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Joel Ward racist tweets?

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I can get being mad that your team lost the first round of the playoffs, but that doesnt mean you can be a moron and make a racist comment towards Joel Ward for scoring the game winner. Its part of being in OT during the playoffs you win and you move on or you lose and go golfing. I find it hypciritical making a racist comment about a canadian when most of the Bruins team are Canadians. There is a reason why canadians are a little more then half of hockey population in the NHL.

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It's simple

People are idiots. It's been the same since year 1 and will probably continue for the rest of the human race's tenure on planet Earth.

People find power by hiding behind an anonymous name on a computer screen.

It's pretty funny to me when I see all the anti-Canada stuff at the games down here, when a Canadian team is playing.

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I can get being mad that your team lost the first round of the playoffs, but that doesnt mean you can be a moron and make a racist comment towards Joel Ward for scoring the game winner. Its part of being in OT during the playoffs you win and you move on or you lose and go golfing. I find it hypciritical making a racist comment about a canadian when most of the Bruins team are Canadians. There is a reason why canadians are a little more then half of hockey population in the NHL.

As far as being Canadian. I live in Michigan so i might be different than the rest of the country but honestly I don't even view Canadians as foreign (if that makes sense).

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I don't think the idiots making the racist comments care so much about Ward's country of origin as they do the color of his skin. It is a shame but there is a reason Boston has a bad reputation when it comes to racial tolerance. There are plenty of the vocal minority in the area and they aren't shy about it.

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It's pathetic, especially the fact that the Bruins fans have been doing this crap about PK Subban before and now just shifted to Ward after losing, sheer pathetic. It's not just those few, look up all the hashtags they were using, there's way more tweets, i even saw a bunch of hashtags about lynching him. Are you f-ing kidding me dude?

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I was fairly distraught reading a fair number of the comments. I was close to signing up for a twitter account just to troll them really hard. I don't know what it is about this sport and football(soccer) that brings a sense of entitlement to its fans to think it is ok to openly comment in this fashion.

My cousin played a Bantam hockey tournament in the South and was bombarded with racial insults because he was asian. He wasn't even Vietnamese and a lot of rhetoric about the Vietnam war was being thrown at him. A kid playing bantam.

What is special to me about sports is that it always gives you something to believe in. Something bigger that you can share with other fans and can connect to on a personal level. It's fairly embarrassing and I'm pretty put-off even though I love hockey so much.

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It might be nice to narrow it to a rink, or even a town, rather than indicting all "the South". If ever there was a thread where unqualified generalizations stick out. . .

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I only said "the south" because I don't remember where his tournament was, because this was about 4 or 5 years ago. I believe it was in Georgia or Florida, but I don't remember. No generalization was made or intended.

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As an Nigerian American, it is part of the territory of playing a 'Caucasian' sport. There will always be people who don't want players of African decent playing the game of ice hockey. The same goes for any other minority group. Joel Ward is a class act but there will always be opposition when a player who looks different from the 'normal' participant. I've dealt with the disdain since my first time on the ice and I don't expect it to ever change haha. 99% of the coaches, officials, parents and players that I have been around have treated me like family. It's the 1% that always makes the news. Just like Simmonds incident that happened during the preseason in Toronto. That's the ugly side of this beautiful game we play.

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i can feel that a little bit, i'm not white, i'm from mexico and i play in arizona, when that stupid sb1070 law allowing pigs to pull you over if you look "suspicious" aka brown and ask for your green card got old really fast since i had to drive through downtown phoenix to the other side of it. or the ignorant *bad words* who yelled "shouldnt you be fixing my lawn" or other crap related to my people, i can say the spearing penalty was worth it at the time.

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Yep yep. That's the way it goes. I know that I don't look the same as everyone else in the locker room. Ya don't have to tell me haha. Judge me on my skill (which isn't much @ all haha). That's how I feel and sure many others feel the same way. The way Joel Ward is handling it is the only way you can if you are a minority in this sport. If every comment bothers you, you won't be playing for long haha.

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I just think its stupid some people are jelous of other people's races in hockey in reality the only thing that matters is talent. I just dont get why people think its cool to diss canadians at hockey when its their national sport. In Toronto is where the NHL league formed. About 60% of the the NHL players are Canadian.

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I just think its stupid some people are jelous of other people's races in hockey in reality the only thing that matters is talent. I just dont get why people think its cool to diss canadians at hockey when its their national sport. In Toronto is where the NHL league formed. About 60% of the the NHL players are Canadian.

It's not because he's Canadian...it's because he's black...

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I read a lot of those Twitter posts -- let me tell you, people really show their intelligence level! Internet is such a hiding ground for cowards and 'keyboard courage'. If any of them knew anything and had respect for anyone -- they remember Willie O'Ree when posting. I feel bad for the nice, eduated, and respectful Boston Bruins fans out there.

Also, funny to see so many of the people that posted no longer have twitter accounts. This day an age, they'll all get what's coming to them especially when everything is as public as it is.

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I have 3 things to say on the matter. First, keyboard warriors are all they are. None of those people would say so to Ward's face. Second, it's a shame the media is painting this to be just a Boston problem, those tweets came from everywhere. Lastly, those who made the Obama -> a black man scoring on Thomas to end his season jokes are just as guilty. It shouldn't even matter who scored it, black or white, it was a goal in hockey. The fact that people even make note of his ethnic background shows just how far we are from minorities receiving an equal shake.

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On the ice the only color is the jersey. There are no whites, blacks, browns, yellows, etc, etc. Everyone is the same and is out for the same results. This is how it should be in life. Unfortunately there are bigots of EVERY color who only see hate. Unfortunately there is a reason there are stereo types, these are the people who are a disgrace to the human race. I'm not saying everyone needs to love everyone but have tolerance.

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Honestly, I think this reflects a disturbing trend of internet anonymity than it does racism. I would wager bottom dollar that 99% of the people that made those tweets would never call a person a ni**er in real life. Every person, of every race, has had a racist thought at some time. But we would never say it out loud in a real social setting, whether out of concern for other people's feelings or the social punishments that would ensue. But you get people on the internet and give them complete anonymity, it's a different ball game. Race is hardly the only subject. I dare say anyone that's played on X-box live has been called a queer, a racial slur, or just heard some idiot say something over the line crude. I think even on these boards you see a level of confrontational behavior that you would never see in a real life social setting, even among strangers. It just so happens Ward is black. If it were someone else the tweets still would have been there, it just would have been a different attack.

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i can feel that a little bit, i'm not white, i'm from mexico and i play in arizona, when that stupid sb1070 law allowing pigs to pull you over.......

Pigs? Maybe you should reconsider what you say when you're adding to a thread about racism and painting anyone with one big brush?

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nice call by the mother to make him own up to his conduct instead of making excuses for him. There is hope for humanity after all.

That was the best part.

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