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Problems with Teammates

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As you have read from the title, I have a problem with my linemates. For the last few games, my linemates have really been ticking me off, so to put it blantly, I can't stand playing with them. They constantly bitch and moan about their mistakes and things they cannot do, and they will not pass to me for some reason...for example, I had a 2-on-1 with both of them in my game today, and not once did they pass it! They blamed me for one of the goals our team let up, but yet did I see them do anything to try and prevent it? Nooooooo, I was the only O-man back to back check. This is really making me mad, and I have already talked to my coach about it, but does any one know what I can do? I think I may start to get bugged for talking to the coach about this problem, but what else can I do, becuase my linemates will NOT listen to me

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Get new linemates. Or simply just play it out. If they're out to piss you off, it only encourages them to piss you off even more when you get angry because of the things they do.

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"Play your game." Herb Brooks

Dont get frusterated, just remember that you are playing the game for fun, have you tried talking to them? Dont yell just talk tell them what they are doing wrong.

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whats wrong with shooting on a 2 on 1? i personally think not enough ppl shoot on a 2 or 3 on 1 oppurtunity, and focus too much on trying to make the pass even when the pass isn't there. but i too have a peeve with my teammates as many of them do not know how to pass the puck. most just pass it to where i am, rather than where i will be, so i have to continually stop or let the pass slide. also, many do not realize you can bank pucks off the boards to ppl, and that a straight line pass is the only way. it drives me nuts

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Getting new linemates is harder than it is. 2 problems with it. 1st is that our first line has been playin togethher since squirts, so we dont wanna seperate them, and theyre really really good, and the other line has been doing very well the past couple games so we don't want to break them up.

Briggy...It's very hard to talk to them, as I told one of them before that he should stayed covering his pointman, and he flipped out on me, so I just can't wait to hear what he has to say when I tell him I have a problem with him.

And lee92, about the 2-on-1's, they always shoot the puck into the pads, they never try to score, and I am always WIDE open, it would be a cakewalk to get a goal, as the defenseman leans towards my linemate, not me, so I get wiiiidddeeee open

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This is just me, but I agree with Lee. With 2-on-1s, I always shoot, unless the defense over commits to me and leaves me with a good passing lane and the other person wide open. The main thing you should try to achieve on a 2-on-1 is to score, obviously, but less than that, to get the puck on net. So many times have I seen where perfectly good odd man rushes are broken up and they don't even get a shot on net, let alone a scoring opportunity because people instinctively pass for no reason. My linemates know that I have a shoot first, pass second approach to 2-on-1s, and I tell them to have the same, and that solves the problem of seeming greedy or whatever.

About your specific problem- its a bad situation, no doubt. There isn't a whole lot that you can do, other than go out every shift and impress them with your hard work and play. If you go out there and give 100% every shift and make things happen by yourself, then they'll start to respect you and play with you. If they don't, then thats when I'd get the coach involved. Bitching at them now and fighting with them will only worsen the problem.

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My teammates have been getting on my case for that too. They might have a point more or less though. If you really can't take it, there's always locker boxing :lol:

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My teammates have been getting on my case for that too. They might have a point more or less though. If you really can't take it, there's always locker boxing :lol:

YAAAAAYYYYYY, locker boxing.

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For our team, locker boxing is prohibited...there is always a coahc or manager in the locker room before practices or games, and like you said kosydar, you won't pass it unless the defenseman commits to you, that's exactly what happened both times last night, he would of had a clear passing lane to me, but shot it anyway, becuase to tell you the truth, these kids do not like to pass at all, which is a another reason why it bugs me when I go out with them

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It sounds terrible, I know, but you could probably make an effort off the ice and outside the rink, too. What I mean is that once you become friends with eachother away from the rink, then you're probably going to be able to work much better together.

Reading this makes me feel really lucky: my wingers and I are best friends. I mean, we've always worked well together, which helps, but we also spend alot of time doing stuff with eachother away from the team. We go golfing, to Bisons baseball games, Amerks and NU hockey games, concerts...the whole nine yards. We have a scoring race going right now (I'm three goals up on both of them ;) ) and you would think that would hurt the way we play together, but it really doesn't: There really is no better feeling then setting one of your good buddies up for a beautiful goal. I suppose I could say, at the risk of sounding gay, that having linemates is like an asexual relationship.

