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Area 51 edition Easton pro stock (same as V9E)

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Has anyone tried this stick out yet? I've been contemplating getting a "real" stick, since I've been using cut one piece sticks with new blades put in them. I'm pretty sure I want a pro stock, since I think ive gotten used to the texturized feel of the upper end sticks, that you really cant find on mid-tier sticks.

Ive handled the V9E in store, and like the feel and weight of it, but cant handle paying close to $300 for a stick that will inevitably break someday (some sooner than others). Is this pretty much the same thing? Does it have the ribbed pattern on the shaft that the V9E and Mako sticks have?


Currently $150, but $120 after a 20% discount

My other options would be:

$200 Sherwood EK15 - Iv.e only heard good things about all sherwoods sticks, and this is the lightest stick you can buy.

$170 Sherwood T100

$140 Sherwood N12

$125 Sherwood T90

$120 Easton Area 51 Pro Stock

$100 Sherwood N10

If I were to go the pro stock route, I actually like the rbz stage two more than any other stick - so I could possibly hold out on finding one in my flex and pattern. Same goes for other pro stocks. Looking for a Hall pattern and 95-100 flex shouldnt be hard. So really my main concern is: is this $120 stick as good as other pro stocks that sell for $125-150?

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Since they're pro stock sticks it's really hard to know the real specs; some might have the ribs, some might not. It's all about what the guy who it was made for wanted.

At $150 the price is in line with other pro stock sticks.

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  On 1/31/2014 at 2:37 PM, JSK81 said:

At $150 the price is in line with other pro stock sticks.

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good to know. I was only curious since hockey monkey has the warrior Covert DT3 pro stock selling for 130, and the retail DT3 is only 20 bucks more - so seems like much less of a value than other pro stock sticks.

Should I pull the trigger on it then? $120 seems like a good deal, and once theyre gone theyre gone.

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I got one of the V9E's from HM, and it does not have the ribbed texture. Performance-wise, it seems pretty close to my retail V9E. I wish I would've bought a 3-pack when the curve I like was still available :sad:

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  On 1/31/2014 at 4:48 PM, brandonthequick said:

I got a EK15 used it in 3 games so far, best stick ive ever used... my other sticks are bauer apx and ccm rbz

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Do you think its worth spending 80 more to get a EK15? If they were the same price it would be an easy decision, but Im thinking since they are pretty close in performance, and one is almost half the price of the other, I should go for the Area 51.

  On 1/31/2014 at 5:07 PM, ntwusc said:

I got one of the V9E's from HM, and it does not have the ribbed texture. Performance-wise, it seems pretty close to my retail V9E. I wish I would've bought a 3-pack when the curve I like was still available :sad:

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How does the shaft feel / what is the shape? I only ask because I usually end up liking the feel of most sticks, but I remember using a Nexus 1000 and absolutely hating it. It was too big and too square.

Shafts Ive used and liked are: Ai9, mako 2, V9E, EQ50, SE16.

Pretty sure im going to order one, just wanna make sure its not that big boxy feeling shaft first.

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I've only used it once, but it seemed pretty similar to the retail V9E shaft minus the ribs. That being said, another player's stick might have a different shaft shape, so caveat emptor.

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  On 1/31/2014 at 6:48 PM, ntwusc said:

I've only used it once, but it seemed pretty similar to the retail V9E shaft minus the ribs. That being said, another player's stick might have a different shaft shape, so caveat emptor.

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well even if there's no warranty, it still comes with a 14 day return window - so if it ends up being terrible I can always send it back..

I think its a really good deal - so I think I'm gonna order. But still kind of torn between:

Easton Area 51

EK15 - less than 400 grams - great review from MSH member. But also $80 more.

RBZ stage 2 - I tried someones and loved it, and loved the grip on it. But Id have to wait until I find a pro stock for ~150, because I cant afford what it costs at retail.

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If you are worried about it snapping, why not go for the easton v7. I just got one and part of my decision is that it is built to be durable and is still a really good stick.

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  On 1/31/2014 at 8:33 PM, Jamie_tnt said:

If you are worried about it snapping, why not go for the easton v7. I just got one and part of my decision is that it is built to be durable and is still a really good stick.

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Not too worried, which is why im going for pro stock. Where does it say the V7 is built to be more durable? Im sure the differences are negligible between the V9E and the V7, but I cant help but think I'd be getting less stick for substantially more money.

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Majority of them are V9E's, at least in the Stealth variant. I bought three of the E31's, didn't like 'em so I sold them and now I've got three E11's.

Having used mostly the blacked out V9E's since prior to the retail release, I have to say I like them better than the retail versions.

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  On 1/31/2014 at 9:11 PM, louierev07 said:
  On 1/31/2014 at 8:33 PM, Jamie_tnt said:

If you are worried about it snapping, why not go for the easton v7. I just got one and part of my decision is that it is built to be durable and is still a really good stick.

