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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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STX to produce hockey equipment in 2014

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Anyone live up in Minny or attending the Let's Play Hockey Expo? STX is there selling sticks. Curious to know how much they are going for.

AND... any idea of a release date for the general public??

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Anyone live up in Minny or attending the Let's Play Hockey Expo? STX is there selling sticks. Curious to know how much they are going for.

AND... any idea of a release date for the general public??

Ill be there tmw...

Ill report back.

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Any word if they're going to provide a catalog for the review section here?

I will post it once they have done the rounds with dealers.

Sticks will be hitting stores on 4/1.

They are doing a LTR batch with us. Those were just submitted.

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Stx hockey was at let's play hockey show. The sticks look and feel great.

They were selling at the show. 260 for the stallion. Too much for me. The rep said they will be around 210 in the stores.

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Lower. There's a retailer in the market who sells below MAP on high end product. It's forced fellow retailers to have to price match.

Why don't the suppliers just cut him off? I'm sure it's a violation of their contract. Is the retailer that big?

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Why don't the suppliers just cut him off? I'm sure it's a violation of their contract. Is the retailer that big?

It's a long, long story, but actually they're not in violation of anything. Team sales is the bulk of their business. If you want to sell hockey equipment and make very low margin, you're within your right - as long as you adhere to the MAP rules, which relate to advertising. MSRP is "suggested," not mandated.

They don't advertise, let alone, tell you on the phone what their prices are.

You have to go in the store.

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Why don't the suppliers just cut him off? I'm sure it's a violation of their contract. Is the retailer that big?

Very, very few companies tell you where you can sell an item in the dealership agreement, as long as it is not advertised or on the internet. When we sold Oakley glasses in the bike shoppe, the agreement was pretty strict. You could only discount discontinued stock so much, and even then, there was a very short time period that you could do that before your rep would take those discontinued models away and supply the newest models. I know Sam's Club got in trouble with Oakley a few years back for selling their glasses below MAP. But this is one of the few companies I know about who controls prices across the board. I am certain not much has changed with Oakley on their sun glasses, anyway.

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Any news budd?

Sorry about the delay.

As someone already said, the price at the expo was 260 and could be lower at retail.

In terms of the look and feel of the stick, It felt really really light. The stick felt really balanced. Didnt do the balancing on the finger test but it felt really balanced; which might factor into why it felt so light.

But, like BuzzLightbeer said, the turn off was the 12k carbon wrap throughout the stick.. Its so, ugh...

I skimmed the ads for both the Stallion and the Surgeon. The Stallion said it had a "Power Flex" and the Surgeon has a "Dual Flex" system..

Im assuming its like a Supreme stick flex and a Vapor Dual Flex stick.

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Worst possible combo for a stick, FEELS cheap, but IS expensive.

Putting this stick side by side with a $260 Bauer and a $260 Easton there would be Zero reason to pick the STX. And sadly the performance is substandard so far, in terms of what someone should expect from a stick that priced. With the wholesale and MSRP of these sticks, only the stores doing enormous quantities can afford to sell them lower than MSRP.

I do most of the purchasing at my shop, and I'm having a real hard time justifying stocking these.

I dont understand how using 10k style carbon can make a stick "feel cheap". Its covered with resin and paint. If the stick is balanced and is lightweight, I find it hard to believe that not using thinner carbon strands makes that big of a difference. Bauer uses 10k carbon, CCM uses similar, as does Reebok.

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Worst possible combo for a stick, FEELS cheap, but IS expensive.

Putting this stick side by side with a $260 Bauer and a $260 Easton there would be Zero reason to pick the STX. And sadly the performance is substandard so far, in terms of what someone should expect from a stick that priced. With the wholesale and MSRP of these sticks, only the stores doing enormous quantities can afford to sell them lower than MSRP.

I do most of the purchasing at my shop, and I'm having a real hard time justifying stocking these.

What does 12k carbon specifically have to do with this? I too believe that a $260 price tag for a brand-new company entering the market is pretty hefty, unless they unveil some groundbreaking technological features. But 12k carbon is pretty widely used in the industry, is it not? Don't Bauer's G3 sticks use 12k carbon? And I'm pretty sure the Sher-Wood T90, T100, and EK15 use 12k (or at least something that looks like it). My T100 has the best puck feel of any stick I've tried so far, including a pro stock 11k and a retail TotalOne.

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