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i can't remember the last time i seen anyone score on a 2 or 3 on 1 oppurtunity, because people are too worried about making a pass rather than taking the open shot. and as for shooting at the pads, crash the net for the rebound. a couple times on odd man rushes where i had no pass and no perfect shot, i'd just shoot to create a rebound for the other player to knock in

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My teammates have been getting on my case for that too.  They might have a point more or less though.  If you really can't take it, there's always locker boxing  :lol:

YAAAAAYYYYYY, locker boxing.

I'm undefeated so far. Once I knocked off the helmet of our captain. Such a savage beating.

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This summer, there was some boxing in our room...it was awsome it is a whole bunch of players league wide that come play in a 4-4 league..anyway2 guys went at it and one of them killed the other guy..so feeling pretty good bout' himself challenged anybody who wanted to fight...so this one guy says alrite i'll go, very calmly anyways what no one knew was this kid actually boxed he gets up there and throws one jab comes across with the right and knocks the guys helmet off..man it was classic :)

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I always get pissed off at one of my goalies because hes just standing there and we flick some pucks at the net no were near him and he cries about it. So we`ve been starting to say shut up.

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I always get pissed off at one of my goalies because hes just standing there and we flick some pucks at the net no were near him and he cries about it. So we`ve been starting to say shut up.

I'd just start aiming at his head. If he wants to whine, might as well give'em a reason to. ;)

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I always get pissed off at one of my goalies because hes just standing there and we flick some pucks at the net no were near him and he cries about it. So we`ve been starting to say shut up.

I'd just start aiming at his head. If he wants to whine, might as well give'em a reason to. ;)

i can tell by your avatar that you looove goalies :rolleyes:

flyers, whenever i get into a situation like yours, i just shut them out, and just play my own game. When they realize that i am playing much better than them, they usually stop whining about it all.

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I played left wing with two kids for around four years and i really enjoyed playing with them. Now we have 17 skaters and we rotate centres. I play centre now and i find it really hard to adjust to the other players styles. When me and another one of my old linemates would have made a give and go the new linemate passes it right threw the middle and it gets taken away. It really pisses me off but i'll have to work through it. On the plus side me and my old linemates play the powere play together.

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But that's kind of different. I've had to adjust to new positions/line combos before and that stuff is going to happen. Purposely cockblocking a guy from the puck though is going to get you into a kangaroo court in a heartbeat.

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If they really are idiots, give them a pass that gets them laid out. If that doesn't work, give it to them in the corner with a defenseman who you know will work them over. Of course, you should try everything to fix the problem before you try to send them home via the hospital.

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Flyer...: First off, take a lesson from somebody who has taken alternative conflict resolution courses and learned the hard way about conflicts. If you approach a guy on your team who you haven't been working with well recently and probably haven't been talking to much and tell him you have a problem with him, most hot-blooded hockey players will emotionally responde almost teh same as if you told them you wanted to fight them, because it's not a very large next step. If you can, first, vent your anger on something, and 3 things work best for this: a stack of weights, a punching bag, or a piece of paper. Once your COMPLETELY stable and rational, try to get your linemates to go for pizza or something with you, someplace that people associate with good times and with other people around. Number one thing you can do to have better chimistry with your linemates is be better friends with them. When you talk to them, don't say you have a problem with them or they are screwing up; say something to the effect that I think our line has been laggin the last few games or whatever and I want to start tearin people up again, add in your own fillers and flattering words like we suck or we gotta start playing to at least half our potential... To successfully resolve a conflict like this, if what I see is right, where the conflict is unspoken and may or may not even exist as you perceive it, it's better to try to form some sort of new group dynamic where you are all working towards personal and team betterment. Random idea for this, you all could choose before every game what style of play your line will be, be it grinders, punishers, finesse, or whatever. Don't say you have a problem; being the far bigger man and admitting your own part in the general fault at stake will be much more useful and successful. Good luck and happy headhunting...

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Okay guys, good news. I talked to my coach, and he talked to my line together, and as of now, we have everything worked out. We actually played as a line last night in our game, so right now, everything is fine with us 3

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