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Not too worried, which is why im going for pro stock. Where does it say the V7 is built to be more durable? Im sure the differences are negligible between the V9E and the V7, but I cant help but think I'd be getting less stick for substantially more money.

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Watch the review video on YouTube. Think it's ice warehouse's review.

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  On 1/31/2014 at 2:29 PM, louierev07 said:

Has anyone tried this stick out yet? I've been contemplating getting a "real" stick, since I've been using cut one piece sticks with new blades put in them. I'm pretty sure I want a pro stock, since I think ive gotten used to the texturized feel of the upper end sticks, that you really cant find on mid-tier sticks.

Ive handled the V9E in store, and like the feel and weight of it, but cant handle paying close to $300 for a stick that will inevitably break someday (some sooner than others). Is this pretty much the same thing? Does it have the ribbed pattern on the shaft that the V9E and Mako sticks have?


Currently $150, but $120 after a 20% discount

My other options would be:

$200 Sherwood EK15 - Iv.e only heard good things about all sherwoods sticks, and this is the lightest stick you can buy.

$170 Sherwood T100

$140 Sherwood N12

$125 Sherwood T90

$120 Easton Area 51 Pro Stock

$100 Sherwood N10

If I were to go the pro stock route, I actually like the rbz stage two more than any other stick - so I could possibly hold out on finding one in my flex and pattern. Same goes for other pro stocks. Looking for a Hall pattern and 95-100 flex shouldnt be hard. So really my main concern is: is this $120 stick as good as other pro stocks that sell for $125-150?

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The Area 51 sticks do not have the ribs. They are all a traditional shaft with grip.

Stealth = Similar to V9E specs with the elliptical profile

Synergy = Similar to V9 specs with the standard shaft

Synergy ST = Similar to V9 specs with an ST blade

All of the E patterns are shown on the blade chart. E3 will be the Hall you are looking for.

Among all the sticks out there, the EK15 and these Area 51 sticks are what I usually recommend when looking for the best stick for the dollar. Hope this helps.

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Got the A51 Stealth from HM in the Cammi (E3)/85 pattern. Solid twig.

Can't say how it compares to the V9E since I've never used it and the major retailer LHS around me doesn't have it in stock.

Smooth finish on the blade and a really strong grip coating on the shaft. The last stealth model I owned was an S19 and it felt very much like that.

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Just put the order in. E3 Parros 95 flex w/ grip for $120.

Thanks for the advice everyone. I was debating whether or not to go with the EK15, but it would have been 80 bucks, and I also was scared that I'd get too used to a stick that light and would not be able to go back to something else if money was tight and I broke a stick.

Super excited right now. Just sad that HM takes so long to ship here since it has to go from CA to CT :(

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I think if you can find a pattern and flex you like, go for it. I lucked out and got a few 80 flex Styles (listed as Gryles) that I absolutely love. I hate grip, but the grip on them is the old less tacky grip like the RS, as opposed to the super tacky RS II. Been looking for the Styles curve forever, ever since I regretted not stocking up on TPS P31's Responses years ago!

  On 2/1/2014 at 12:05 AM, mack said:

V9Es in a 110 Styles? I'm sold.

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That's the Roenick curve, which as you know is different from the Styles curve.

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I gambled on it. At worst, it's an RP but at best it's a Styles. The chart can be misleading but the fact they had it as an E97 makes me hopeful it's a Styles.

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  On 2/1/2014 at 4:29 AM, tvaughan4 said:

Anyone know what the difference is between the E13 and E97 curves?

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13 looks like a higher lie

  On 2/1/2014 at 2:18 AM, mack said:

I gambled on it. At worst, it's an RP but at best it's a Styles. The chart can be misleading but the fact they had it as an E97 makes me hopeful it's a Styles.

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The 97 made me think that was styles too, the 29 looked more like the RP

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  On 2/1/2014 at 4:35 AM, mack said:

For some reason I want to say the 13 is a Darby or at least similar.

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  On 2/1/2014 at 4:38 AM, Chadd said:

13 looks like a higher lie

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So do you guys think the E97 is just a lower lie E13? I agree that the E13 is Darby-ish. That E97 looks a bit more straight, almost like it has no curve, just twist, kind of like a Drury curve. But if it's like the Darby/Vanek, that would be sweet.

Mind posting a pic of your E97 when you get it Mack?

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I bought the E12, E13, and E21 Stealth Grip Pro Stock all in soft flexes and right hand. The E13 Whitney is exactly like the old pro T-Flex blades I had years ago. It is a 4 lie and a slight mid heel curve with a little loft. The E12 matches up exactly like my Pro Synthesis Styles blade and the TPS P31 I bought off of Chadd. I did get an E12 ST and it was nothing like the Styles curve and it wasn't 70 flex, so I promptly returned it. I didn't get the E97, but I'd guess it is a RP as the blade looks longer and isn't as open as the E12.

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