Saber123316 0 Report post Posted July 19, 2012 Just curious if anyone has had any embarrassing hockey moments, for example.I live in Edmonton Alberta so it is no secret who the Oilers are and if you're an Oiler you are a celebrity in the city, (Or any NHLer for that matter)One day at a local rink I was sitting watching a triple A midget team playing, and this man approached me and we struck up a friendly conversation, this happened this past winter.Me: "Good game"Strange Man: "Yeah it is not to bad"(He is a short black man with greying hair and wearing a Knights of Columbus jacket that says coach)Strange Man: " Do you play hockey?"Me: "No never got into the game I played football."Strange Man: "Thats to bad it's a great game."Me: "Did you ever play hockey?"Now at this point the guy stopped looked at me with the most offended look and kinda that expression like, "are you kidding me" He reached out with his right hand to shake my hand and said:"Hi my name is Grant Fuhr"I was so embarassed, I apologized and said "I am sorry I can't recognize you without the mask." Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
goblue9280 33 Report post Posted July 19, 2012 Not too embarrassing, but when I was 16 I invited a girl to watch me play... and she came with a couple friends. My teammates found out about it and managed to cover my skate blades with a strip of sock tape without me knowing. They then made sure I was the first one out of the lockerroom (should have clued me in) then watched and laughed as I was the first one (literally) on the ice... I then had to crawl back off to remove the tape. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Lee-Bro 1 Report post Posted July 19, 2012 I started playing 1.5 years ago. I decided to hit the open skates first to get used to the skates, then I would hit open hockey to start learning. So after a few weeks of open skate, I went to my first open hockey. I got all geared up, walked onto the ice and promptly fell straight down. The ice was slicker than normal. Oh yeah, skate guards were still on. Everyone was cool about it and I joked that this is why guys from Kentucky don't play hockey. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Davetronz 109 Report post Posted July 19, 2012 Fell flat on my face taking my first step on the ice during an All-Star game player introduction. Literally tripped over the bottom lip on the gate/boards with a running start. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
SouthpawTRK 1 Report post Posted July 19, 2012 When I was first learning how to skate a couple of years back, I was at a public skate and got onto the ice to have the weirdest sensation. It felt like my skates would not hold an edge and they were sliding around with a mind of their own. I finally looked down at my skates and low and behold, I still had both of my soakers on. Another embarrassing moment was my first time at stick and puck and not realizing that many people in general cut down their sticks (especially at my height). I had an full length stick that was probably 4 inches too long; too long; but great reach!!! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
IPv6Freely 2097 Report post Posted July 19, 2012 Well, this happened. ... I still blame the coach for handing a guy who cant skate a suicide pass, but hey. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
hunt3rsean 44 Report post Posted July 19, 2012 I was playing in Mites/Squirts and did the "forget to remove skate guards" thing. Felt very embarassed.The other time was when I first started adult league (after 10+ yr hiatus from ice hockey) I forgot to use a girdle to hold my socks up. So during the skills assesment class, so I could be placed in a league, I spent many moments stuffing the top part of my socks back up into my pants. Just felt plain dumb. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
jds 20 Report post Posted July 19, 2012 Most times when I shoot. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Bengerm77 11 Report post Posted July 19, 2012 One time during a shootout at a roller game, I was the last shooter who HAD to make the goal or else we lost. The puck just slid right off my stick as I was sizing up the goalie for where to shoot, didn't even get a shot off. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
IPv6Freely 2097 Report post Posted July 20, 2012 Most times when I shoot.^ I'm right there with you.Actually, any moment I'm actually on the ice is easily my most embarrassing moment of the game. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Zombies #77 10 Report post Posted July 20, 2012 Well, this happened. ... I still blame the coach for handing a guy who cant skate a suicide pass, but hey.I did the exact same thing when I was learning to play back in 93. A few minutes after I ran the kid over I flung a wrist shot right into an even smaller goalie, hitting him in the junk and he had no cup on. I guess I was a big bully that day.Another embarassing moment was catching my shin guard while jumping over the boards and going straight down on the ice. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
