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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Doctor Hook

Customized reversible hockey jerseys for entire beer league

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My beer league may make the switch to reversible jerseys for the upcoming fall season and I've been getting some pricing quotes to help out. We have some flexibility, but we first wanted to research reversible jerseys. If we're not happy with reversible options/pricing, then we may go with traditional home and away jerseys.

I've submitted some price quotes to some of the bigger names (HockeyMonkey, Tron, etc). Just curious is anyone on here has any experience with any customized jersey retailers and anything else related to custom jerseys for league play.

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I agree with Junkyard, the Ak's are very heavy, basicall two jerseys sewn together. I like the home/away idea better.

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The guys are right. Add the #s and logos and now you are wearing two jerseys with double the weight at the same time!

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I used to play in a league that provided sweaters to each team. At first, it was one colour per team. No issues, no complaints. Then they switched to the reversibles which were universally loathed. The extra weight and heat make more of a difference than you'd think. On top of that, your league could save some money by going with traditional sets in contrasting colours and everyone would be happy. My $.02.

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I also hate the reversible jersey idea. Heavy, not very breathable (or very cheap materials), and at the end of the day you wear out your jersey twice as fast because you're wearing it for every game.

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My son has a KEWL reversible that he got from a camp this spring with heat transfer graphics on the front and back of both sides (numbers and crest). It is a quality practice jersey that is only slightly heavier (if even) than regular practice jerseys. I don't know how they do it but It definitely isn't the weight of two practice jerseys and you can't feel two layers of cloth like you can with most reversibles. It is lighter weight than say an NHL game jersey.

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I just ordered some AK reversibles as practice jerseys for a local squirt team. They're having a simple one-color logo and number screened on each side. The screening doesnt really add significant weight to the jersey, but they are heavier to begin with as people are saying.

In the end they're not significantly less expensive than just getting basic solid color jerseys of different colors since the basic cost of the jersey itself is more since its essentially two jerseys sewn together.

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Just out of curiosity I always wondered if it was possible to do different colors of sublimation inside and outside of a single piece of polyester. If so that would seem to be an option but I was always sceptical of the possibility.

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one of my leagues provides jerseys. simple CCM practice jerseys with league logo on the front and number on the back. the only colors that clash (10 teams) are light blue and teal. for those games one team just brings a white jersey.

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there is a company that makes an underarmour like jersey that is reversible. numbers, logos, names and colors are printed on rather than sewn. very light weight and affordable. they really look great too. a few guys on my beer league team have them. our season starts next week. i will find out more about them from my teammates and post up

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After doing jerseys with Marcelo at Junkyard, I won't shop anywhere else. His quality is top notch and his customer service (including design) is first rate!

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