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Doctor Hook

Mouthguards: What do you use?

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I have been using LiteBite Mouthguards for several months now and must say I'm pretty pleased.  I was going to go the Gladiator route but was hesitant in case I went the custom route and didn't like it and then spent the money for nothing.  I wanted something that was really thin and nonrestrictive but protected my teeth and lips from my teeth puncturing my lips.  These mouth guards are really thin and are boil and bite, which makes it super easy and not turn around time as you would for a custom guard.  Here is the link to the company.  http://www.litebitemouthguards.com/   

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3 hours ago, GunRunner said:

I have been using LiteBite Mouthguards for several months now and must say I'm pretty pleased.  I was going to go the Gladiator route but was hesitant in case I went the custom route and didn't like it and then spent the money for nothing.  I wanted something that was really thin and nonrestrictive but protected my teeth and lips from my teeth puncturing my lips.  These mouth guards are really thin and are boil and bite, which makes it super easy and not turn around time as you would for a custom guard.  Here is the link to the company.  http://www.litebitemouthguards.com/   


Can you comment on the ease of drinking water on the bench or talking?

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1 hour ago, vinprun71 said:


Can you comment on the ease of drinking water on the bench or talking?

I play with a guy that wears a SISU mouth guard and you can tell he has one in because of the way he talks.  The LiteBite's are really thin and did not have hardly any effect on my speech and it did not inhibit drinking water at all.  After molding, the LiteBite would stay in place once inserted and hugged my teeth.  To remove it, I would either use my tongue and release it from the back around my molars or just use my finger to release it from the roof of my mouth.  I am pretty picky about mouthguards and if I can't speak clearly, drink water or they mess with my breathing, I won't wear them.  The LiteBite's did none of these.  After molding, it is clear and you can literally see all of your teeth impressions in it.

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11 hours ago, SISUGuard said:

oh, that's rough, Stewie. 

Haha well it was 18 years ago so I'm well over it by now, if only the SISU had been around in 98. 

Those lite bite ones seem primarily geared towards basketball, no mention of contact sports from what I've seen. Wonder how well they would take impacts. 

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I haven't been hit in the mouth since I started wearing the LiteBite's but what prompted it was the last stick to the mouth that I took.  Some guy tried to stick lift me and completely missed and his stick went straight into my mouth.  Luckily I didn't loose any teeth but my teeth shredded the inside of my mouth and lips.  I figured if they will at least stop that, it's worth it and hopefully it will provide some cushion if I ever took a puck to the mouth or something to cause me to loose teeth.  I have no doubts that a custom would be more protection but I was leery to drop that kind of money and not like it because it restricted breathing or really inhibited talking on the ice.  

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OptimusReim, I would love to see your review of these products side-by-side. Would you please send me an inbox message if you are interested in doing a review. 





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Select retailers carry our cases. If you give me a store near you, I can check and see if they have it. 


We just added ours to Amazon where it's easier to meet the free shipping requirement with other products.

Our online store has a 30.00 minimum for free shipping - we are pretty much trying to get you to buy  a guard with your case. :) 


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CCM should be Aero only (adult sized). Why don't you use CHAT10 at checkout at www.sisuguard.com if you plan on spending over 30 and there wasn't enough selection at your local store. 

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On 3/16/2016 at 0:16 PM, Stewie said:

I was wearing a cage when my teeth were shattered. Wish I had my mouth guard on that day too. 




What happened?  Did the cage fail?  Or did it get pushed back into your mouth due to flex / rotation of the helmet / whatever? 


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I took an elbow to the chin. It was the one time I didn't wear a mouth guard and I paid dearly. A cage is mostly for facial protection, it's not going to absorb everything, your jaw moves fairly easily 

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So much "Yes!" OptimusReim. I mean, being a mouthguard company rep and all aside, that's just dangerous. You could choke on a guard that's trimmed and ill fitted like that.  Here is an ADA recommendation



Which numerous options available on the market, particularly in the home sector custom fit guards, the choice ultimately boils down to three main factors: protection, comfort and cost. The ADA recommends choosing mouthguards which are:

  • Strong and resistant to tears
  • Fit properly and comfortably stay in your mouth
  • Are easy to clean
  • Allow you to talk, breathe and stay hydrated


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I love my SISU. I never notice it while I am playing. It makes it slightly harder to talk, but I think that just helps prevent me from saying stupid stuff.

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Specs78, I would be happy to do a "fit check".  If you are talking funny, but your guard stays in your mouth and you can't flick it out with your tongue, then you probably have a fold somehwere. You can just dip that area into hot water and flatten in.  (Watch the very end of this video for common problem areas). If you CAN flick your guard out with your tongue, please remold using more suction. 


Hope this helps 

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I saw this thread last week and was intrigued so I ordered one for myself.  I fit it last night (although I may need to adjust it a bit since I speak with a lisp when the mouthguard is in), and I'll be trying it out tonight for the first time.

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The lisp usually means it's not tight enough in the back. Just dip it in hot water and use lots of suction (like sucking air through a straw) - see if that fixes it. 



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Does SISU make a model with a strap on it? Particularly a youth model?  A friend is looking for one for his kid who plays lax and I told him custom was probably overkill at this point but he definitely wants something that the kid won't keep spitting out so the SISU sounded like a good idea. 

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