summoz 0 Report post Posted July 20, 2012 Wouldn't say its embarassing as such but at the end of a public skate, people who were confident did a speed skate around the rink.Anyway, it was the last lap and i thought i'd be cool and start skating backwards not knowing that a kid that was in front of me had fallen over just as i pivoted, so i didn't see him go down.Next thing i'm in the air, land on my bum and theres blood everywhere.I ran over the kids fingers and severed all 4 fingers on his right hand.I have never seen so much blood in my life! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Saber123316 0 Report post Posted July 20, 2012 Wouldn't say its embarassing as such but at the end of a public skate, people who were confident did a speed skate around the rink.Anyway, it was the last lap and i thought i'd be cool and start skating backwards not knowing that a kid that was in front of me had fallen over just as i pivoted, so i didn't see him go down.Next thing i'm in the air, land on my bum and theres blood everywhere.I ran over the kids fingers and severed all 4 fingers on his right hand.I have never seen so much blood in my life!Oh my that sounds like something out of a movie, was the kid ok? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
donkers 31 Report post Posted July 20, 2012 Well, this happened. ... I still blame the coach for handing a guy who cant skate a suicide pass, but hey.I'd blame the coaches for having a terrible layout for that drill.SDIA is terribly ran. I haven't played there in about 3 years I'm either at Escondido or the Kroc now. I used to go to pick up there once or twice a week but not anymore.Edit: Now that I watched it again why did you skate so far to the other side of the ice? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
chippa13 1844 Report post Posted July 20, 2012 One my father loves to remind me of; my first year of bantams (age 13) and not that big. I went to hop the boards onto the ice during a line change and almost made it. First, my dad saw me above the boards and next all he saw was my two skates sticking up. I fell straight back into the bench. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Law Goalie 147 Report post Posted July 20, 2012 Me: "Did you ever play hockey?"Now at this point the guy stopped looked at me with the most offended look and kinda that expression like, "are you kidding me" He reached out with his right hand to shake my hand and said:"Hi my name is Grant Fuhr"I was so embarassed, I apologized and said "I am sorry I can't recognize you without the mask."LOL -- that's priceless. Greg Harrison would be proud. That design was iconic.I had kind of a funny moment involving Grant as well. I was staying in Toronto for a tournament against the top MTHL teams, and the hotel we were staying at happened to be the one the Leafs were using for their callups (since the Marlies were still in St. John's). I went down for breakfast with my dad, and immediately recognised Fuhr breaking bread with a very intense, very nervous, very French looking kid. My father, ever the enthusiast, kept bugging me to go over and say hi, even though it was clear that they were having a serious conversation and I had my own damn games to focus on. (Ah, the vanity of youth.) Anyway, it became clear that they had overheard us, and were having a bit of a laugh about it. I eventually caved, largely out of embarassment, walked over, and introduced myself by announcing that my dad wouldn't stop bugging me until I'd shaken his hand, as though something would rub off even though he caught with his right and I with my left. He laughed and was very gracious about it, but the French kid snarled some sort of Gallic curse under his breath and half-excused himself back to his room. Fuhr said something like, "Don't worry about it, he's just a little ticked that you didn't recognise him too." I shrugged and asked who it was: "Felix Potvin. You'll be hearing that name a lot." About a year later Fuhr had been traded to the Sabres, and that name meant something.My worst on-ice moment had to be getting tuned up in front of the Kingston Frontenacs en masse, who were laughing their asses off behind the end glass as myself and five teammates were being jumped by an entire team from Central Ontario. (My idiot coach was restraining our bench and theirs had long-since been emptied with godspeed to our destruction.) I ended up getting pinned against the glasses and having my head used as a speed-bag by a quartet of hay-bailing farm-boys for their amusement. Thankfully, Jerry van Velden built his backplates well... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
