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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Ogie Oglethorpe

eBay idiot, or not?

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I think the price is what makes him an "idiot." That stick should sell for more... that being said, the shipping price is ridiculous.

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Too bad Malkin didn't use Warrior, scroll down to bottom of the page for more pics of the stick

actually he has experimented with them - but hasn't used them much in games - i had a few dolomites that were made for him in his rookie year so i know that they exist

but $899? thats asking like $500 too much

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Holy cow- not an idiot seller- but $160 for the elbows?

And I thought I overpaid for my 8k Pro's at $99..........but then again- Size 5's are very, very hard to come by (which mine are).

With plenty of time left to boot. I am all ready watching this sale, definitely interested to see what they go at.

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Holy cow- not an idiot seller- but $160 for the elbows?

And I thought I overpaid for my 8k Pro's at $99..........but then again- Size 5's are very, very hard to come by (which mine are).

With plenty of time left to boot. I am all ready watching this sale, definitely interested to see what they go at.

Haha, yeah found these right after they were posted and was gonna bid, but WOW, so ridiculous

And yeah, the seller is probably freakin out he's so happy

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Not necessarily an idiot, but seriously... why?



Also... this guy is selling retail reebok 4-rolls as pro-stock


There's been guys posting those gloves as "pro stock" for a few months now. The worst is when some guy puts the red one's up as redwing pro stocks and snags $130-$150 bucks a pair, but what can you do, there are tons of uniformed buyers on ebay

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Also... this guy is selling retail reebok 4-rolls as pro-stock


That "Guy" is hockeymonkey... So yes, that "Guy" is an idiot.

I wonder what pro team uses gloves with white stripes on one glove and blue stripes on the other?

Regardless of pro stock or not, am I the only one who thinks they look kinda good?

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Also... this guy is selling retail reebok 4-rolls as pro-stock


That "Guy" is hockeymonkey... So yes, that "Guy" is an idiot.

I wonder what pro team uses gloves with white stripes on one glove and blue stripes on the other?

Regardless of pro stock or not, am I the only one who thinks they look kinda good?

I do like the model with the Reebok written on the cuff, but I don't like the colors and it bugs me when stuff like that is mismatched.

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I do like the model with the Reebok written on the cuff, but I don't like the colors and it bugs me when stuff like that is mismatched.

mismatched to you is someone's else's custom order B)

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