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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Ogie Oglethorpe

eBay idiot, or not?

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no, i doubt that. The retail version has a 9k sign on the back and logos at the veclro belt. Things that pro stock 9k shells dont have, or at least the 5-6 that i have had from different teams didnt.

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Yeah, My guess is LA.

Philly only has logos on the back, and NJ does the side logo thing.

I remember the retail version looking cheap as well. That one looks legit.

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Lots of "Pro Stock" Rangers helmets have been popping up now ever since that eBay seller sold off a bunch of stickers.

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Something isn't right here..


Says used in 07-08 yet the NHL logo is pre-lockout and the 17 is in the wrong spot. Unless they changed number placement on 4500s mid-season?


April 2008


Not even the right sticker. Looks like the Garden Of Dreams sticker on Dubinsky's helmet in the game picture.

Really questioning the ''new in box'' here.


Why would Bauer throw Tuuks and LS3s on a roller boot?

4th picture is telling...look at the Tuuk, by the rivets. Obviously, rivets were pulled off those holders - you can see the chips on the edge, and the gouge in the middle of the red stripes.

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Lou will drop dead before New Jersey wears all white gloves.

There was a matching pair of Heatley gloves with those Parises. I'm thinking they might of been made up for the ASG.

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How can you tell?

Please read carefully! This is a game used Pittsburgh Penguins jersey from the 2009-2010 season. It is a rare Reebok .Edge 2.0 It has been recrested and renumbered to exact team specs for team captain Sidney Crosby.

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Those look like different jerseys?

Winning bidder on the $10 auction has a feedback score of 1505, which is the same number the seller has on the $145 jersey.

Plus it's in his feedback.

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