AIREAYE 248 Report post Posted July 20, 2012 My worst on-ice moment had to be getting tuned up in front of the Kingston Frontenacs en masse, who were laughing their asses off behind the end glass as myself and five teammates were being jumped by an entire team from Central Ontario. (My idiot coach was restraining our bench and theirs had long-since been emptied with godspeed to our destruction.) I ended up getting pinned against the glasses and having my head used as a speed-bag by a quartet of hay-bailing farm-boys for their amusement. Thankfully, Jerry van Velden built his backplates well...Ahh, that explains everything... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
IPv6Freely 2097 Report post Posted July 20, 2012 I'd blame the coaches for having a terrible layout for that drill.SDIA is terribly ran. I haven't played there in about 3 years I'm either at Escondido or the Kroc now. I used to go to pick up there once or twice a week but not anymore.Edit: Now that I watched it again why did you skate so far to the other side of the ice?Yea it is. This was during their friday evening drills, where they mix adults and kids. I don't really have a problem with that (most of the kids can skate circles around the adults), but I don't know how many times I've seen a drill and think "oh my god this is going to end badly".Why? because thats where the coach passed it to. I skated to where the puck was headed, which ended up being NOT where I wanted to be. I'm not saying it wasn't my fault too, but what can ya do? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
donkers 31 Report post Posted July 20, 2012 Yea it is. This was during their friday evening drills, where they mix adults and kids. I don't really have a problem with that (most of the kids can skate circles around the adults), but I don't know how many times I've seen a drill and think "oh my god this is going to end badly".Why? because thats where the coach passed it to. I skated to where the puck was headed, which ended up being NOT where I wanted to be. I'm not saying it wasn't my fault too, but what can ya do?No, I meant before he threw the pass to you. You skated too far to the far side.I know the guy that threw the pass to you. Or at least I recognize his stance and posture. He shouldn't have passed it to you because you were staring at him the whole time and didn't look up to see the kid coming. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
IPv6Freely 2097 Report post Posted July 20, 2012 No, I meant before he threw the pass to you. You skated too far to the far side.I know the guy that threw the pass to you. Or at least I recognize his stance and posture. He shouldn't have passed it to you because you were staring at him the whole time and didn't look up to see the kid coming.That's right, that's why its a beginners session. If I had the sense to keep my head up, I probably wouldn't be there ;)I agree, he shouldn't have passed it back. But he did... and you saw what happened. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
hunt3rsean 44 Report post Posted July 20, 2012 That's right, that's why its a beginners session. If I had the sense to keep my head up, I probably wouldn't be there ;)I agree, he shouldn't have passed it back. But he did... and you saw what happened.Well....look at it this way. Hopefully you and the kid have now learned to keep your heads up. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
hunt3rsean 44 Report post Posted July 20, 2012 Edit: double post. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
badger_14 601 Report post Posted July 21, 2012 Actually, any moment I'm actually on the ice is easily my most embarrassing moment of the game.+1. I was at a powerskating camp, in a group with the 6-11 year olds because I am not, shall we say, advanced in the art. They had us skating backward crossovers around the face-off circles. I couldn't then (can't now, but that's another story) crossover backward properly, and my backward skating was dubious at best. This meant I was sort of chugging around slowly with the very smallest kids. So I'm noodling along, and I hear the instructor suddenly go: "STOP!" A moment of flailing panic, unable to stop quickly, and I find myself landing butt-first on this poor shrimpy six year old. I got up quickly and asked if he was okay and he was just bawling. He wasn't hurt (thank god for padding), more startled than anything, and skated over to sit with his mom on the bench for a bit. I felt absolutely godawful about it, and apologized to him and his mother after the session and asked if he was ok again. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
tonguesOUT4life 17 Report post Posted September 8, 2012 During a junior b try out I was soo nervous all I thought about was getting in the first hard hit forgot what team I was on and I hit my own defenseman.. I was so embaressed I had to skate off and go home lol Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
strosedefence34 178 Report post Posted September 8, 2012 i have never had anything other then the times the blue or red line jumps up and trips me. There was one time I was at the end of a long shift and went to the bench to get off before the face-off and forgot how to stop and almost ate it but caught myself on the boards. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites