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CCM and Bauer Skate Line Fit

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Anyone have the definitive comparison between the two brands' skate lines? With both of them having 3 lines, I'm assuming the fit profiles end up falling somewhat within the range of each other.

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Anyone have the definitive comparison between the two brands' skate lines? With both of them having 3 lines, I'm assuming the fit profiles end up falling somewhat within the range of each other.

That's exactly it. It will be easier to distinguish between the CCM fits now for sure.

I tried them all and would say:

Nexus = Tacks

Vapor = Ribcor

Supreme = Jetspeed

Although I hate using "=" as they aren't exact enough, I would say that this is a good starting point to compare.

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That's exactly it. It will be easier to distinguish between the CCM fits now for sure.

They're not done dialing in their fits either.. But for the time being it is the best comparison we've had in a while.

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I was to understand it was too to be this way in the future......

Nexus = Ribcore

Supreme = Ultra Tacks

Vapor = Jet Speeds

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I tried them all and would say:

Nexus = Tacks

Vapor = Ribcor

Supreme = Jetspeed

This seems to be how CCM also has them described on their website, showing the Ribcor as fitting narrower and lower volume, Tacks fitting wider and higher volume feet.


I was to understand it was too to be this way in the future......

Nexus = Ribcore

Supreme = Ultra Tacks

Vapor = Jet Speeds

One of these is not like the other!

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It used to be different until the Jetspeeds screwed everything up! heh. When I purchased my Tacks about a year ago, it was marketed to be the equivalent to the Supreme, whereas the RBZs were equivalent to the Nexus.

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I don't know about these comparisons.

Nexus = Tacks - Not from my experience. Nexus were huge, lots of room. Tacks, as much as I wanted to buy the Tacks name I couldn't even fit my foot in the skate.
Vapor = Ribcor - I couldn't even fit my foot into the Vapors (just like the new Tacks), Ribcors fit like my old school Tacks.
Supreme = Jetspeed - Don't know. I compared Supremes to RBZ's. Both fit very similar but RBZ's gave me arch pain. Probably just needed different inserts or that issue may have gone away after baking.

If I were to draw straight line comparisons it would looks like this:

Nexus = Ribcor

Supreme = Jetspeed

Vapor = Tacks

The comparisons don't fit exactly but this is the way they lined up "most similar too". Bottom line is a person should try on any skate for fit before they purchase. Between these 6 models there should be one that fits well.

A couple of weeks ago I went through this process again with my kid. He has been wearing Reebok 28K's. He tried on a pair of CCM Ribcore 46Ks (actually they are cross between 46Ks and 48Ks, certain retailers that sell high volume can get customized skates, these were called Platinums and I got them at a LHS in St. Paul) and they fit exactly like his old Reebok Ribcore 28K's, he felt absolutely no difference between the two. The store owner confirmed there is no difference either, that this new Ribcore skate is a carry over from the old Reebok skate that itself was a carryover from the old style Tacks skate from way back when CCM rebranded it into a Reebok skate. So, to make things more confusing, the old style Tacks skate is now the CCM Ribcore skate? I know the fit chart CCM has released and how they have explained the different fits, bottom line is when you put the skate on your foot what does it feel like. Well, this is my personal experience as to how these different skates line up.

Another observation regarding skate volume. I coach a player that had been wearing RBZ skates, they fit great on him. This summer he goes and buys some CCM Ribcores (because they are the shiny new thing, that's how kids are), shows up at practice and I can instantly tell something is wrong with his skating. I go take a look and his feet are popping out of the top of the skate. Switched him back to his RBZs. The RBZs are definitely a higher volume skate than the Ribcores, so if you are looking for a high volume skate you may want to steer clear of the Ribcores. I can't believe whoever fitted him allowed him to walk out of the store with those skates. Well, I know where he bought them and I'm sure many of you LHS guys already know this, make sure you do your best to fit the customer right or the word will get out about your service and reputations can be earned. I realize often times it means telling a player that a certain skate they had their heart set on just won't work for them and selling them on something else. Personally, I'd go as far as refusing to sell them the skate and explaining that doing so can damage my store's reputation. Now this family is stuck with a $300+ pair of skates that I know I will have to argue with them about this winter because they've sunk the money into them so they will be worn.

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Nexus = Tacks - Not from my experience. Nexus were huge, lots of room. Tacks, as much as I wanted to buy the Tacks name I couldn't even fit my foot in the skate.

Vapor = Ribcor - I couldn't even fit my foot into the Vapors (just like the new Tacks), Ribcors fit like my old school Tacks.

