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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Ogie Oglethorpe

eBay idiot, or not?

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Wow, same guy selling another fake Michigan helmet. This one is even worse than the last one, but I guess he figures since he got $107 for the last one, this one should sell no problem.


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WOW, that is horrible looking

I've reported it and even contacted the seller. I've got him to admit that the cages on both helmets were added after he bought them, and that the wings/stripes were put on at a later date (he says he paid the UM equipment manager $25 to do them). However, he still contends that he got both helmets at the annual UM hockey garage sale. Even on the 0.0001% off chance that he did buy them there... it's obvious that they were never worn by a UM hockey player, and that he has dressed them up in an attempt to scam people into thinking they were.

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^^^Those look like the skates another guy on Ebay that was sewing white material to stock skates.


Look at the stitching on the 2nd picture. Its way off. Like an inch or two.

Freakin' scammer.

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The seller that put those together was straighforward with what he was doing, even providing pics of the process if I recall. The issue is this current seller passing them off as something they are not.

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Ha, that helmet looks absolutely horrid with a touch of tacky.

But people are still bidding on it. If nothing else, I think if someone out there started putting together helmets with home made decals and did a quality job, there's potential money to be made. Of course I'm saying he should be up front that these are home made jobs and not Michigan pro stocks.

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