangerous?) to go left just a moment after the puck was poke-checked away from him. The Buffalo skater who did the poke-check seemed to do his best to prevenent Tootoo from turning more to his right to avoid Miller; he had Tootoo wrapped up with his right arm and stick. It appears that Tootoo tried to raise his stick out of the way, and even jump over Miller, but couldn't get up very high that late.

I'm having a hard time seeing 5 and a game, let alone the telephone disciplinary hearing scheduled for today. It seems to me its a reaction more to Miller's recent concussion, Ruff's previous comments, the current climate regarding concussions/hits, and perhaps Tootoo's history.

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Listening to the audio on the Miller hit, some commentary on NHL Network radio, and reading some of Ruff's comments, it makes me wonder if they just couldn't see the Buffalo skater. Tootoo leaned very hard to his right to make the turn, making it very hard (or dangerous?) to go left just a moment after the puck was poke-checked away from him. The Buffalo skater who did the poke-check seemed to do his best to prevenent Tootoo from turning more to his right to avoid Miller; he had Tootoo wrapped up with his right arm and stick. It appears that Tootoo tried to raise his stick out of the way, and even jump over Miller, but couldn't get up very high that late.

I'm having a hard time seeing 5 and a game, let alone the telephone disciplinary hearing scheduled for today. It seems to me its a reaction more to Miller's recent concussion, Ruff's previous comments, the current climate regarding concussions/hits, and perhaps Tootoo's history.

A couple of us watched the video on Saturday night at the hotel and the predictions varied from 2-5 games. Tootoo has a history, though not much recently, and as a fourth line guy he is easier to suspend than someone like Lucic. At least Lucic could argue that Miller was out of the net in that situation. In this case, there is no excuse for it as Tootoo was free and clear of the defenseman before the contact with Miller and had lost the puck well before getting to the crease. Typically, he kept his gloves on during the melee as well.

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I didn't see it until today; too bad I missed that discussion.

It looks like there was a left-hand push in Tootoo's back by the Buffalo player, and his right hand was still holding the stick around Tootoo enough to drag his glove off, just after the contact with Miller initiated. You can see the stick caught between Miller and Tootoo in the collision.

I have no idea how Shanahan will view this, but I believe the Buffalo player's actions should factor in.

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i can't decide if tootoo jumped assuming miller would duck under him - or if he jumped to aim for the head..

even with tootoo's reputation i think he was probably jumping to hopefully avoid miller - but miller didn't duck so then it just looked even worse.

If shanaban gives tootoo a suspension does that mean players will stop driving to the net like that in the future?

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Well, he did lift his stick up to not hit Miller with it, and it looked like he was jumping up, not forward.

It's unfortunate this came from common hockey play -- the power move to try to get around a defender, and the defender trying to push the driving player so he couldn't make the turn. To me it's more a bad combination of circumstances.

Hasn't this happened before? It seems it would be the kind of thing that does happen once in a while.

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i can't decide if tootoo jumped assuming miller would duck under him - or if he jumped to aim for the head..

even with tootoo's reputation i think he was probably jumping to hopefully avoid miller - but miller didn't duck so then it just looked even worse.

If shanaban gives tootoo a suspension does that mean players will stop driving to the net like that in the future?

If he jumped right or left, I might give him the benefit of the doubt. Instead, he jumped straight up and into Miller. I don't think he was going for the head though.

It's unfortunate this came from common hockey play -- the power move to try to get around a defender, and the defender trying to push the driving player so he couldn't make the turn. To me it's more a bad combination of circumstances.

Hasn't this happened before? It seems it would be the kind of thing that does happen once in a while.

He was clear of the defender. After he lost the puck he made no attempt to stop for the puck or move left or right. He continued directly at Miller before jumping into him.

Yes, it has happened before and rarely have the players been suspended. That said, the NHL did strengthen the wording of the rule a couple years ago and recently reminded everyone what the rule actually says after the Lucic play.

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I think the timing of the Tootoo play, coming so shortly after the Lucic play, will definitely contribute to a heftier punishment for him. Being a repeat offender and having it happen against the same goalie so close to the Lucic play, I can see him getting 5 games. That said, i think Tootoo jumped to avoid contact, but since he made contact like that, he did need to be penalized. If this happened before the Lucic play I think he'd get a 2 minute goalie interference, maybe a call from Shanahan but no suspension, but because of the circumstances it just looks like more of a bonehead play than it already is.

As for him not dropping his gloves, he didn't have much of a chance to, he pretty much got mugged by 4 sabres before he could get up. I think he's scum for that suckerpunch on Robidas a few years ago, but on this play it's not like any Sabre squared up to challenge him, they just piled on top and started pounding on him (Miller with his gloves on too).

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One of the guys on NHL Network radio mentioned that it seems that when Shanahan has been looking at longer suspensions, he's gone with in-person hearings, unlike the telephone hearing like Tootoo got. I haven't noticed if that's been the case, but if so, it would tend to indicate short or no suspension.

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One of the guys on NHL Network radio mentioned that it seems that when Shanahan has been looking at longer suspensions, he's gone with in-person hearings, unlike the telephone hearing like Tootoo got. I haven't noticed if that's been the case, but if so, it would tend to indicate short or no suspension.

I believe the last two CBAs have required an in person hearing for anything over 5 games.

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Even with his rep, I think tootoo was trying to get out of the way. By time he realizes he looses the puck, looks up sees miller, I think the jump is to try and get out of the way. I agree maybe if this happened before the Lucic hit/farther into the season I don't know if he would've gotten any games. Like you hear all the players/coaches say it's a fast game; tootoo did his best to try and get out of the way. Next time maybe he'll try spinning towards the slot instead of jumping.

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