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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Best Compliment Ever Received

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A guy on my team told me that when I was at the point for one of our games I made a move on their winger that was so good he could see their entire bench deflate at once. No idea what I did or the affect, but it was nice to hear.

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I try to always be hustling to make up for my lack of playing finesse. I'm generally not the best stickhandler and my position awareness is prone to breakdowns.

That said, the best compliment I've gotten was after our last Sunday night, pond hockey skate in April. Three different guys separately commented on some good plays I made, even the goalie commented. I had a couple of bar down, deeking type goals and one assist from behind the net where I flipped the puck over the tender's head and right on a guys stick in front of the net. Every once in a GREAT while I play like I know what I'm doing. Its nights like that that make "rediscovering" hockey alot of fun.

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Skated against a player on one of my other teams. Young guy that is an excellent player. Somehow we ended up lining up against each other at center the whole game. At 3rd period face of he shook his head and told me he was sick of me being in his face all night. I told him I was tired of chasing him around as I'm too old for this. He told me he hoped he could skate half as well at me when he hits 50.

We played as team mates the next night in another league, he asked the captain to put me on his line.

wow thats great. What a feeling when someone who is really good wants to play with you on the same line. What i really enjoyed the past season: that i was sent out on the ice in every situation. I really enjoy it when you can feel that the coach trusts you in any kind of situation no matter if its PP or PK or last minute. Thats a compliment i'm really proud of.

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"you have that mode that you can get into where im just like holy shit he is faster than everybody on the ice"

i know the mode he was talking about and its a lot of fun haha

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"great hustle out there tonight"

Means a lot when you're easily the worst player in the league, let alone your own team. Nice to see somebody notice that I'm working my ass off to make up for a lack of skill.

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When people have told me they can't believe that I didn't play in high school & not even in a rink until I was 20.

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Got this one the other week after playing against a guy I used to play with on team, but hadn't seen in a long time.

"Wow, you're waaay better then we first started playing." Yeah...my skill level when starting beer league wasn't the greatest. lol.

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I was playing pick up with my son one time and one of the guys asked my 17 year old son how old I was. My son told him I was 45 and they guy said... "wow.. hope I can skate like that when I'm that old." I didn't know whether to hit him or hug him....

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Back in my roller days we had the best player in the league. led in goals, assists, PIMs, ejections, etc. lol Anywho, after a game where he had 10 points or something he shrugged it off and said the only reason he could do what he did was because I did everything else that needed to be done. faceoff wins, forecheck/back check, block shots, transition, etc.

Probably the wort compliment is being told I"m a "pretty skater". wtf? This isn't figure skating. :mad:

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"I like that sticker on your helmet. I wish I had that many hat tricks."

It was a compliment I gave someone else. I hope it was the best he ever received.

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Mine is not hockey related.

I was working in a emergency room and was taking care of a older gentleman and was talking about military service finding out he was a Bataan death march survivor. I told him I was a Navy Hospital Corpsman and he got up on his feet and gave me a salute thanking me saying if it wasn't for a corpsman in his group, he wouldn't be here. I had to excuse myself because I began to have an allergic reaction with my eyes watering. It is the little things in life that make us all humble.

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"I fucking hate playing against you. And I mean that as a compliment".

I lolled

haha There are guys on other teams that I feel that way about. Great guys and good players, but because of that I HATE having to play against them.

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past four years i have been taking alot of power skating classes (taught by figure skaters, and former hockey players) to work on my skating, as i just started playing "ice" hockey about 6 years ago.

one of the power skating coaches asked me to demonstrate a drill for the class that involved crossover explosion, forward stride, both side cross overs, then shoot. (staying low with good knee bend the entire time) after everyone did it.

He said "this is how you do it right...go ahead Farhan please demonstrate" :ohmy::blush:

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Compliments make me uncomfortable. I'm happy just being asked to show up - I'll take someone's confidence over their compliment any day.

Unless of course I'm subbing in goal and have a bad game, because that whole "thanks for showing up" line at the end of the game blows. :tongue:

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Back a while ago (1990's), I was playing pick up with a group of guys I got to know, and being 22, 23 yrs old at the time, I had a guy I knew tell me how surprised he was that I didn't play at least Jr C, maybe B.

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