Supreme = Jetspeed - Don't know. I compared Supremes to RBZ's. Both fit very similar but RBZ's gave me arch pain. Probably just needed different inserts or that issue may have gone away after baking.

If I were to draw straight line comparisons it would looks like this:

Nexus = Ribcor

Supreme = Jetspeed

Vapor = Tacks

The comparisons don't fit exactly but this is the way they lined up "most similar too". Bottom line is a person should try on any skate for fit before they purchase. Between these 6 models there should be one that fits well.

Another observation regarding skate volume. I coach a player that had been wearing RBZ skates, they fit great on him. This summer he goes and buys some CCM Ribcores (because they are the shiny new thing, that's how kids are), shows up at practice and I can instantly tell something is wrong with his skating. I go take a look and his feet are popping out of the top of the skate. Switched him back to his RBZs. The RBZs are definitely a higher volume skate than the Ribcores, so if you are looking for a high volume skate you may want to steer clear of the Ribcores. I can't believe whoever fitted him allowed him to walk out of the store with those skates. Well, I know where he bought them and I'm sure many of you LHS guys already know this, make sure you do your best to fit the customer right or the word will get out about your service and reputations can be earned. I realize often times it means telling a player that a certain skate they had their heart set on just won't work for them and selling them on something else. Personally, I'd go as far as refusing to sell them the skate and explaining that doing so can damage my store's reputation. Now this family is stuck with a $300+ pair of skates that I know I will have to argue with them about this winter because they've sunk the money into them so they will be worn.

I'm confused. Nexus is Bauer's deep volume/high arch skate.

If Ribcor are low volume, then Nexus =/= Ribcor

...or do they have similar ankle/forefoot fit, but different volumes?

I'm not trying to be contrarian; local sports store and only large hockey retailer in town is carrying CCM. As a coach and manager, I want to make sure I can help steer parents to good fit for their kids...so it's not an issue during the season--exactly what you said in your final sentence.

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Interesting SCBlueliner, maybe more so to me as my daughter will be needing new skates soon and her current 28K's have been her favorite skate to date. I had just assumed I'd order some Jetspeed 280's.

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Always have your player try on the skates before buying. My account is anecdotal, I understand. I'm just saying, my kid (he's 13 yrs old so he is now able to give me feedback on hockey equipment and understands the feel and performance end of things now) tried on the Ribcores and said there was absolutely no difference in fit between them and the 28Ks. It's not as if he just forgot the feel as well since we were at a tournament and he had just worn his old skates the night before.

"If Ribcor are low volume, then Nexus =/= Ribcor

...or do they have similar ankle/forefoot fit, but different volumes?"

I think this is correct. That is why I relayed my story about one of my players and the skate volume issue. Ribcores are definitely lower volume than, say, RBZ's.

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Always have your player try on the skates before buying.

Yea, wouldn't that be great!

When moving from one line to another, I usually have to order both, try them on and ship back one. It's not like everyone can just walk into a local shop, even with a couple hour drive, and try on the skates they want to compare.

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I agree that the Tacks do not fit like a Nexus. They may be the skate in the CCM lineup with the most volume, but I can put my foot into a D width Nexus and have it be comfortable in the forefoot (too loose in the heel though) and a Tacks in a D width felt vice like when it came to the forefoot (tighter heel than the Nexus though). Volume wise the Tacks would be the closest skate in the CCM lineup to the Nexus, but the fit is still different - if you need the width that a Nexus skate provides you'd almost certainly have to move to a EE Tacks.

The D width Ribcores definitely aren't as wide as a D width Nexus either and the Ribcore is a shallow skate. Since Vapor is the shallowest skate in the Bauer lineup that's why the Vapor and Ribcore are compared, but the fit won't be exactly the same.

The discontinued RBZ line fit closer to the Nexus than any of the current models.

I have not tried on a Jetspeed skate so I'm not sure how they fit.

As others have stated, you really have to go try the skates on to see how they fit your feet.

The CCM 28K and Reebok 28K should fit exactly the same. CCM just drooped the RBK branding, but kept the skate line. So if your daughter fits well in the Reebok versions then getting the CCM versions is a safe bet. With that said, I'd look for the Reebok versions in the size you need so that you can get them for a better price - they're being cleared out.

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For sure. I know one player who bought a bunch of pairs of closed out Reeboks in incremental sizes for ridiculous low prices. He's set for skates for the next 3 years or so just needs to go get them baked as needed.

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